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Permit Number: D10-0042
Parcel: 116206350


Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - D10-0042
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/26/2011 GARY WITTWER COT NON-DSD TDOT Approv-Cond 1) Please provide response for prior Parks and Recreation comments below:

I have reviewed the 12/1/10 Development Package for 795 W Congress Street for the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department and have the found the following items which need clarification or revision:

1) More information regarding grading in the landscape area north of the building is needed in order to evaluate the impact on the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus Tree in that area.

2) Any new pavement located within the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus tree will need to be permeable. This includes sidewalks.

3) The path and trails within the adjacent Santa Cruz River Park (West bank) are to be upgraded to meet current River Park and Anza Trail Standards. This includes a 12' wide asphalt-paved multi-use path and a 10' wide decomposed granite trail.

4) There is no indication of new landscaping or grading on the east side of the property where the building abuts the Santa Cruz River Park. It is assumed that the construction of the building as well as the relocation of the reclaimed waterline will affect the park and these areas need to be addressed on the landscape plan.

5) Sheet C3 indicates that the parking lot south of the building will drain into a 24" underground stormdrain pipe which appears to daylight into the Santa Cruz River Park. The plan will need to show how the developer intends to convey this water into the Santa Cruz River channel without it flowing over the River Park Path and trail or causing erosion.

Thank you,

Howard B. Dutt, ASLA
Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks & Recreation
(520) 837-8040
Fax: (520) 791-4008
01/26/2011 GARY WITTWER COT NON-DSD TDOT Approv-Cond >>> Gary Wittwer 01/26/2011 6:54 AM >>>
Thanks for showing NCZ on landscape and irrigation plan.
1. Please relocate the irrigation mainline out of NCZ.
No additional submittal required.
02/01/2011 PAUL MACHADO ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied To: Patricia Gehlen DATE: January 28, 2011
CDRC/Zoning Manager

SUBJECT: New Armory Building, 795 W. Congress St.
Development Package D10-0042 (Second Review)
T14S, R13E, Section 14

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Development Package.

The Development Package (DP) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal.

Development Package:

1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the DP.
2. Relevant case numbers (development package document, rezoning, board of adjustment, DDO, MDR, DSMR, overlay, etc.) shall be provided adjacent to the title block on each sheet. D.S. 2-01.3.3. Add the DP number (D10-0042) and complete the MDR number on all sheets. Item allowed for cond.-approval.
3. General Notes. The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable. D.S. 2-01.3.7.
F. Trails Notes. List the following notes as appropriate.
1. If a trail or path is proposed, provide a note, as appropriate, indicating that a trail or path will be constructed for public or private use, the general location of the trail or path, and whom it will be constructed and maintained by. If it is intended to connect to an offsite feature, such as an exiting trail, wash, sidewalk, road, commercial or residential development, etc., so indicate. If the trail or path is to be dedicated, indicate the method of dedication. The trail system shall be shown on the plans in its entirety even if the trail system is "designed by others". Coordinate with the appropriate agency to obtain the necessary construction documents to be shown on the plans.
2. If a new trail or path will be constructed, add the following note, as appropriate:
"All new onsite and offsite trails or paths constructed in conjunction with this project will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. Construction plans will be subject to the review and approval of the City's Parks and Recreation Department, and, if requested, Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation." This note shall be added to the plan, however the "designed by others" statement can used within the text of the note.
4. Information on Proposed Development. The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes. D.S. 2-01.3.9.
H. Proposed traffic circulation:
1. Proposed traffic circulation will be designed in accordance with Street Development Standard 3-01.0, to include streets, intersections, street names, right-of-way widths, curve radii of centerlines and curb returns, and proposed improvements, such as pavement, curbs, access points (driveways), handicap ramps, and sidewalks. Street improvements, such as sidewalks, curbs, pavement, and handicap ramps, do not need to be drawn on the plan if such information is provided on typical street cross sections.
Please be aware that, if a new street is created (for other than for subdivisions) which divides the property into two (2) or more lots, a subdivision plat is required (refer to the definition of subdivision in Sec. 4.1.2 of the LUC). The new P.A.A.L. is serving as a street. All improvements listed above shall be shown on the plans including dimensions. If there is a horizontal control plan for the project, include it in the set.
3. Indicate fire circulation, including accessibility and vehicle maneuverability. The service vehicle can not exceed a maximum reverse distance of 40' per Dev. Stds. 6-01.4.C. for maneuverability. Show back-up distance on the plans. Also show the radius for the service vehicle when it will drive forward to exit the site. How will the recycle containers be serviced? A pad where the containers are to be stored when waiting to be picked up may be necessary.
L. All proposed easements (utility, sewer, drainage, access, etc.) are to be dimensioned and labeled as to their purposes and whether they will be public or private. Item allowed for cond.-approval.
N. In conjunction with a drainage report or statement, as applicable, prepared in accordance with the City Engineer's instructions and procedures, the following information will be indicated on the development package documents. For additional information regarding drainage standards, see the City of Tucson Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management.
2. Indicate proposed drainage solutions, such as origin, direction, and destination of flow and method of collecting and containing flow. The off-site drainage system shall be shown on the plans in its entirety even if the off-site drainage system is "designed by others". Coordinate with the appropriate agency to obtain the necessary construction documents to be shown on the plan.
3. Provide locations and types of drainage structures, such as, but not limited to, drainage crossings and pipe culverts. Scuppers will be needed to cross the river park path at the location for the new roof drains on the East side of the bldg.
5. Verification will be provided that any drainage solutions which occur outside the boundaries of the development document area are constructed with adjacent owners' permission. (Additional notarized documentation of that approval will be submitted with the drainage report.) Contact Bill Zimmerman at 740-6350, Pima County Flood Control District, for information regarding permits within the Santa Cruz River. It appears that the East bldg. wall will be built on the site pad slope and that fill or a retaining wall will be needed. Show either wall or slope on the plans.
T. Show refuse collection areas, including locations of dumpsters, screening location and materials, and vehicle maneuverability, fully dimensioned, and access route. If dumpster service is not proposed, indicate type of service. For specific information on refuse collection, refer to Development Standard 6-01.0. Refuse collection on all projects shall be designed based on that Standard, even if collection is to be contracted to a private firm. A pedestrian access route to the refuse enclosure is required.

Grading Plan:
1. Please include a detailed response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the GP.
2. Scuppers will be needed to cross the river park path at the location for the new roof drains on the East side of the bldg.
3. It appears that the East bldg. wall will be built on the site pad slope and that fill or a retaining wall will be needed. Show either the wall or the slope on the plans. Add a cross section of that location to the plans. Also the floodplain may reach the toe of the slope and the slope will need to be protected. As the floodplain is not yet mapped, it is not required to be shown on the plans, however when it is available, it shall be shown on the plans if possible.
4. The off-site drainage system shall be shown on the plans in its entirety even if the off-site drainage system is "designed by others". Coordinate with the appropriate agency to obtain the necessary construction documents to be shown on the plan.
5. Call out the type of curb being used and provide a detail on the plans.
6. Add dimensions to the P.A.A.L., on-site and off-site, indicating the widths of access lanes, entrances etc. on plans.
7. Show details of all surface and subsurface drainage devices.
8. Show the approach pad for the enclosure on the detail. The detail says that the approach pad is shown on the plan view but it is not.
9. A Stormwater pollution prevention plan is required. Contact Paul P. Machado at 837-4932 for additional information.

Drainage Report:
1. The DR has been accepted by engineering.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan:
1. Show the concrete wash out area and the detail of the area on the SWPPP.
2. The construction entrance shall be relocated to the intersection of Linda St. and the P.A.A.L. entrance, since that is included in the scope of work.
3. The narrative/text book shall be included with the next submittal. The 2008 general permit must be included in the book.
4. Some of the requirements were shown on the plan that was submitted and do not have to be repeated in the book. If you have any questions on the SWPPP or if you prefer a meeting, contact me at 837-4932 for more information and/or I'll set up a meeting time and place.

NOTE: The following comments are from the ADEQ checklist and are used to review the SWPPP. All the comments may not be applicable to the project and are FYI only and use in preparing the SWPPP.

1. Identify who is responsible for on-site SWPPP implementation. Part III.A.2.d.
2. Indicate or show the areas of the project where the operator has control over project specifications, including the ability to make changes in the specifications. Part III.B.2.a.
3. Provide name(s) of the person(s) who have day-to-day control over construction plans and specifications. Part III.B.2.a.
4. Identity who is responsible for installing, implementing, and maintaining the BMP's in the plan. Part III.B.2.b.
5. Identify or show the areas of the project where each operator has control over day-to-day activities. Part III.B.2.b.
6. Provide name(s) of the person(s) having control over project specifications, including the ability to make changes in the specifications. Part III.B.2.b.
7. Provide the name and contact information for all operators and indicate the areas of the project each operator controls. Part III.C.1.
8. Identify all potential sources of pollutants/pollution from construction activities that could possibly contact stormwater. Part III.A.2.a.
9. Describe the construction activity (what is being built, what is being disturbed, how long it is expected to take, etc.). Part III.C.2.
10. Describe the project and what it will be used for when completed (after Notice of Termination (NOT) is filed). Part III.C.2.a.
11. Describe the planned phasing sequencing of land disturbance activities. The amount of open/disturbed dirt left open at one time should be minimized where possible. Part III.C.2.b.
12. Indicate the total acres of the site and the number of acres that will be disturbed (include off-site borrow and fill area, staging and equipment storage areas). Part III.C.2.c.
13. Indicate the percentage of the site that is impervious (e.g., pave, roofed , etc.) before and after construction. Part III.C.2.d.
14. Describe the soil (e.g., sand, clay, etc.) at the site and its potential for erosion (Suggestion: reference the soil survey covering the project site prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service for soil information http://soils.usda.gov/survey/). Part III.C.2.e.
15. Include a map showing the project location (e.g., U.S.G.S. quadrangle, portion of a city or county map). The map must also show any washes of other waterbodies within 1 mile of the site. Part III.C.2.f.
16. Identity the nearest receiving water(s). A receiving water is a natural watercourse into which stormwater would flow in a storm event and includes dry washes, streams, tributaries, and other water of the U.S. (such as designated canals). Man made structures such as retention basins, storm sewer systems, or city storm drains are not receiving waters. Part III.C.4.
17. Identify the areal extent where soils may be disturbed and show any wetlands near the site that could receive dirt or run-off from the construction activity. Part III.C.4.
18. Describe any pollutant sources from areas other than dirt moving (e.g., dedicated concrete and asphalt plants, fueling operations, material or waste storage etc. that are associated with the construction project). Identify where these sources are or will occur on the site. Part III.C.6.
19. Include site map completed to scale. Part III.C.3.
20. Use arrows to show the direction(s) where stormwater will flow for all areas within the project limits (This is for the period during construction, not final contours. Flow direction may change as project grading progresses; when this occurs, maps are to be updated.). Part III.C.3.a.
21. Show areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed. Part III.C.3.b.
22. Show all structural BMP's identified in the SWPPP. Part III.C.3.c.
23. Show locations where stabilization BMP's are expected to occur. Part III.C.3.d.
24. Show locations of on-site material storage, waste storage or receptacles, borrow areas, equipment storage or other supporting activities. Part III.C.3.e.
25. Identify any water bodies (including dry washes and wetlands) on the site. If there are no water bodies, indicate this on the map. Part III.C.3.f.
26. Show locations where stormwater discharges to surface water (including wetlands, ephemeral water and dry washes) and to municipal storm sewer systems (MS4's) (use an "X" to indicate discharge location(s)). Where surface waters and/or MS4's receiving stormwater do not fit on the map, use arrows to show the direction and indicate the approximate distance to the surface water and/or MS4's. Part III.C.3.g.
27. Show the location and registration number of all onsite dry-wells and dry-wells located on adjacent properties that could receive stormwater for the site (if none exist, indicate that). Part III.C.3.h.
28. Identify any areas of the site where final stabilization has been achieved. Part III.C.3.i.
29. Specify existing vegetated areas (trees, brush, ect.) and boundaries of environmentally sensitive areas and buffer zones that are to be preserved. Part III.C.3.j.
30. Identify BMP's selected for the site and describe how each will reduce pollutants in stormwater. Part III.A.2.b, Part III.C.5.a and Part IV.A.1.
31. Describe how BMP's will be added, modified, or replaced for each phase or sequence of construction activities. Also identify which operator is responsible for the implementation of BMP's. Part III.C.5.b.
32. Provide drawings and/or specifications of structural BMP's that include design or installation details. Part III.C.5.c.
33. Describe where natural/existing vegetation will be preserved. Locations of trees and boundaries of environmentally sensitive areas and buffer zones to be preserved are also to be on the SWPPP site map. Part IV.B.1.a.
34. If using seed to revegetate, provide the mixture and application specifications. (These may be obtained from product provider. Part IV.B.1.b.
35. If culverts are present on-site, describe measures that will be used to minimize erosion at and around the culvert(s). Part IV.B.1.c.
36. Describe how off site stormwater that may run onto the project site will be diverted or otherwise managed with on-site engineering controls, containment, or BMP's. Part IV.B.1.d.
37. Identify how records of when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on all portion of the site will be kept. Part IV.B.3.a.
38. Identify how records of when construction activities temporarily or permanently on all portions of the site will be kept. Part IV.B.3.b.
39. Identify how records of when stabilization measures are initiated and completed and reason(s) for delay will be kept. Part IV.B.3.c.
40. Provide sizing criteria and show calculations for sediment basin(s) and indicate whether basin(s) will be temporary or permanent (i.e., post-construction). Part IV.C.3.
41. Provide reason(s) or rationale why a sediment basin was determined to not be possible at the project site (If applicable). Part IV.C.3.
42. Describe the location(s) and how materials will be stored or staged both on-site and off-site; including overburden, soil stockpiles, and borrow areas. Part IV.D.3.
43. Indentify and provide the location(s) of all non-stormwater discharges allowed by this permit expected to be associated with the project and describe BMP's used to minimize discharge of pollutants. Part IV.E.2.
44. Describe measures for preventing and responding to spills, including spill notification requirements. Part VI.B.1.
45. Identify post-construction stormwater BMP's (e.g., porous pavement, open space preservation, etc.) that will be installed as part of this project. NOTE: Temporary BMP's (e.g., straw waddles, etc.) must be removed prior to submitting your Notice of Termination (NOT). Part IV.F.1.
46. Identify the minimum inspection frequency as well as goals for more frequent inspections. Part IV.H.1.
47. Provide name, title and qualifications of person(s) who will be conducting inspections. Part IV.H.1.
48. Describe how inspection of the following items will be conducted (Part IV.H.3.a.):
" Good housekeeping BMP's (e.g., solid waste storage and pick-up; chemical storage, use, and cleanup; fueling, etc.).
" Erosion and sediment control BMP's.
" Construction site entrance and egress locations(s) including looking for evidence of sediment, debris, and other pollutants tacked offsite onto paved surfaces (e.g., streets, sidewalks, parking lots, etc.).
" Municipal storm sewer systems, including streets, inlets, etc. which can be observed at ground level. Should focus on discharge (and potential for discharge) and accumulation of sediment, trash, and other pollutants.
" Observation and assessment of accessible discharge locations to determine of erosion control BMP's are adequate and effective in reducing discharge of sediments.
" For discharge points that are inaccessible, inspection of downstream locations should occur, where practicable.
49. Describe how inspections will be documented (NOTE: inspection reports must be added to the SWPPP in chronological order, Permit Part IV.H.4). Part IV.H.3.b.
50. Describe procedures for repairing, replacing, and/or supplementing nonfunctional and underperforming BMP's (see Permit Part IV.I.2). Part IV.H.3.c.
51. Provide a copy of the inspection report form to be used to document site inspections. At a minimum, the report form must include the information (NOTE: an example form is included with the review comments). Part IV.H.4.
52. If discharging to impaired water, identify sources of pollutants of concern listed on the 303(d) list that may be potentially discharged through construction project or site is being operated in compliance with the SWPPP and permit. Part III.C.6.
53. For projects located within ¼- mile of unique or impaired water, your SWPPP must include a Monitoring Plan. Part V.B.1.
54. If the unique or impaired water is a lake, your monitoring plan (including monitoring locations) must be submitted to and approved by the department. Part V.D.3.
55. Chain-of-custody (COC) forms including: sampler's name, phone number, date and time of sample collection, sample identification, requested analysis, and project name or number. Part V.D.5.
56. Ensure the SWPPP is signed be an arson meeting the certification requirements of Permit Part VIII.J. Part III.A.3, Part VIII.J.2.
57. Include a copy of AZPDES permit (AZG2008-001) with the SWPPP. Part III.D.1.
58. Include a copy of the completed NOI form that was submitted to ADEQ. Part III.D.2.
59. Include a copy of the authorization certificate received from ADEQ. Part III.D.3.
60. Identify any city or county which received a copy of the authorization certificate. Part III.D.4.
61. Include copies of the other agreements with any state, local or federal agencies that would affect the provisions of implementation of the SWPPP, if applicable (404 permits, local grading permits, etc.). Part III.C.5.
62. Describe structural practices to divert flows from exposed soils, store flows or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site to the degree attainable. Placement of structural practices in floodplains shall be avoided to the degree attainable. A combination of sediment and erosion control measures is required to achieve maximum pollutant removal.
63. Provide adequate sediment basins. (Part IV.D.5.a.).
" For common drainage locations that serve an area with 10 or more acres disturbed at one time, a temporary (or permanent) sediment basin that provides storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a 2 year, 24 hour storm from each disturbed acre drained, must be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. Where no calculation has been performed, a temporary (or permanent) sediment basin providing 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained, shall be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. When computing the number of acres draining into a common location it is not necessary to include flows from offsite areas and flows from onsite areas that are either undisturbed or have undergone final stabilization where such flows are diverted around both the disturbed area and the sediment basin. In determining whether installing a sediment basin is attainable, the operator may consider factors such as site soils, slope, available area on site, etc. If "non-attainability" is claimed, then an explanation of that non-attainability shall be included in the SWPPP. In any event, the operator must consider public safety, especially as it relates to children, as a design factor for the sediment basin and alternative sediment controls must be used where site limitations preclude a safe design.
" For drainage locations that serve 10 or more disturbed acres at one time and where a sediment basin meeting the provision of Part IV D.5.a.1 is not attainable, smaller sediment basins and/or sediment traps shall be used. Where a sediment basin is not attainable, silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or alternatives which achieve effective sediment control are required for all down slope boundaries of the construction area (and for those side slope boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by individual site conditions).
" For drainage locations serving less than 10 acres, smaller sediment basins and/or sediment traps shall be used. Silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or equivalent sediment controls are required for all down slope boundaries (and for those side slope boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by individual site conditions) of the construction area unless a sediment basin providing storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a 2 year, 24 hour storm or 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained is provided.
64. Place velocity dissipation devices at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel to provide a non-erosive flow velocity from the structure to a water course so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected (e.g. no significant changes in the hydrological regime of the receiving water). (Part IV.D.5.b).
Note: The velocity dissipation devices must be in place during the construction phases. Installation scheduling must be included and should be as early as practicable.
65. Describe post-construction storm water management measures that will be installed during the construction process to control pollutants in stormwater discharges after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures shall be placed on upland soils to the degree attainable. Such measures must be designed and installed consistent with applicable local or state stormwater management requirements. (Part IV.D.6).

66. Add a note stating that the operator(s) shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance (including spills) which may endanger human health or the environment. The operator shall orally notify the office listed below within 24 hours:

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1)
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-4505

Signature Requirements
67. Include a certification and signature for each operator in accordance with Part VII.K. (Part IV.J.1).
68. All NOIs must be signed and certified as follows:
a) For a corporation: By a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this Part, a responsible corporate officer means:
i) A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or
ii) The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures.
b) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: By a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or
c) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: By either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this section, a principal executive officer of a Federal agency is the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g. Regional Administrators of EPA).
69. Reports and Other Information: All NOTs, SWPPPs, reports, certifications, or information required by this general permit and other information requested by the ADEQ or authorized representative of the ADEQ shall be signed by a person described in Part VI.K.1 or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if:
d) The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part VII.K.1;
e) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of manager, operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the operator. (A "duly authorized representative" may be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.); and
f) The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP and submitted to the ADEQ upon request.
70. Certification. Any person signing a documents under the terms of this permit shall make the following certification: I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 837-4932 or Paul.Machado@tucsonaz.gov
Paul P. Machado
Senior Engineering Associate
City of Tucson - Planning and Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 837-4932 office
(520) 879-8010 fax
C:/795 W. Congress St_Dev_Pkg 2

TO: Planning and Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: New Armory Building
Development Package (2nd Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 2, 2011

DUE DATE: February 4, 2011

DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Section, LUC, permits a maximum of one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a development package. If, at the end of that time, the development package has not been approved, it must be revised to be in compliance with all regulations in effect at that time, and must be resubmitted for a full CDRC review. The one-year expiration date for this development plan is November 30, 2011

1. D.S. 2-01.3.8.B The "30' RECLAIMED WATER ESMT (TO BE ABANDONED)" will need to be abandoned prior to approval of the development package. Provide the recordation information, docket and page, on the plan.

2. D.S. 2-01.3.9.E As this project proposes a change to the property boundary Zoning cannot approve the development package until the final plat has been revised and approved.

3. D.S. 2-01.3.9.L Provide the docket and page for the proposed "RECLAIMED WATER ESMT." on the plan. Provide the recordation information, docket and page, on the plan.

4. D.S. 2-01.3.9.L Provide documentation from Tucson Water that allows the proposed improvements, shown at the northeast corner of the building, to be constructed within the reclaimed water easement.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.com

Sshield1 on DS1/planning/New Development Package/ D10-0042


TO: Planning and Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: New Armory Building
Development Package (2nd Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 2, 2011

DUE DATE: February 4, 2011

GRADING PLAN COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. Zoning cannot approve the grading plan until the development package has been approved.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.com

DIRECTOR FAX: (520) 620-0135

February 2, 2011


Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager
City of Tucson Development Services Department

Reviewed by: Kristin Greene, P.E., Civil Engineer PCRWRD

Development Plan – 2nd Submittal

The Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the proposed sewer collection lines for the above-referenced project. The following comments are offered for your use:

Obtain a letter from the PCRWRD’s Development Liaison Unit, written within the past year, stating that treatment and conveyance system capacity for the project is available in the downstream public sewerage system and provide a copy of that letter to this office. The required form to request such a letter may be found at:


The development plan for this project cannot be approved until a copy of this letter has been received by this office.

Sheet C1: Fill in the blank for the proposed FUE in General Note # 14

Sheet C3: Show the rim and invert elevations for existing public manholes on plan. Also show the pipe size for the existing public sewer line in Congress.

Sheet C3: Show whether the proposed sewer line by others is public or private and show where this sewer line is connecting to the existing public sewer.

Sheet C3: The 8” stubout proposed by others should not be shown as a direct connection. It should be shown as connecting to a manhole on the 10” line.

Sheet C3: Show the slope and length of the 8” BCS. Also show the rim and invert elevations for any manholes proposed on this line. The 8” BCS should terminate with a manhole.

This office will require a revised set of bluelines, and a response letter, addressing these comments. Additional comments may be made during the review of these documents.

Pima County Code Title 13.20.030.A.2 requires that a wastewater review fee be paid for each submittal of the development plan. The fee for the first submittal is $166 plus $50 per sheet. For the second submittal, the review fee is $50 per sheet. For all subsequent submittals, the review fee is $39 per sheet.

The next submittal of this project will be the third(3rd) submittal. A check for the review fee of this submittal in the amount of $100.00 (made out to PIMA COUNTY TREASURER) must accompany the revised set of bluelines and response letter.

If the number of sheets changes, please adjust the review fee accordingly.

If you have any questions about this review letter please call me @ the phone number below.

Tom Porter, Sr. CEA, (520)740-6719 PCRWRD

cc: Chad Amateau, PE
Kristin Greene, PE, DLU Manager
DLU Project folder
02/03/2011 JOSE ORTIZ COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Approv-Cond 1) Please provide response for prior Parks and Recreation comments below:

I have reviewed the 12/1/10 Development Package for 795 W Congress Street for the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department and have the found the following items which need clarification or revision:

1) More information regarding grading in the landscape area north of the building is needed in order to evaluate the impact on the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus Tree in that area.

2) Any new pavement located within the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus tree will need to be permeable. This includes sidewalks.

3) The path and trails within the adjacent Santa Cruz River Park (West bank) are to be upgraded to meet current River Park and Anza Trail Standards. This includes a 12' wide asphalt-paved multi-use path and a 10' wide decomposed granite trail.

4) There is no indication of new landscaping or grading on the east side of the property where the building abuts the Santa Cruz River Park. It is assumed that the construction of the building as well as the relocation of the reclaimed waterline will affect the park and these areas need to be addressed on the landscape plan.

5) Sheet C3 indicates that the parking lot south of the building will drain into a 24" underground stormdrain pipe which appears to daylight into the Santa Cruz River Park. The plan will need to show how the developer intends to convey this water into the Santa Cruz River channel without it flowing over the River Park Path and trail or causing erosion.

Thank you,

Howard B. Dutt, ASLA
Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks & Recreation
(520) 837-8040
Fax: (520) 791-4008
02/03/2011 JOSE ORTIZ COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Approv-Cond TDOT-Traffic has issued a conditional approval for this development plan. A final approval will be issued after the Block Plat (activity # S10-044) has been approved by PDSD.

February 4, 2011

Carl Bueter, EIT
Cornerstone Environmental Group
17 W Wetmore Rd. # 310
Tucson, AZ 85705

Subject: D10-0042 NEW ARMORY BUILDING Development Package

Dear Mr. Bueter:

Your submittal of January 21, 2011 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and a set of 6 DETAILED cover letters explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed:


6 Copies Revised Development Package (Zoning, Wastewater, Engineering, Landscape, Parks & Rec, PDSD)

2 Copies Revised Drainage Statement (Engineering, PDSD)

2 Copies Revised SWPPP (Engineering, PDSD)

1 Check Made out to "Pima County Treasurer" for $100.00 (Wastewater)

Should you have any questions, please call me at 837-4931.


Matt Flick, PE
Project Manager

All comments for this case are available on our website at http://cms3.tucson.az.gov/pdsd/

Via fax: (520) 888-4804
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - CITY OF TUCSON - (520) 791-5550 FAX# (520) 791-5559
02/04/2011 JANE DUARTE COT NON-DSD PARKS & RECREATION Denied 1) Please provide response for prior Parks and Recreation comments below:

I have reviewed the 12/1/10 Development Package for 795 W Congress Street for the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department and have the found the following items which need clarification or revision:

1) More information regarding grading in the landscape area north of the building is needed in order to evaluate the impact on the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus Tree in that area.

2) Any new pavement located within the 'no compaction zone' around the Heritage Eucalyptus tree will need to be permeable. This includes sidewalks.

3) The path and trails within the adjacent Santa Cruz River Park (West bank) are to be upgraded to meet current River Park and Anza Trail Standards. This includes a 12' wide asphalt-paved multi-use path and a 10' wide decomposed granite trail.

4) There is no indication of new landscaping or grading on the east side of the property where the building abuts the Santa Cruz River Park. It is assumed that the construction of the building as well as the relocation of the reclaimed waterline will affect the park and these areas need to be addressed on the landscape plan.

5) Sheet C3 indicates that the parking lot south of the building will drain into a 24" underground stormdrain pipe which appears to daylight into the Santa Cruz River Park. The plan will need to show how the developer intends to convey this water into the Santa Cruz River channel without it flowing over the River Park Path and trail or causing erosion.

Thank you,

Howard B. Dutt, ASLA
Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks & Recreation
(520) 837-8040
Fax: (520) 791-4008
02/04/2011 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) Shade shall be provided for at least fifty (50%) percent of all sidewalks and pedestrian access paths as measured at 2:00 p.m. on June 21 when the sun is eighty-two degrees above the horizon. Provide calculations for the required shade.

The following types of landscaping and improvements may be used to comply with Sec. (Landscaping and Screening):
i. Existing landscaping;
ii. Shade trees in the right-of-way;
iii. Green walls or green roofs; and/or
iv. Shade structures, such as awnings

Although no shade calculations are included with the plans, the response letter mentions that easement restrictions along Congress Street prohibit meeting the code requirement. It is beyond the scope of this review to provide an LUC variance. Please contact PDSD Zoning Administration. LUC 5.3.3

Other pedestrian pathways on site do not appear to be encumbered by the same easement issues and should be designed to meet the requirements.

2) No additional Native Plant Preservation information was received by PDSD Landscape. See previous comments.

3) Resolve the outstanding issues with the final plat and offsite improvements cited by other agencies.