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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: DEV PKG
Permit Number - DP11-0022
Review Name: DEV PKG
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/05/2012 | TIM ROWE | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Denied | PIMA COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DEPARTMENT 201 NORTH STONE AVENUE TUCSON, ARIZONA 85701-1207 JACKSON JENKINS PH: (520) 740-6500 DIRECTOR FAX: (520) 620-0135 January 4, 2012 To: Kevin Hall, PE CYPRESS CIVIL DEVELOPMENT, INC Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager City of Tucson Development Services Department ____________________________________________ From: Tom Porter, Sr. CEA (520-740-6719), Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department Subject: SORRENTO SQUARE GOODWILL Dev. Plan – 1st submittal DP11-0022 The Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the proposed sewer collection lines for the above-referenced project. The following comments are offered for your use: 1. Sheet 1: Obtain a letter from the PCRWRD’s Development Liaison Unit, written within the past year, stating that treatment and conveyance system capacity for the project is available in the downstream public sewerage system and provide a copy of that letter to this office. The required form to request such a letter may be found at: http://www.pima.gov/wwm/developer.htm#permits The development plan for this project cannot be approved until a copy of this letter has been received by this office. Ref. A. 2. Sheet 1: Include the following General and Permitting Notes (Ref. A): THIS PROJECT WILL HAVE ______ EXISTING AND______ PROPOSED WASTEWATER FIXTURE UNIT EQUIVALENTS PER TABLE 13.20.045(E)(1) IN PIMA COUNTY CODE 13.20.045(E). And fill in the blanks with the appropriate values. A PROJECT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FROM PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT BEFORE BEGINNING ANY WORK ON THIS PROJECT. THE ON-SITE SANITARY SEWERS WILL BE PRIVATE AND WILL BE CONSTRUCTED, OPERATED AND MAINTAINED ON A PRIVATE BASIS, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN APPROVED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN, IF REQUIRED. THE LOCATION AND METHOD OF CONNECTION TO AN EXISTING PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. 3. Sheet 2: Call out the IMS# with rim and invert elevations for the existing public manholes shown on plan. Ref. A 4. Sheet 2: Call out the public sewer easement with width and recordation information. Ref. A 5. Sheet 2: Show on plan the existing 16’ all weather access over the existing public sewer line G-2010-073 per Std Dtl WWM -111. Ref. H This office will require a revised set of bluelines, and a response letter, addressing these comments. Additional comments may be made during the review of these documents. Pima County Code Title 13.20.030.A.2 requires that a wastewater review fee be paid for each submittal of the development plan. The fee for the first submittal is $166 plus $50 per sheet. For the second submittal, the review fee is $50 per sheet. For all subsequent submittals, the review fee is $39 per sheet. The next submittal of this project will be the second(2nd) submittal. A check for the review fee of this submittal in the amount of $100.00 (made out to PIMA COUNTY TREASURER) must accompany the revised set of bluelines and response letter. If the number of sheets changes, please adjust the review fee accordingly. cc: Chad Amateau, PE Checked by:_________ Kristin Greene, PE, DLU Manager DLU Project folder Ref. A. Development Plan Checklist Requirements – Chapter 18.71 of the Pima County Code - Section J http://www.pimaxpress.com/SubDivision/Documents/2006/DP_Requirements2Aug04.pdf Ref. C - Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapters 5 & 9 (R18-5-205) http://www.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_18/18-05.htm and (R-18-9-E301) http://www.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_18/18-09.htm Ref. D - PCRWRD Procedures, Preliminary Sewer Layout Requirements, 1984 (revised April 1988) http://www.pima.gov/wwm/eng/stddet/pdf/procedures.pdf Ref. E - PCRWRD Design Standards for Public Sewerage Facilities, 1983 (revised April 1988) http://www.pima.gov/wwm/eng/stddet/pdf/design_standards.pdf Ref. F - City of Tucson/Pima County Standard Details http://www.pima.gov/wwm/eng/stddet/pdf/all_det.pdf Ref. G - Pima County Code of Ordinances, Title 13 - Public Services, Division II - Sewers http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientID=16119&stateID=3&statename=Arizona Ref. H - City of Tucson/Pima County Standard Specifications for Public Improvements, 2003 Edition http://dot.pima.gov/transeng/stdspecsdet/standardspecs2003.pdf Ref. I - PCRWRD Engineering Directives http://www.pima.gov/wwm/eng/directives/ |
01/10/2012 | JOSE ORTIZ | COT NON-DSD | TRAFFIC | Denied | 1. Coordinate with Kimley Horn to illustrate future roadway improvements required by Walmart on Houghton. (they are required to install a median island) 2. Schematically illustrate right turn lane, through lane, bike lane and median island. 3. For the developer's information a Private Improvement Agreement will be required for these improvements. Contact TDOT's Permits and Codes when prepared for construction. 4. In-Lieu fees will be required prior to C of O of the development. Additional coordination with TDOT staff is required to establish the final amount of in-lieu fees. Review conducted by Zelin Canchola |
01/10/2012 | JWILLIA4 | COT NON-DSD | TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT | Approved | >>> Rebecca Noel 01/10/2012 8:58 AM >>> I have no issues with this plan of development. CSO Becky Noel #37968 Tucson Police Dept 837-7428 |
01/11/2012 | JWILLIA4 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Approved | Date Case Number Project Address January 11, 2012 DP11-0022 NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING DEVELOPMENT PLAN Comments: The proposed Plan for NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING Development, Case No.DP11-0022. Meets the minimum requirements for the Environmental Services, Solid Waste Disposal and Recycle Materials Standard 6-01, and is Approved. Environmental Services Department Development Plan Review Reviewer: Tony Teran Office Phone (520) 837-3706 E-mail: Tony.Teran @tucsonaz.gov |
01/11/2012 | JENNIFER STEPHENS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Denied | 201 N. STONE AV., 2ND FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 AUDREY FARENGA ADDRESSING REVIEW PH #: 740-6800 FAX #: 623-5411 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: AUDREY FARENGA, ADDRESSING REVIEW SUBJECT: D11-0022 SORRENTO SQUARE GOODWILL/DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATE: January 11, 2012 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and the following matters must be resolved prior to our approval: 1. On the Location Map change 22-91 to 28-91. 2. Include the sequence number and legal description on all title blocks when S11-050 Sorrento Square Retail Center is recorded. 3. Correct the scale on sheet 1. 4. Fill in the parcel number on the top of sheet one when available. |
01/12/2012 | RONALD BROWN | ZONING HC | REVIEW | Approved | |
01/17/2012 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: January 17, 2012 SUBJECT: Sorrento Square Goodwill (Phase II) Development Plan Package- Engineering Review TO: CYPRESS Civil Development; Attn: Kevin Hall LOCATION: 10240 E Golf Links Rd, T14S R15E 26 Ward 4 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM ACTIVITY: DP11-0022 SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package Drainage, Statement (Cypress Civil Development, 11NOV11) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Cypress Civil Development, 14DEC11). Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Plan Package at this time. This review falls under Development Standard 2-01. All comments reflect Site Plan, Grading Plan and SWPPP review. The following items need to be addressed: DRAINAGE STATEMENT: 1) Revise the Drainage Statement and development plan documents to verify conformance with the Rezoning Conditions #20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. All Rezoning Conditions must be satisfied and clearly labeled and dimensioned in plan view and within any associated details. Specifically the 4:1 basin side slopes, the sediment trap, multi use requirements, etc. SITE PLAN: It is recommended that Development Standard 2-01 "Development Package" be reviewed prior to resubmittal. DS Sec.2-02 and 2-05 no longer exists and all reviews fall under DS Sec.2-01 for Development Package. The standard has changes that must be incorporated into the plan sheets for review and approval. 2) DS Sec.2-01.2.5: Revise the development plan document to include the correct CDRC approval stamp in the lower right quadrant of each sheet. The link to the stamp can be found here: http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/cdrc-rezoning/cdrd-stamp 3) DS Sec.2-01.3.2: Revise the title block to include the page number and number of pages within the development plan package. Since the project falls under DS Sec.2-01 the package should include the site plan, grading plan, landscape plan, and SWPPP Exhibit(s). 4) DS Sec.2-01.3.2.A: Revise the name in the Title Block to include a reference to the phasing of the development. Per the Master Development Plan and previously approved QuikTrip this project is Phase II, provide the appropriate phasing and phase calculations. 5) DS Sec.2-01.3.3: The relevant Development Plan Package number (DP11-0022) may be added to the lower right hand corner of the plan on all sheets. 6) DS Sec.2-01.3.5: Revise the plan set to include a sheet index on the first sheet listing the names of each sheet included in the development plan package; this is to also include the SWPPP Exhibit(s). 7) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.A.3: Provide the Rezoning conditions (C9-06-03 and C9-09-03) as a note on the development plan document. 8) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.A.6.a: Verify, either on the plan, or in written documentation, compliance with Rezoning condition 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 30. The letter addressing the Rezoning conditions compliance was not found in the submittal. Provide written documentation from TDOT verifying compliance. 9) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.B.2.a: Provide a Drainage Note to include the following per the referenced Section; "This project is affected by the City of Tucson Floodplain Regulations." A Floodplain Use Permit will be required at resubmittal for all proposed work within the erosion hazard setback as shown in the Drainage Statement. 10) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.F: Revise the development plan document to provide both notes as referenced in DS Sec.2-01.3.7.F.1 and.2. Per the Rezoning Condition #16 a path is required along the wash for the southeast property. 11) DS Sec.2-01.3.8: Existing Site Conditions. The following information shall be provided on the plan documents to indicate the existing conditions on site and within fifty (50) feet of the site, specifically label the existing 3-36" RCPs to the north of the property and provide the Improvement Plan reference number. 12) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.A: Clarify all site boundary perimeter information, bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds with distances as noted. Specifically the distance measurement as shown for the east property boundary. All measurements must match the Final Plat submittal to verify conformance between plan sets. 13) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.C: Revise the plan set to include all information regarding the existing public right-of-way for both roads. Label the width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks. 14) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.F: Revise the plan set to label all existing storm drainage facilities on and adjacent to the site, specifically the box culverts located to the north. 15) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.G: Since the project is to be phased, provide calculations, setbacks, etc., to indicate that each phase complies with all requirements as a separate entity. Show phase lines on the drawing. 16) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.C: Revise the development plan document to label all Common Areas with descriptions per the Final Plat, example the southern Common Area "B" (Landscaping). 17) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.1: Verify that the development plan documents meet the minimum Rezoning Conditions #2, 4, 8, 10, 11, and 12. All improvements required along the right-of-way of Houghton Road must clearly be shown in plan view and with a street cross section to ensure conformance. 18) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.1: Revise the development plan documents and/or Keynote #17 to label the required 25-foot radii for the concrete headers for the proposed driveway location per City of Tucson Transportation Access Management Guidelines (TAMG), Section 5.5. Refer to DS Sec.3-01.3.2.C for street development standards. Verify with TDOT if headers are acceptable or if vertical curbing is required for the driveway entrance due to the required Houghton Road improvements. 19) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.4: Revise the development plan documents to clearly label Houghton Road as both "Arterial and Scenic." 20) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan documents to provide the minimum dimensions for both proposed back-up spurs per LUC 3.3.6.D. 21) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan document and Detail CD/3 to reflect a 6-inch reveal not the 0"-6" as stated. 22) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Verify the minimum 24-foot clear PAAL dimension for the area to the south of the building, adjacent to the valley gutter and what appears to be a drop off location. Clarify if the area adjacent to the sidewalk is a canopy (PAAL width then must be 25-feet) and provide the dimension for the PAAL drop off also. 23) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.I: Revise the development plan documents to label the dimensioned right-of-way as either "existing and/or future." 24) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.J: Revise the plan documents to clarify Keynote label #3 as shown within the existing right-of-way. The Keynote is for future improvements as is depicted in the wrong area, clarify. 25) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.L: Revise the plan documents to provide the recordation information for all new and proposed easements in plan view where indicated. 26) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Clearly indicate on the plan documents the limits of phasing for this project; specifically label all areas that are to be under Phase II. Revise the plan set to clearly show that each phase of the proposed project phasing complies with all requirements as a separate entity. 27) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Revise the development plan document to either provide a note or label in plan view the required temporary fencing that must be constructed adjacent to the 100-year floodplain limits to prevent encroachment during construction operations. All areas of platted Natural Undisturbed Areas must provide temporary fencing during the construction phase to prevent parking, storage or other disturbance within these areas. 28) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Provide a Geotechnical Addendum to address the slope stability requirements for all slopes that are steeper than 2.5:1 as shown on the proposed plan sets. All slopes that are 1:1 require a stability analysis per the Master Geotechnical Report. Verify minimum rock size per the Geotechnical Report. 29) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Provide a Geotechnical Addendum with new infiltration tests that are specific to the proposed basin location. It appears from the exhibit within the Master Geotechnical Report that the infiltration tests performed were located along the west side of the overall development, clarify. 30) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Revise the development plan document and/or detail to provide specific construction details for the riprap transition from 2.5:1 to 3:1 along the stabilized slope. Provide a toe down and possible key in to verify that the slope protection is protected from erosion at the transition area for construction purpose. 31) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.M: Revise the development plan document and Keynote #26 to clarify the need for filter fabric under the grouted rock riprap. Provide a detail and Keynote that shows conformance with all geotechnical recommendations per the required slope stability analysis. Verify that the rock riprap meets the minimum D50=12" requirement. 32) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.1: Revise the development plan documents to verify conformance with the Rezoning Conditions #20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. All Rezoning Conditions must be satisfied and clearly labeled and dimensioned in plan view and within any associated details. 33) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.2: Revise the development plan documents to clearly label the proposed grate located within the loading dock area. Verify the grate detail and outlet area for the proposed recessed loading dock. 34) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.3: Revise the development plan document to provide a dimension or detail to label the bottom elevation of the proposed 4" orifice plate from the bottom of the plate to the bottom of the basin to verify ponding depths at the basin outlet. 35) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.6: Revise the development plan document to label the 100-year peak discharge value in plan view or within the detail shown on Sheet 3 of the grading plan sheet for the regulatory wash located adjacent to the property per DS Sec.10- 36) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for all handicap accessibility comments that may be associated with this project. 37) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.T: Revise the development plan documents to label and dimension the required 5-foot wide sidewalk along the street frontage of Houghton Road. Verify conformance with all Rezoning Conditions related to the public right-of-way. 38) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.T: Revise the development plan document and the Refuse Enclosure Details to meet the minimum dimension requirements of DS Sec.6-01 Figures 2 and 3a. Verify that each container has a clear 10'x10' area plus a 1-foot dimension from the enclosure wall to the required bollards. 39) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.X: Revise the development plan documents to clearly label the required 6-foot high masonry wall all the south perimeter per the property per Rezoning Condition #30. The current proposal shows a new site wall along the south perimeter however it does not appear to be continues clarify. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN: The SWPPP does not meet the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). Revise the SWPPP according to these comments: 40) Part III.C.3.b: Show areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed on the SWPPP Exhibit. 41) Part IV.B.1.a: Describe where natural/existing vegetation will be preserved. Locations of trees and boundaries of environmentally sensitive area and buffer zones to be preserved are also to be on the SWPPP site map. Clearly label temporary construction fencing so that there is not encroachment into the Natural Undisturbed Areas per the Final Plat and Development Plan Package. GENERAL COMMENTS: Please provide a revised Development Plan Package and SWPPP that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. Further comments may be generated upon re-submittal of the Development Plan Package. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division Planning & Development Services Department |
01/18/2012 | LIZA CASTILLO | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Approved | SUBJECT: Sorrento Square Goodwill D11-0022 Tucson Electric Power Company has reviewed and approved the development plan submitted January 3, 2012. Henrietta Noriega-Office Specialist T.E.P. Design/Build Ph: (520) 917-8709 Fax: (520) 917-8793 Mailstop: DB-103 HNoriega@tep.com "Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." |
01/18/2012 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | Plans received by this section did not include the revised landscape plan, only the DP, grading plans and the previously approved landscape plans. 1) Submit a revised landscape plan and A) Submit a revised NPP plan (if necessary). 2) Revise the grading plans to clearly identify grading limits. 3) Submit the revised Development plan. |
01/18/2012 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Terry Stevens Lead Planner PROJECT: DP11-0022 New Commercial Building - Sorrento Square Goodwill Development Package TRANSMITTAL: 01/18/2012 DUE DATE: 01/19/2012 COMMENTS: 1. Section, LUC, permits a maximum of one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a development plan. If, at the end of that time, the development plan has not been approved, it must be revised to be in compliance with all regulations in effect at that time, and must be resubmitted for a full CDRC review. The one-year expiration date for this development plan is 12/19/2012. 2. DS 2-01.2.5 A three (3) inch by five (5) inch space shall be reserved in the lower right corner of each sheet for a county (addressing) approval stamp. 3. DS 2-01.3.2.E The page numbers, such as 1 of 3, should include all pages of the development package, such as 1 of 25. 4. DS 2-01.3.3 Add relevant case numbers to the lower right corner of each sheet. Final Plat # S11-050 and the Special Exception case number once approved. At the time of this review neither the Final Plat nor the Special Exception have been approved. This Development Package cannot be approved until both have been approved. 5. DS 2-01.3.7.A.3 Provide the rezoning conditions, verbatim, on the development package. Provide a separate letter clearly indicating how all conditions of rezoning have been met. 6. DS 2-01.3.7.A.4 In general note number 3, remove the existing residential use notes and the general merchandise use and provide only the use proposed for this development. The proposed use should be as follows: "Salvaging and Recycling, limited to household goods donation center, "28", subject to: Sec., .F, .G, .H, .I, .J, .K, and .L; Sec.; Sec.; Sec.; Sec. 7. DS 2-01.3.7.A.6.a Remove from general note #3 the portion regarding "secondary land use" and "conditional use permit". Provide a separate note indicating the case number, date of approval and conditions of approval of the special exception. 8. DS 2-01.3.7.A.6.b List the overlay zones that are applicable to this property and the development. Sec.2.8.3, Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Setback Zone, Sec.2.8.4 Gateway Corridor Zone 9. DS 2-01.3.7.A.9.d This project is part of a larger site and therefore calculations must be provided which encompass the entire site. Parking calculations, FAR calculations, square footage of all proposed buildings, bicycle parking calculations, loading zone calculations, etc. As well as calculations for this site as a stand alone. Note this project has been provided with parking calculations per the new LUC requirements (1:300). The tentative plat approved for the rest of the project was parked at 1:200. If the parking for the entire project is to be changed to 1:300, changes to the bicycle parking will be required for any future development. 10. DS 2-01.3.8.A The site boundary information (distance and bearings) provided does not match with the last submitted final plat. Clarify. 11. DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Verify the minimum 24-foot clear PAAL dimension for the area to the south of the building, adjacent to the valley gutter and what appears to be a drop off location. Clarify if the area adjacent to the sidewalk is a canopy (PAAL width then must be 25-feet) and provide the dimension for the PAAL drop off also. If the above mentioned canopy is being constructed clearly indicate the minimum overhead clearance of 15'. 12. DS 2-01.3.9.F Provide the project's correct zoning (proposed not existing) on the site plan as well as the surrounding adjacent zoning classification as per the proposed zoning not the existing zoning. 13. DS 2-01.3.9.H.5.a Provide details of a standard vehicle parking space as well as the handicap parking space. 14. DS 2-01.3.9.H.5.d Provide dimensioned details of the long term and short term bicycle parking spaces. Clearly indicate the location, type and size of locker, method of securing, access aisle, etc. for long term spaces.. See LUC Sec. and 15. DS 2-01.3.9.R Clearly dimension all sidewalks around the proposed building. Clearly indicate the minimum width of the pedestrian circulation path at the head of the handicap ramps (min. 4'). 16. DS 2-01.3.9.V Please indicate the location and type of postal service to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements. If mail is to be delivered to an area within a building please state so on the plan. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961 TLS C:\planning\cdrc\developmentplan\D11-0022dp.doc Grading notes for permits plus. With DEVELOPMENT PLAN 01/18/2012 Development Services Department Zoning Review Section Terry Stevens Lead Planner Comments: 1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. Zoning could not verify that the grading plan was in compliance with the approved development plan. Please submit two copies of the approved and stamped development, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next grading plan submittal. 3. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved site/development plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming. |
01/20/2012 | ED ABRIGO | PIMA COUNTY | ASSESSOR | Passed | |
01/20/2012 | TOM MARTINEZ | OTHER AGENCIES | AZ DEPT TRANSPORTATION | Approved | Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments on this submittal and recommends approval of the development. The development will have no effect on any ADOT facilities. Thank you. |
01/20/2012 | ROBERT YOUNG | PIMA COUNTY | PIMA CTY - DEV REVIEW | Passed | |
01/20/2012 | PGEHLEN1 | COT NON-DSD | REAL ESTATE | Passed | |
01/20/2012 | PGEHLEN1 | OTHER AGENCIES | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Passed | |
01/20/2012 | JANE DUARTE | COT NON-DSD | PARKS & RECREATION | Completed | |
01/25/2012 | JOHN WILLIAMS | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Denied | COMMUNITY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES January 25, 2012 Kevin Hall 1202 N. Country Club Rd. # 9 Cypress Civil Development Tucson, Arizona 85716 Subject: DP11-0022 SORRENTO SQUARE GOODWILL Development Package Dear Kevin: Your submittal of 12/16/2011 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and 7 sets of the DETAILED cover letter explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed: ALL BLACKLINES MUST BE FOLDED 7 Copies Revised Development Package (Wastewater, Traffic, Addressing, Engineering, Zoning, Landscape, PDSD) 2 Copies Revised SWPPP (Engineering, PDSD) 2 Copies Geotechnical Addendum (Engineering, PDSD) 2 Copies Revised Drainage Statement (Engineering, PDSD) 2 Copies Revised NPP Plan; if necessary (Landscape, PDSD) 2 Copies Rezoning Compliance Letter (Zoning, PDSD) 1 Check Made out to “Pima County Treasurer” for $100.00 (Wastewater) Should you have any questions, please call me at 837-4893. Sincerely, John Williams Planning Technician All comments for this case are available on our website at http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/ Via email: kmhall@cypresscivil.com |
12/20/2011 | CPIERCE1 | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
12/20/2011 | MARTIN BROWN | COT NON-DSD | FIRE | Approved | |
12/20/2011 | RONALD BROWN | ADA | REVIEW | Passed |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
01/25/2012 | BETH GRANT | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |