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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - D04-0033
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/24/2004 | FERNE RODRIGUEZ | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
11/30/2004 | KAY MARKS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Approved | 201 N. STONE AV., 1ST FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 KAY MARKS ADDRESSING OFFICIAL PH: 740-6480 FAX #: 740-6370 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: KAY MARKS, ADDRESSING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: D04-0033 ST PAULS UNITED METHODIST / REVISED DEVELOPMENT PLAT DATE: NOVEMBER 26, 2004 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and we hereby approve this project. NOTE: 1. Submit a 24 x 36 Reverse Reading Double Matte Photo Mylar of approved Development Plan to City Planning. Signed and dated Mylar will be forwarded to Pima County Addressing prior to assignment of addresses. 2. All addresses will need to be displayed per Pima County Address Standards at the time of final inspection. |
12/02/2004 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) The vehicular use areas on the site are subject to the requirements of LUC which states "The canopy trees must be evenly distributed throughout the vehicular use area. Every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk). Revise the plans as necessary meet the requirement for the parking area east of the existing fellowship hall. Show existing trees and make additions as necessary. 2) Parking spaces may not overlap the required street landscape borders. DS 2-06.3.3.E Revise the plan as necessary to eliminate the overlap in the southeastern portion of the site along Maguire Avenue. 3) Revise the plan to correctly identify the existing ground plane surface east of the existing education/administration building. DG is indicated as existing, although asphalt paving is present. Indicate if the asphalt is to be removed. 4) Submit a revised native plant preservation plan. Ensure that it is consistent with the landscape plan. |
12/03/2004 | PAUL MACHADO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | To: Craig Gross DATE: December 3, 2004 Planning Administrator SUBJECT: 8051 E. Broadway Blvd., St. Paul's Methodist Church Development Plan D04-0033 (Second Review) T14S, R15E, Section 09 RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Development Plan The Development Plan (DP) and Drainage Report (DR) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal. Development Plan: 1. A detailed response letter to the comments must be included along with the corrected copies of the DP with the re-submittal. 2. Call out all proposed sidewalks, vertical curbs and the wheel chair ramps on Maguire Ave. per the rezoning condition on general note 12. Also show conformance of the widening of Maguire Ave. to 24'. It's understood that WBA will be preparing the improvements plans, however, a general note on the plans stating that a Private Improvement Agreement (PIA) will be required to construct the improvements. 3. Sidewalks must connect to the circulation path located in any adjacent street per D.S 2-08.4.1.D. The s/w in the SW PAAL shall be extended to the s/w on Broadway Blvd. If a direct connection can not be made because of the steep topography, then perhaps by "zig-zaging" the sidewalk to Broadway may be a solution. Or continue the sidewalk east between the existing fellowship hall, building #2, and adjacent to the existing handicap parking spaces to meet the sidewalk leading to Broadway Blvd. This would also solve both requirements of providing a sidewalk adjacent to the existing handicap parking spaces and continuous circulation. However you may choose to solve the requirement, the minimum of a "turnaround" at the end of the sidewalk for a wheelchair that may decide to use that sidewalk will be requiremened per ANSI standard A117.1, 2003 edition. 4. List the consulting engineer who is responsible for the drainage and engineering of the project. Per previous comment. Drainage Report: 1. The Drainage Report is accepted for DP purposes only. The final acceptance will be done during the Grading Plan stage. 2. Adequate percolation must be demonstrated prior to Grading Plan approval. Stormwater pollution prevention plan: 1. The SWPPP submitted previously was for the grubbing and earthwork permit only. A revised SWPPP will be required at the Grading plan stage. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1193 or Paul.Machado@ci.tucsonaz.govs Paul P. Machado Senior Engineering Associate City of Tucson/Development Services Department 201 N. Stone Avenue P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210 (520) 791-5550 x1193 office (520) 879-8010 fax C:/8051 E. Broadway Blvd. CDRC 2 |
12/06/2004 | FRODRIG2 | COT NON-DSD | REAL ESTATE | Denied | Still working on the r/w dedication. Will need updated info on the recorded Deed of Trust as shown on the title commitment. |
12/06/2004 | FRODRIG2 | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Approv-Cond | December 6, 2004 TO: Kim B. Acorn Acorn Associates Architecture Ltd. THRU: Craig Gross City of Tucson, Development Services Department FROM: Dickie Fernández, E.I.T. Pima County Development Services Department Development Review Division (Wastewater) SUBJECT: Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church Development Plan – 2nd Submittal D04-0033 The proposed sewer collection lines to serve the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) and the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD). This review letter may contain comments pertaining to the concerns of either Department. The following comments are offered for your use. A private Sewer Service Agreement for the proposed number of wastewater fixture unit equivalents has been sent to your office. After three original Sewer Service Agreements have been signed by the Owner of Record, the three originals should be returned to Pima County Wastewater Management in order to satisfy the necessary requirements needed to approve the development plan. Subject to the above, the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality and Wastewater Management Department hereby approve the above referenced submittal of the development plan. The required revision(s) may be shown on the Mylars. Please note the following: Approval of the above referenced submittal does not authorize the construction of public or private sewer collection lines, or water distribution lines. Prior to the construction of such features, a Construction Authorization (Approval To Construct) may need to be obtained from the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. Also, air quality activity permits must be secured by the developer or prime contractor from the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality before constructing, operating or engaging in an activity which may cause or contribute to air pollution. If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Dickie Fernández, E.I.T. Telephone: (520) 740-6947 Copy: Project |
12/06/2004 | ROGER HOWLETT | COT NON-DSD | COMMUNITY PLANNING | Denied | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN Regarding SUBJECT: Community Design Review Committee Application CASE NUMBER: CASE NAME: DATE SENT D04-0033 St. Pauls United Methodist 12/06/04 () Tentative Plat (X) Development Plan (X) Landscape Plan () Revised Plan/Plat () Board of Adjustment () Other CROSS REFERENCE: C9-04-02 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Pantano East GATEWAY/SCENIC ROUTE: Yes COMMENTS DUE BY: December 7, 2004 SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PLAT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION, AND STAFF SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS: () No Annexation or Rezoning Conditions, Not an RCP - No Comment () Proposal Complies with Annexation or Rezoning Conditions () RCP Proposal Complies With Plan Policies (X) See Additional Comments Attached () No Additional Comments - Complies With Planning Comments Submitted on: (X) Resubmittal Required: () Tentative Plat (X) Development Plan (X) Landscape Plan () Other REVIEWER: msp 791-4505 DATE: December 2, 2004 Urban Planning and Design Comments D04- 0033, St. Paul’s United Methodist: Development Plan December 2, 2004 Staff offers the following comments: As indicated on previous comments, please revise development plan and landscape plan to comply with rezoning case C09-04-02, condition number 5,as indicated below: Please revise landscape plan, sheet L-1 for compliance with rezoning condition # 5, which reads: The landscape buffer along the full length of the northern property boundary shall include drought tolerant native canopy trees which shall be placed every twenty-five feet on center. You indicate in your response to the previous review that canopy trees on the north boundary are now shown at the rate of 1 tree per 25’ per rezoning condition. However the condition requires the trees to be, at a minimum, placed on center, every twenty-five feet. Additional trees may be grouped or clustered (extra trees), but there must be a tree every twenty-five feet on center along the full length of the north boundary. This condition is required to provide a continuous canopy buffer along the full length of the northern boundary to help reduce the impacts of lights and noise generated by this development. The residential use located to the north of this site is a less intense use and requires mitigation along this perimeter. Therefore, please revise landscape plan to show at a minimum, drought tolerant native canopy trees, at every twenty-five feet on center, along the full length of the north boundary. A copy of rezoning conditions for case C9-04-02 has been attached for your review. |
12/08/2004 | GLYNDA ROTHWELL | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Approved | SUBJECT: ST. PAUL'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH D04-0033 Tucson Electric Power Company has reviewed and approved the development plan dated November 27, 2004. As you are aware there are existing electrical facilities within the boundaries of this development. Any relocation costs will be billable to developer. Please submit a final set of plans including electrical load plans, to determine how TEP will serve this commercial development. If easements are required, they will be secured by separate instrument. Submit your plans a minimum of ten (10) weeks prior to requiring service. Liza Castillo Land Management Tucson Electric Power Company lcastillo@tep.com Office: (520) 917-8745 Cell Phone: (520) 904-2668 Fax: (520) 917-8700 |
12/10/2004 | CRAIG GROSS | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Completed | |
12/10/2004 | PETER MCLAUGHLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Center Plans Coordination Office FROM: Peter McLaughlin Senior Planner FOR: Patricia Gehlen Principal Planner PROJECT: D04-033 St. Paul's United Methodist Church Development Plan 2nd review TRANSMITTAL: December 10, 2004 DUE DATE: December 9, 2004 1. Revise rezoning case number in general note 1 on sheet DP2 to read "C9-04-02." DS 2-05.2.2.B.2 If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Peter McLaughlin, (520)791-5608. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IS REQUIRED: revised development plan, landscape plan |