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Permit Number: DP11-0002
Parcel: 13705495A


Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - DP11-0002
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
1. Please provide an accessible route to the Drexel right of way. Coordinate with Zoning any addition pedestrian way requirements to other public rights of way. If so required, then please insure full accessibility.
2. Please confirm with zoning a requirement for a pedestrian connection from the East side of the building to the West side of the building. If so required, please insure full accessibilitty.
3. Please insure that all slope requirements of all new accessible routes comply with ICC/ANSI 117.1, Section 403.3.
4. Ditto Comment 2.
5. At detail 4:
a. Detectable warning strips are not required for accessible routes. These areas are not hazardous ways.
b. The West ramp is too far to the East. It is located in the middle of the accessible parking aisle. Move to the West as shown on detail 1/SP1.0.
11/16/2011 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
11/29/2011 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: December 5, 2011
SUBJECT: C3Connect Development Plan Package- Engineering Review
TO: Metro TED Attn: Lisa Bowers
LOCATION: 1150 W Drexel Road, T15S R13E 02 Ward 1

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package, Drainage Statement (Cypress Civil Development, 21OCT11) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Cypress Civil Development, 04NOV11). Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Plan Package at this time. This review falls under Development Standard 2-01. All comments reflect Site Plan, Grading Plan and SWPPP review. The following items need to be addressed:


1) DS Sec.10- Revise the discussion of the Drainage Statement to correctly state that the project watershed has been designated as a non-designated Basin per the Basin Management Plan and describe how this designation affects the site design (i.e. non-designated basin, commercial, greater than 1 acre therefore 5 year retention is required). 5-year retention can not be waived (per DS Sec.10-02.2) unless a geotechnical report is submitted showing Stormwater retention is not feasible due to constraints imposed by surface conditions; however the retention volumes can be stored in the proposed water harvesting areas if correctly designed with openings to allow stormwater runoff from the parking area to drain into the landscape islands. Provide retention volume calculations and verify that the proposed landscape areas account for the retention volumes required.

2) DS Sec.10- Revise the Drainage Statement to delineate the limits of the 100-year floodplain of the regulatory wash on both the pre and post development exhibits. Provide the WSEL cross section on the exhibits and verify that the development plan documents clearly labels these in plan view to match. It is recommended that a HEC-RAS run be provided however if the civil engineer can justify using multiple manning sections to establish the 100-year floodplain limits a statement must be provided within the report Per the DS Sec.2-01.3.8: "Existing Site Conditions. The following information shall be provided on the plan/plat drawing to indicate the existing conditions on site and within fifty (50) feet of the site the existing conditions across the street will be provided."

3) DS Sec.10- Revise the Drainage Report to delineate the limits of the erosion hazard setback from the regulatory wash on both the pre and post development exhibits.

SITE PLAN: It is recommended that Development Standard 2-01 "Development Package" be reviewed prior to resubmittal. DS Sec.2-02 no longer exists and all reviews fall under DS Sec.2-01 for Development Package. The standard has changes that must be incorporated into the plan sheets for review and approval.

4) DS Sec.2-01.2.4: Revise the plan sheets to include the title block in the lower right quadrant of each sheet.

5) DS Sec.2-01.3.2: The corrected title block shall include a brief legal description and the page number and number of pages within the set.

6) DS Sec.2-01.3.3: The relevant Development Plan Package number (DP11-0002) may be added to the lower right hand corner of the plan on all sheets.

7) DS Sec.2-01.3.4: Revise the project location map to label the regional watercourse (Santa Cruz River) within the square mile area shown.

8) DS Sec.2-01.3.5: Revise the plan set to include a sheet index on the first sheet listing the names of each sheet included in the development plan package; this is to also include the SWPPP Exhibit.

9) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.A: Provide all site boundary perimeter information, including bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds with basis of bearing noted. The proposed development plan sheets do not include the entire limits of the subject property. The sheets need to clearly show the entire property and the limits of the regulatory wash. The enlarged area as shown on the set maybe used for more detail and construction purposes; however the site plan must include the layout of the entire site.

10) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.C: Revise the plan set to include all information regarding the existing public right-of-way for both roads. Label the width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks.

11) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.F: Revise the plan set to label all existing storm drainage facilities on and adjacent to the site.

12) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.I: Revise the development plan document to include floodplain information, including the location of the 100-year flood limits for all flows of one hundred (100) cfs or more with 100-year flood water surface elevations.

a) Where existing channels, drainageways, etc., exist within the development document boundaries of the drawing, water surface contours for the 100-year flood with water surface elevations indicated must be shown and clearly labeled.

b) The linear distance between water surface contour intervals should not exceed two hundred (200) feet unless prior agreement has been made with the City Floodplain Engineer or designee.

c) A symbol identical to that used to represent the water surface contour intervals on the development package documents should be included in the legend.

13) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.2: Revise the development plan document to dimension the existing sight visibility triangles for the PAAL entrance with the local road (Drexel) per the Table listed in DS Sec.3-01.5.3.

14) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Revise the Development Plan Package to show the required vehicle separation from the proposed vehicular use area and the proposed landscape area and the pedestrian sidewalks. Provide curbing, wheel stops, railing or post barricades to prevent encroachment of vehicles in to the landscape areas and pedestrian circulation paths. Wheel stops at all parking spaces abutting sidewalks and landscape areas are to provide for the 2.5 foot overhang per DS Sec.3-05.2.3.C.1. Revise Detail D/3 to reflect a 6-inch reveal not the 0"-6" as stated.

15) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5.a: Revise the plan set to clearly show the proposed post barricades at the proposed rock riprap outlet in plan view and on Detail H/3.

16) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.J: Revise the plan set to label all dimensions for the MS&R Route, Calle Santa Cruz. Since the project site is adjacent to a Major Street or Route, draw the Major Street right-of-way lines. (Add the MS&R future sidewalk, right-of -way lines, sight visibility triangles, etc.)

17) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.2: Revise the plan set to verify the outlet concentration point for the 21 cfs located in the existing parking area. Provide a curb cut (Keynote #9) or depressed curb to allow stormwater to drain out of the parking lot.

18) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.2: Clarify on the plan set the number of curb opening (Keynote #9) that is labeled adjacent to the proposed depressed curb location. Clarify the Keynote label in plan view.

19) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.2: Revise the development plan document so that all proposed water harvesting areas provide a curb cut to allow stormwater runoff to enter the landscape areas to provide for the required 5-year retention volumes per the required revised drainage statement.

20) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.3: Revise the development plan document to include erosion protect at the outlet of the proposed 8-inch PVC roof drain. Either provide a riprap pad at the end of the pipe along the slope or angle the pipe to outlet at the proposed rock riprap pad for the stormwater outlet.

21) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N.6: Revise the development plan document to delineate the 100-year flood limits with water surface elevations for the regulatory wash within the northeast corner of the property. Per DS Sec.10- provide the 100-year peak discharge value in plan view.

22) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.O: Revise the development plan document to delineate the erosion hazard setback from the regulatory wash per DS Sec.10-02.7.6.

23) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for all handicap accessibility comments that may be associated with this project.

24) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Verify on the site plan the minimum 4-foot clear sidewalk width for all sidewalks adjacent to the existing building. Per DS Sec.2-08.5.1.A all sidewalks must provide a minimum 4-foot clear width. Label this width in plan view and on all associated details.

25) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Revise the development plan document to provide a pedestrian circulation path from the existing building to Drexel Rd. Per D.S. 2-08.4.1.A at least one sidewalk will be provided to a project from each street on which the project has frontage with access.

26) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.T: Revise the development plan documents to label and dimension the required 5-foot wide sidewalk along the street frontage of Calle Santa Cruz. Per LUC Section the expansion of the vehicular use area requires a new sidewalk along the street frontage. The sidewalk must connect from Drexel to the existing development to the north.

SWPPP: The proposed SWPPP meets the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). However the SWPPP Exhibit should be part of the Development Plan package. All site, grading, landscaping and SWPPP exhibits are required to be in the submittal. Revise the sheet count and the sheet index to reflect the SWPPP Exhibit.


Please provide a revised Development Plan Package and Drainage Statement that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments.

Further comments may be generated upon re-submittal of the Development Plan Package. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

FROM: David Rivera
Principal Planner

PROJECT: DP11-0002
1150 W Drexel Road
C3 Connect at Calle Santa Cruz

TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 30, 2011

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Address the following comments by revision g the plans as required and resubmit for review. The Zoning comments are minor and zoning is willing to review the changes over the counter with an appointment. If any of the remaining plans reviewers require a re-submittal zoning will review the plans once they are submitted.


a. All new sidewalks must be dimensioned on the site plan sheet SP1.0. The minimum width requirement for the sidewalk is four (4) feet.

b. Dimension the width of the sidewalk area along the east side of the building, where the accessible parking and the generator and tanks are located.

c. The new sidewalks along the east and north side of the building are depicted with landscape tree planters. Per the grading plan the width of the sidewalk between the planter and the wall of the building is labeled as three and one-half (3.5) feet wide. All sidewalks must be no less than four (4) feet wide or a Development Standard Modification Request (DSMR) is approved for the three and one-half (3.50 foot width between all the planters and building wall locations only. The width of the sidewalk area in these locations should be labeled on the Sheet SP1.0 and labeled as typ.

d. Revise the bicycle parking calculations per the new bicycle parking ordinance. The calculation listed does not reflect the correct ratio of short and long term spaces required.

e. Label the distance from the short term bicycle facility to the public entrance. The max distance allowed per LUC section is fifty (50) feet from a public entrance.

f. All parking spaces that abut a sidewalk or planter must be provided with wheel stops. In areas where the sidewalk is greater than six and one-half (6.5) feet wide, the overhang of no more than two and one-half (2.5) feet of a parking space is allowed. Label the overhang or add wheel stops where this condition is proposed along the new sidewalk areas.
It also appears that the parking spaces will overhang onto the planter areas with in the parking lot and in some cases over the planter within the new sidewalk areas. Trees in the parking lot should be placed at the intersection of the corners of the parking spaces to avoid any potential damage from vehicles. See the landscape reviewer comments for more info on this item.

Physical separation is required where sidewalks are proposed to be flush with the pavement. Raised sidewalks, curbs, wheel stops, or bollards at no more than five between the bollards can be used to provide the physical separation.

g. Add note that all long term bicycle parking is to be provided within the building in a secure location as depicted by the detail drawing 3.SP1.0. Ensure that the detail drawings for the short term bicycle parking facility on sheet SP1.0 and sheet three of the grading plan match.

3. Grading plan Comments: Zoning has reviewed the grading plan sheets for compliance (as it relates to zoning purview) with the site plan. As of this review the site plan cannot be approved until all the comments by zoning are addressed and the revisions to the site plan are made. Once the site plan is approved, the grading plan can be approved by zoning assuming that no additional revisions are required to either plan and that both the site plan and grading plans match.

4. Ensure that all changes that are made to the site plan are also made on the landscape and grading plans to match.

5. Additional comments may be forthcoming based on the revisions to plans sheets and responses to the zoning comments.

6. Pedestrian facilities must be provided along the Calle Santa Cruz street frontage the entire length of the property fronting the road, see relevant requirements in LUC section and specifically section (expansion applicability).
If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.
12/05/2011 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. Landscape requirements apply only to the proposed expansion.

2. Fifty (50) percent or more of the street landscape border area must have shrubs and vegetative ground cover per LUC

3. Indicate square footage of all landscaped areas and calculation of the percentage of vegetative coverage per DS 2-

4. One (1) canopy tree must be provided for every thirty-three (33) linear feet of landscape border per LUC

5. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I.

6. Planting Plan. The planting plan and layout calculations will include the following information:

" Location, size, and name of existing vegetation to remain in place.

" Material and areas of inert ground cover. (Except as otherwise provided by this Division, the area between the right-of-way line and sidewalk and the area between the sidewalk and the curb, if not covered with vegetation, shall be covered with an appropriate inorganic ground cover, such as decomposed granite).

7. An unpaved planting area, which is a minimum of thirty-four (34) square feet in area and four (4) feet in width, must be provided for each canopy tree, except allowed per Development Standard 2-06.3.3. Dimension planters on landscape plan.

8. Submit NPPO plan per LUC 3.8 & DS 2-15

9. All landscape areas will be depressed to accept water flow from roofs, PAAL, and parking areas. Show by detail or spot elevations including curb cuts how landscape areas will accommodate water harvesting.

10. The site plan and landscape plan must show identical site layout to avoid conflict between the two plans. Ensure that all changes to the site plan are reflected on the landscape plan.

11. Additional comments may apply.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
12/23/2011 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed