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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - D05-0035
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/14/2005 | FERNE RODRIGUEZ | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
09/15/2005 | JIM EGAN | COT NON-DSD | FIRE | Approved | The Development Plan is approved September 15, 2005. |
09/19/2005 | KAY MARKS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Approved | 201 N. STONE AV., 1ST FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 KAY MARKS ADDRESSING OFFICIAL PH: 740-6480 FAX #: 740-6370 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: KAY MARKS, ADDRESSING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: D05-0035 UMC CANCER CENTER/DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATE: September 16, 2005 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and we hereby approve this project. APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: CORRECT SIERRA VISTA ACRE TO SIERRA VISTA ESTATES (SHEET 1) ON MYLAR. NOTE: 1: Submit a 24 x 36 Reverse Reading Double Matte Photo Mylar of approved Development Plan to City Planning. Signed and dated Mylar will be forwarded to Pima County Addressing prior to assignment of addresses. 2: All addresses will need to be displayed per Pima County Address Standards at the time of final inspection. jg |
09/21/2005 | JCLARK3 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Approved | * No known landfill with in 1000 feet of this development. * Designed for a trash compactor. * Sufficient space provided for access to service the compactor. |
10/04/2005 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Add the CDRC case number to the development plan, landscape and native plant preservation plans and accompanying report. DS 2-07.2.1.B 2) Revise the development plan to provide curbing or other suitable barrier for landscape areas within and adjacent to the vehicular use area. LUC 3) Revise the native plant preservation plan to include the correct site acreage. 4) The landscape plans include 5'cmu screen walls along Allen Road. The recently adopted UMC PAD now requires only a 30" high screen. The walls may be removed in order to expose more of the landscape buffer to the street, if desired. 5) Submit an irrigation plan. LUC RESUBMITTAL OF ALL PLANS IS REQUIRED. |
10/04/2005 | PETER MCLAUGHLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Center Plans Coordination Office FROM: Peter McLaughlin Senior Planner FOR: David Rivera Principal Planner PROJECT: D05-035 UMC Cancer Center 3838 N. Campbell Avenue TRANSMITTAL: October 4, 2005 DUE DATE: October 12, 2005 COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. Add a legal description of the subject properties to the development plan. The portion of the site to the north of Allen Rd. is made up of two parcels. These parcels must be combined into one parcel prior to site plan approval. Provide lot combination documents including Assessor's lot combo docs and notarized/recorded covenant. These documents are available at the City of Tucson Zoning Review counter. DS 2-05.2.1.G.2 2. The existing parking lot to the south of Allen Road must meet the requirements of the PAD document, and where not specified in the PAD document, widths and measurements, such as angle of parking relative to widths of PAALs must meet LUC requirements. To demonstrate that this parking lot meets all requirements, show it fully dimensioned on the plan, including widths of all PAALs and entrance drives, the angle of the parking spaces, and fully dimensioned wheelstop curbs where required (in all areas where vehicles may overhang property lines or damage fences/walls/landscaped areas). 3. To demonstrate compliance with Section of the PAD document, dimension the building setbacks, on the drawing, for both the main building at its maximum height along each building wall, and for "transition zone buildings", canopies, etc, in some cases which extend closer to perimeter lot lines, but are lower in height. DS 2-05.2.4.I DS 2-05.2.4.U 4. The location, type, size and height of any proposed free-standing signage must be shown. Also, detail any proposed free-standing outdoor lighting on the development plan. DS 2-05.2.4.W 5. Dimension the width of the north-south trending easternmost PAAL to show that it is a minimum of 24 feet wide. DS 2-05.2.4.D.3 6. Because the bicycle parking (keynote 44) is proposed to be located around the back of the building and is not clearly visible from the entrances along Campbell Avenue and Allen Road, directional signage is required to indicate how to access class 2 bike parking. Signage should be located to direct bicyclists to the parking spaces as they enter the site from both Campbell Avenue and from Allen Road. Show the location of the directional signage on the plan to indicate that it DS 2-09.5.1 7. The bicycle parking calculation indicates that 33 class 2 spaces are provided. However, keynote 44 states that only 22 spaces are provided. Show clearly with a keynote on the plan the location of the required additional 11 spaces to be provided. DS 2-05.2.4.Q 8. When wheelstop curbing is used, it is to be located two-and one-half feet (2-½') from the front of the parking space. Revise the vehicle overhang in parking detail J on sheet 3 of 5, to be 2-½ feet. DS 3-05.2.3.C.2 9. Add sight visibility triangles at the exits from the parking lot along the south side of Allen Rd. DS 2-05.2.4.I 10. 2. Place the development plan number (D05-035) on each sheet of the development plan, landscape plan and NPPO plans in the lower right hand corner near the title block. DS 2-05.2.1.K 11. Check all parking count numbers on the plan. The north- east row, which states "11" cars, and the south row, which states "21" cars, are incorrect based on the drawing. Also, most of the rows in the parking lot to the south of Allen Road have fewer cars depicted on the drawing than is indicated in the parking count numbers. Revise and make sure the totals in the parking calculation are consistent with the sum of parking spaces shown by the individual parking count numbers, as well as with what is shown by the striping of parking spaces on the drawing. DS 2-05.2.4.P If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Peter McLaughlin, (520) 791-5608. |
10/11/2005 | LIZA CASTILLO | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Approved | SUBJECT: UMC, CANCER CENTER D05-0035 Tucson Electric Power Company has reviewed and approved the development plan submitted for review September 14, 2005. The Designer for this project is Warren McElyea. He can be reached at (520) 918-8268. Please call me at (520) 917-8745, should you have any questions. Liza Castillo Right of Way Agent Land Management Tucson Electric Power Co. (520) 917-8745 lcastillo@tep.com |
10/12/2005 | JOSE ORTIZ | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | October 14, 2005 ACTIVITY NUMBER: D05-0035 PROJECT NAME: UMC CANCER CENTER PROJECT ADDRESS: 3838 N Campbell Avenue PROJECT REVIEWER: Jose E. Ortiz, Civil Engineer Resubmittal Required: The following items must be revised or added to the plan. 1. Include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed. No Drainage Report required with the next submittal. 2. If the project is located within the boundaries of a Planned Area Development (PAD) zone, such as Williams Addition, Gateway Center, Tucson Community Center, Rio Nuevo, La Entrada, or Civano, include a reduced-scale map of the PAD District on the first sheet, indicating the location of the portion being developed. DS 2-05.2.1.F Not having the approved site plan available during this review please confirm that the following items have been addressed. 3. All easements shall be drawn on the plan. The recordation information, location, width, and purpose of all easements on site will be stated. Blanket easements should be listed in the notes, together with recordation data and their proposed status. Should an easement not be in use and be proposed for vacation or have been abandoned, so indicate. However, should the easement be in conflict with any proposed building location, vacation of the easement is to occur prior to issuance of permits. DS 2-05.2.3.B 4. Confirm that all the following information regarding existing utilities is being provided. The location and size of water wells, water pumping plants, water reservoirs, water lines, fire hydrants, sanitary and storm sewers, including the pipe diameter and the invert and rim elevations of all manholes and cleanouts. As well as the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD) reference number; locations of gas lines, electric and telephone lines, poles, and communications cables, on-ground junction boxes, and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not located on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction, distance to, and sizes of those nearest the property. 5. Confirm that all existing storm drainage facilities on and adjacent to the site are being shown. DS 2-05.2.3.F 6. Confirm that all proposed easements (utility, drainage, access, etc.) are being dimensioned and labeled as to their purpose and whether they will be public or private. DS 2-05.2.4.G Drainage Report Approvable; will receive final approval at the time of Development Plan final approval. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5640 x1191 or Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov |
10/14/2005 | GLENN HICKS | COT NON-DSD | PARKS & RECREATION | Approved | DATE: October 11, 2005 TO: Ferne Rodriguez, Development Services FROM: Glenn Hicks Parks and Recreation 791-4873 ext. 215 Glenn.Hicks@tucsonaz.gov SUBJECT: D05-0035 UMC Cancer Center: Development Plan Review(9-15-05) Staff has no comments. |
10/14/2005 | FRODRIG2 | COT NON-DSD | REAL ESTATE | Approved | no comment |
10/18/2005 | DALE KELCH | COT NON-DSD | TRAFFIC | Approved | Traffic Engineering recommends APPROVAL of this DP. The consultant should change the symbol for the handicap parking signs on detail J/3 to match the correct symbol in accordance with SDPI, SD100 for new signs prior to submitting mylars for recordation. D. Dale Kelch, PE Senior Engineering Associate Traffic Engineering Division (520)791-4259x305 (520)791-5526 (fax) dale.kelch@tucsonaz.gov |
10/18/2005 | ROGER HOWLETT | COT NON-DSD | COMMUNITY PLANNING | Denied | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN Regarding SUBJECT: Community Design Review Committee Application CASE NUMBER: CASE NAME: DATE SENT D05-0035 UMC Cancer Center 10/18/05 () Tentative Plat (X) Development Plan (X) Landscape Plan () Revised Plan/Plat () Board of Adjustment () Other CROSS REFERENCE: C9-04-23 (PAD-11 UMC North Medical Park) NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Northside Area Plan GATEWAY/SCENIC ROUTE: Yes COMMENTS DUE BY: October 12, 2005 SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PLAT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION, AND STAFF SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS: () No Annexation or Rezoning Conditions, Not an RCP - No Comment () Proposal Complies with Annexation or Rezoning Conditions () RCP Proposal Complies With Plan Policies (X) See Additional Comments Attached () No Additional Comments - Complies With Planning Comments Submitted on: (X) Resubmittal Required: () Tentative Plat (X) Development Plan (X) Landscape Plan () Other REVIEWER: msp 791-4505 DATE: October 12, 2005 Department of Urban Planning and Design Comments D-5-0035 UMC Cancer Center (UMC North Medical Park) October 12, 2005 The UMC Cancer Center is subject to rezoning C9-04-23 (PAD-11 UMC North Medical Park). Staff offers the following comments: 1. Development plan D05-0035, phase 1, is subject to the following requirements. The Department of Urban Planning and Design staff defers the compliance of these requirements to the Department of Development Service staff; they are the following: · PAD-11, Page 14, Section 3.2.1, General circulation requirement a. Provide a right turn lane (combined with a bus pull-out) along Campbell Avenue for north bound traffic entering the Medical Park from Campbell Avenue and existing from Allen Road. b. Provide a traffic diverter on Allen Road east of Campbell Avenue to prevent westbound traffic (exiting the Medical Park on Allen Road) from crossing Campbell Avenue to Allen Road west of Campbell Avenue. This diverter will be designed to allow southbound traffic on Campbell Avenue to enter the Medical Park by turning east from Campbell onto Allen Road. · Improve the traffic light at the Campbell/Allen intersection to meet City of Tucson current standards. 2. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following requirements of PAD -11, Page 15, Section Circulation, 3.2.2., Internal Street and Right-of-way Standards, which reads as following: · 3.2.2.d.i, Sidewalks adjacent to streets to be located as shown in the Allen and North PAAL Street Section on public right-of-way, Figures 8 & 9. · 3.2.2.d.iii., All sidewalks shall be minimum of five (5) feet in width. · Contiguous landscaped areas are located between the street curb and all sidewalks internal to the UMC site. 3. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following requirements of PAD-11, Page 15, Section Circulation, 3.2.2 Internal Street and Right-of-way Standards, Parking Area Access Lanes (PAAL), which reads as following: · 3.2.2.b. ii., PAALS are not required to be signed or striped, except for pedestrian crossings which shall have some markings or surface treatments to alert vehicular traffic of pedestrian areas. 4. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following Requirements, PAD-11, Page 16, Section Circulation, 3.2.2.e.i, Bicycles, which reads as following: · 3.2.2.e.i., No Class I bicycle facilities required, but covered bicycle parking will be provided. 5. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following Requirements, PAD-11, Page 18, Section Development Standards,, which reads as following: · Minimum setback from Campbell Avenue North of Allen Road = 50 feet Transition zone buildings and structures = 20 feet As designed the footprint of the building in phase 1 is shown at approximately 47 feet from Campbell Avenue boundary. The main structure must be minimum 50 feet. If there is any portion of this building which fits the definition as outlined in section (Transition zones), please revise plan to indicate transition zone building layout and height, verses main structure layout and height. Please provide four-sided building elevations to scale. 6. Please revise landscape plan to meet the following requirements, PAD-11, Pages 19-20, Landscape/Screening and Open Space, Section 3.5, requirements identify the healing garden standards. Included in this section are shaded seating areas to be located periodically along the paths and Section 3.5.2 identifies active recreational play areas for children. Further on within Section 3.5.3 it identifies oasis areas, which are to include turf. 7. Please revise landscape plan to meet the following requirements, PAD-11, Page21, Interior Landscape Border, section, which requires along the northern boundary, when adjacent to residential use, a 10-foot wide tall vegetation screen. Please identify along the northern boundary of the landscape plan the border that separates the commercial uses along Campbell Avenue frontage and the residential (apts) uses located along the northern border of this site. Accordingly add a ten-foot wide landscape buffer along the residential edge to meet section 8. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following requirements, PAD-11, Page21, Section,. Screening, which requires a 6-foot screen adjacent to the following uses: loading areas, solid waste storage, and utility service. Solid waste service shall not have direct line of sight to adjacent properties, parking lots or pedestrian use areas. There seems to be a partial wall of five feet in height located along the northern boundary. Minimum requirement is a 6-foot tall screen adjacent to loading zone area and in addition, the solid waste storage area must not have direct line of sight to adjacent properties. Please revise accordingly. 9. Please revise development plan and landscape plan to meet the following requirements, PAD-11, Page22, Section,. Screening, which requires a 30-inch minimum screen along Campbell Avenue on the north and south sides of Allen Road. Please revise plan to identify the required 30 inch screen along Campbell Avenue. 10. Please revise landscape plan to meet the following requirements, PAD-11, Page23, Section, which requires that all plant material be watered by an automatic underground irrigation. Existing and proposed design water pressure shall be verified and noted on the plans before irrigation installation begins and irrigation mainline layout shall be submitted with development plan. 11. Please include in the next resubmittal the following documentation as required by PAD-11, Page24, Section 3.9. Phasing, which requires that prior to a development plan submittal UMC will hold a neighborhood meeting with representatives of the Campus Farms and Tucson-Prince neighborhood and give a presentation of the proposed development plan phase and its compliance with the PAD. Documentation of these neighborhood meetings will be provided on each of these meetings along with the development plan sumbittal. |
10/24/2005 | FRODRIG2 | OTHER AGENCIES | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Approved | Transportation Information for Rezoning, Subdivision and Development Review Requests File Number Description Date Reviewed E Pima Association of Governments Transportation Planning Division 177 N. Church Avenue, Suite 405 Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: (520) 792-1093 Fax: (520) 620-6981 www.pagnet.org D05-0035 UMC Cancer Center 10/3/2005 1. Nearest Existing or Planned Major Street 2. Is improvement planned as part of the 5-Year Transportation Improvement Program Planned Action: STREET IDENTIFICATION 3. Existing Daily Volume – Based on Average Daily Traffic 4. Existing Daily Capacity- Level of Service “E” 5. Existing Number of Lanes 9. Estimated Traffic Generation for Proposed Development (Expressed in Average 24 Hr. Vehicle Trips) 8. Future Number of Lanes TRANSIT AND BIKEWAYS CONSIDERATIONS 10. Present Bus Service (Route, Frequency, Distance) 11. Existing or Planned Bikeway Remarks: Street Number 1 Street Number 2 Year Year Planned Action: VOLUME/CAPACITY/TRAFFIC GENERATION CONSIDERATIONS 6. Future Daily Volume - Adopted Plan System Completed 7. Future Daily Capacity - Level of Service “E” Campbell (Prince to Roger) No 0 48,312 42,760 4 43,000 63,138 4 859 Route 15, 15 minutes, 0 miles; 103 Express, 2am, 2pm trips, 0 miles Planned bike route 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
10/27/2005 | PATRICIA GEHLEN | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Denied | COMMUNITY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES October 27, 2005 Joe Zeman Engineering and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4625 East Fort Lowell Tucson, Arizona 85712 Subject: D05-0035 UMC Cancer Center Development Plan Dear Steve: Your submittal of September 14, 2005 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and a DETAILED cover letter for each agency explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed: ALL BLUELINES MUST BE FOLDED 5 Copies Revised Development Plan (Community Planning, Landscape, Zoning, Engineering, DSD) 5 Copies Revised Landscape Plans (Zoning, Community Planning, Landscape, Engineering, DSD) 2 Copies NPPO Plans (Landscape, DSD) AS OF THIS DATE PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER HAS NOT COMPLETED THE REVIEW OF THIS PLAN. THE REVISED DEVELOPMENT PLAN MAY NOT BE RESUBMITTED UNTIL THE WASTEWATER REVIEW IS FINALIZED. IF THE REVIEW IS DENIED OR CONDITIONALLY APPROVED, PLEASE INCREASE THE NUMBER OF REVISED DEVELOPMENT PLANS REQUIRED FOR RESUBMITTAL BY ONE (1). IF THE REVIEW IS APPROVED, NO ADDITIONAL COPIES ARE NEEDED. Should you have any questions, please call me at 791-5608, ext. 1179. Sincerely, Patricia Y. Gehlen CDRC Manager All comments for this case are available on our website at http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/ Via fax: 321-0333 |
10/27/2005 | TIM ROWE | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Denied | November 1, 2005 To: Joe Zeman, Engineering and Environmental Consultants, Inc. Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Project Manager City of Tucson Development Services Department ____________________________________ From: Michael Harrington (520-740-6579), representing the Pima County Departments of Wastewater Management and Environmental Quality Subject: UMC Cancer Center Development Plan - 1st Submittal D05-0035 The proposed sewer collection lines for the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) and the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD). This review letter may contain comments pertaining to the concerns of either Department. The following comments are offered for your use. This project will be tributary to the Roger Road Wastewater treatment Facility via the South Rillito - West (Central Line). Obtain a letter from the PCWMD Planning Services, written within the past 90 days, stating that treatment and conveyance system capacity for the project is available, and provide a copy of that letter to this office. PCWWM Planning Services may be contacted regarding this matter at 520-740-6500. The development plan for this project cannot be approved until a copy of this letter has been received by this office. Based on the sewer layout shown, this project would qualify for the Non-Participating sewer connection fee rate. However, a final determination of this status cannot be made until approval of the sewer construction plans and/or preparation of a sewer service agreement. All Sheets: Add the development plan case number, D05-035, to the title block of each sheet. This number should be shown larger or bolder than any cross-reference numbers. No wastewater review fees will be charged for sheets where this is the only required revision. Sheet 1: Add a General Note that states: THIS PROJECT WILL HAVE ______ EXISTING AND______ PROPOSED WASTEWATER FIXTURE UNIT EQUIVALENTS PER TABLE 13.20.045(E)(1) IN PIMA COUNTY CODE 13.20.045(E). And fill in the blanks with the appropriate values. Until the fixture unit equivalent number is provided I am unable to determine if a Sewer Service Agreement will be required for this project. If the SSA is required it will be sent to your office after the next development plan review. Sheet 1: Revise General Note #19 so that it begins with a sentence that states: THE EXISTING ONSITE PUBLIC SEWERS ARE TO BE ABANDONED. Sheet 1: General Note #12 is considered a permitting note. Create a Permitting Notes block and move General Note #12 to this block. Sheet 1: Add a Permitting Note that states: EXISTING MANHOLE/CLEANOUT(S) [ #S ] OF [ PCWWMD PLAN # ] IS(ARE) TO BE REMOVED. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE RIM AND COVER. THE MANHOLE/CLEANOUT(S) WILL BE DEMOLISHED COMPLETELY AND FILLED AND COMPACTED WITH SELECT MATERIAL TO 95% DENSITY. THE SALVAGED RIM AND COVER SHALL BE DELIVERED TO PCWWMD AT THE LOCATION AS SPECIFIED BY THE INSPECTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL MANHOLE DEMOLITION MATERIAL OFF SITE AT A LANDFILL OR OTHER APPROVED LOCATION. And revise the wording appropriately. Sheet 1: Add a Permitting Note that states: [ LENGTH ] LF OF EXISTING [ DIAMETER] PUBLIC SEWER FROM MANHOLE/CLEANOUT # [ # ] TO MANHOLE # [ # ] OF [ PCWWMD PLAN # ] IS TO BE ABANDONED. REMOVE SEWER COMPLETELY, OR FLUSH AND GROUT FULL WITH CLSM NO. 1 OR APPROVED EQUAL. And revise the wording appropriately. Sheet 1: Add a Permitting Note that states: THE WORDS “PIMA COUNTY SANITARY SEWER” SHALL BE IMPRINTED ONLY ON COVERS OF MANHOLES, WHICH ARE TO BE PART OF THE PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT (PUBLIC) SANITARY SEWAGE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM. SEWER MANHOLE COVERS ON CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS TO BE OWNED AND OPERATED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN PIMA COUNTY SHALL HAVE CAST INTO THEM THE WORDS “PRIVATE SEWER.” Sheet 2: Provide the IMS manhole number for the unidentified public manhole shown in the Northeast portion of the parcel. Sheet 2: Provide the sewer plan number for the existing public sewer elements (manholes and pipe) for the public sewer that flows from EX CO#6271*01 to EX SMH#6271-02. Note that part of the cleanout designation is an asterisk in place of the hyphen. Sheet 2: Add the sewer plan number to the public sewer manhole at the point of connection of the new private sewer and all sewers shown within 100’ of the subject property. Sheet 2: Add Keynote #22 to all lengths of public sewer pipe that will be abandoned. The existing public sewer, as shown on the plans, does not match the alignment of the as-built plans, sewer base map or online version shown on PCWWM or PCDOT Mapguide. Verify that the existing public sewer alignment is in fact different from the as- built plan. Contact PCWWM Development Review – Design staff, Ilene Deckard or Yvonne Suarez, for any fixture unit credits, at 740-6500, prior to demolition of the existing building structures. We will require a revised set of bluelines, and a response letter, addressing these comments. Additional comments may be made during the review of these documents. County Ordinance 2003-29 went into effect on April 11, 2003. This ordinance requires that a wastewater review fee be paid for each submittal of the development plan. The fee for the first submittal is $166 plus $50 per sheet. For the second submittal, the review fee is $50 per sheet. For all subsequent submittals, the review fee is $39 per sheet. The next submittal of this project will be the second (2nd) submittal. A check for the review fee of this submittal in the amount of $100.00 (made out to PIMA COUNTY TREASURER) must accompany the revised set of bluelines and response letter. If the number of sheets changes, please adjust the review fee accordingly. If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned comments, please contact me at the telephone number shown under my signature on the first page of this letter CC: Project File |