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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - D03-0040
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
12/17/2003 | GLYNDA ROTHWELL | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Approved | SUBJECT: TUCSON FEDERAL CREDIT UNION D03-0040 Tucson Electric Power Company has reviewed and approved the development plan dated December 2, 2003. Please submit a final set of plans including electrical load plans, to determine how TEP will serve this commercial development. Liza Castillo Land Management Tucson Electric Power Company lcastillo@tep.com Office: (520) 884-3879 Pager: (520) 218-6565 Fax: (520) 770-2002 |
12/23/2003 | FERNE RODRIGUEZ | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
12/24/2003 | TIM ROWE | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Approv-Cond | January 28, 2004 TO: Arturo Coppola, R.A., Esquema Architecture THRU: Craig Gross, City of Tucson Development Services FROM: Tim Rowe, P.E., Development Review Engineer (representing Pima County Wastewater Management and Environmental Quality) Pima County Development Review Division SUBJECT: Tucson Federal Credit Union Development Plan - 1st and 2nd Submittals D03-0040 The proposed sewer collection lines to serve the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) and the Pima County Wastewater Management (PCWWM) Department. This review letter may contain comments pertaining to the concerns of either Department. Separate review letters from PDEQ and PCWWM representatives will not be prepared for this project. The following comments are offered for your use: 1. Esquema Architecture elected to make the 2nd submittal of this development plan, before this office had reviewed the 1st submittal. This was done with the understanding that this would not create any obligation by this office to approve the 2nd submittal, or to expedite any necessary subsequent submittals. This office reviewed the 2nd submittal in the 1st submittal’s place in our queue of plans to review. As the 1st submittal was not reviewed, no 2nd submittal review fees are due. Any necessary subsequent submittal will be subject to such fees, however. The following comments apply to the 2nd submittal: 2. This project will be tributary to the Southwest Interceptor and the Roger Road Wastewater Treatment Facility. Per PCWWM Planning Services, there is currently treatment and conveyance system capacity in the existing downstream sewerage system for this development. Flow from this proposed project would not cause an flow of effluent quality limits to be exceeded. This response is not to be construed as a commitment for treatment or conveyance capacity allocation, but rather an analysis of the existing sewerage system as of this date. 3. Based on the preliminary sewer layout as shown on the referenced development plan, this project would qualify for Non-Participating sewer connection fee rates. However, a final determination of this status cannot be made until approval of the sewer construction plans and/or preparation of the sewer service agreement. 4. Sheet 1: Label the existing public sewer line in Mission Road with its size (8") and plan number (G-386). 5. Sheet 1: Label the existing manhole in G-386 that serves as the point of connection to the public sewer system with its manhole number, as shown on PCWWM’s section and basemaps (EX MH #5689-56). 6. Sheet 1: Revise the label for the existing Building Connection Sewer (BCS) to read EXISTING 4" BCS. 7. Sheet 1: Revise the first Wastewater Note to read: THE ON-SITE SEWERS ARE EXISTING AND WILL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. NO NEW SEWERS ARE PROPOSED. 8. Sheet 1: Add a Wastewater Note that reads: ANY RELOCATION, MODIFICATION, ETC., OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND/OR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL BE AT NO EXPENSE TO THE PUBLIC. 9. Sheet 1: Move the Drainage Note referencing Pima County Ordinance No. 1991-140 into the Wastewater Notes. 10. Sheet 1: Delete the two Drainage Notes referencing on-site sewers. 11. Subject to the above, the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality and Wastewater Management Department hereby approve the above referenced submittal. The required revision(s) may be shown on the Mylars. Please note the following: Approval of the above referenced submittal does not authorize the construction of public or private sewer collection lines, or water distribution lines. Prior to the construction of such features, a Construction Authorization (Approval To Construct) may need to be obtained from the Pima County Environmental Quality. Also, air quality activity permits must be secured by the developer or prime contractor from the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality before constructing, operating or engaging in an activity which may cause or contribute to air pollution. If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at 740-6563. Tim Rowe, P.E., Development Review Engineer (Wastewater) Pima County Development Review Division TR/tr Copy: Project |
12/24/2003 | DAVID RIVERA | ZONING | REVIEW | Approved | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Plans Coordination Office Development Services Department FROM: David Rivera Senior Planner FOR: Patricia Gehlen Principal Planner PROJECT: D03-0040 Tucson Federal Credit Union Development Plan TRANSMITTAL: December 24, 2003 DUE DATE: December 24, 2003 The Zoning Review Section approves the development plan for this project. However, should there be any changes requested by other CDRC members, the Zoning Review Section approval is void, and we request copies of the revised development plan to verify that those changes do not affect any zoning requirements. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera at (520) 791-5608. C:\planning\cdrc\developmentplan\D030040dpa.doc |
12/24/2003 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | Revise the landscape plan to include canopy trees within the tree planters located in the vehicular use area as shown on the original landscape plans for the site. |