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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - D02-0025
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/09/2002 | LAITH ALSHAMI | DEVELOPMENT SERVICES | ENGINEERING | Denied | DATE: October 7, 2002 TO: Craig Gross FROM: Laith Alshami, P.E. CDRC Engineering SUBJECT: Williams Centre, Blocks 8 & 9 D02-025, T14S, R14E, SECTION 14 RECEIVED: Development Plan, Landscape Plan and Drainage Report on September 27, 2002 The subject project has been reviewed. We offer the following comments: Drainage Report: Show on the Drainage Plan the locations of the cross sections shown in Figure 5. Provide soil percolation test to verify that the retention basins will operate adequately. Please be advised that the Grading Plan will not be approved until the soil percolation test results are satisfactory. According to D.S. 3-01.4.4.F. 10-year flow has to be completely conveyed under sidewalks when the runoff crosses any sidewalk. This also applies to roof drainage. The revised drainage report does not appear to address the conveyance under sidewalks. Demonstrate compliance with this requirement and include any design calculations in drainage report. Development Plan: Either fill in the Address Box on the first sheet with the appropriate information or remove it completely. Show and label areas of detention/retention including 100-year ponding limits with water surface elevations (D.S. 2-05.2.4.H.1). Demonstrate compliance with Rezoning Conditions #19. Provide proper documentation that verifies contact with Transportation City Engineer, Mr. Andy Dinauer, concerning this issue. Additionally, clarify who will be responsible to build the additional box culvert underneath Williams Center. This issue should be addressed with Mr. Dinauer in case an agreement has to be reached between Williams Center owners and the City of Tucson. Landscape Plan: It is not clear where water harvesting is addressed on the Development Plan. RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Revised Development Plan, Landscape Plan and Drainage Report LFA:lfa S\Engineering\D02-025 Williams Centre, Blocks 8 & 9 DP, DR & LP comments2.doc |
10/09/2002 | JOE LINVILLE | DEVELOPMENT SERVICES | LANDSCAPE | Denied | The Landscape Section does not recommend approval of the Develpmjent Plan at this time. Location of the right turn lane and public sidewalk on the property along Craycroft Road does not necessarily relieve the project from the requirement to landscape to a depth of twenty feet. Please resolve this issue with Community Planning. Screening plants added along Cooper Street and Williams Circle are to be located on the development side of the street landscape border per LUC Any plantings located in the public right of way must be approved by the City Engineer. Provide verification of any approvals. The Native Plant Preservation Plan is approved. Resubmittal of the Development Plan and the Landscape plan is required. Approval letter for landscaping in the right of way is also required. |
10/11/2002 | DAVID RIVERA | DEVELOPMENT SERVICES | ZONING | Approv-Cond | PROJECT: D02-0025 Williams Centre Blocks 8 & 9 Development Plan FROM: David Rivera Senior Planner FOR: Patricia Gehlen Principal Planner Zoning Review Section TRANSMITTAL: October 10, 2002 DUE DATE: October 11, 2002 1. Zoning review approves the development plan subject to the following conditions. Copies of the recorded deeds for the lot reconfiguration, recorded documents for the cross access (cross parking if applicable), and the recorded documents for the pedestrian easement along a portion of the east boundary of Block 8. The recordation information must be added to the plan as a keynote. (Previous Comments) A. A recorded cross access agreement is required. The parking spaces along the west side of the restaurant that abut the west property line of lot 2 and have not been provided direct or onsite access. Please provide a copy of the proposed cross access agreement for review. The agreement must be in perpetuity and run with land. The agreement recordation information must be listed as a note and the location depicted on the plan. The agreement must be recorded prior to final approval of the development plan. B. This site has been recently reconfigured. Please provide copies of the recorded legal descriptions. C. A pedestrian access easement will be required along the Craycroft Road frontage. The easement must be provided from the south driveway entrance to point at which the sidewalk is realigned with the City of Tucson right-of-way. The recordation information must be added to the plan and the easement depicted. A copy of the recorded documents must be provided prior to final approval of the development plan. Approval by the City of Tucson Real Estate Division may be required. Please contact Jim Rossi at 791-4881 for further information. 2. Per a meeting with Rafael Sebba of Community Planning and myself (10/10/02) a few issues still remained that may impact the design of the project. One of the issues is the location of the dumpsters and the loading zones as shown on the plan for building's one (1) and two (2). The screen wall for the loading zones prohibits a safe continuous pedestrian circulation path in that area. The location of both the dumpsters and the loading zones also appear to be in conflict with the landscape plan and the elevation rendering. One of the other issues is the required 20 feet landscape border required along the property line that is adjacent to Craycroft Road. Please follow up with Community Planning and the landscape reviewer on both these issues. As always, if the plan requires a modification as a result of other agency review requirements this conditional approval is void and a re-submittal of the copies of the revised development and landscape plans will be required to be provided to the Zoning Review Section for review. As soon as the Development Services Department receives verification that all conditions are met, a rezoning ordinance will be scheduled for Mayor and Council consideration. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608. DGR C:\planning\cdrc\developmentplan\D020025dpca.doc |
10/18/2002 | ROGER HOWLETT | COT NON-DSD | COMMUNITY PLANNING | Denied | COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION COMMENTS Regarding SUBJECT: Community Design Review Committee Application CASE NUMBER: CASE NAME: DATE SENT D02-0025 Williams Centre – Blocks 8 & 9 10/16/02 (-) Tentative Plat (-) Development Plan (-) Landscape Plan () Revised Plan/Plat (-) Board of Adjustment () Other CROSS REFERENCE: C9-01-07 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Broadway Craycroft Area Plan GATEWAY/SCENIC ROUTE: Gateway COMMENTS DUE BY: 10.11.02 SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PLAT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION, AND STAFF SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS: (-) No Annexation or Rezoning Conditions, Not an RCP - No Comment (-) Proposal Complies with Annexation or Rezoning Conditions (-) RCP Proposal Complies With Plan Policies () See Additional Comments Attached (-) No Additional Comments - Complies With Planning Comments Submitted on: () Resubmittal Required: () Development Plan () Landscape Plan () 1st Story Floor Plans () Elevations and Color Renderings REVIEWER: Rafael Sebba DATE: 10.16.02 COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION COMMENTS D02-0025 Williams Centre – Blocks 8 & 9 This development is subject to the policies of the Williams Addition Planned Area Development. As per Sections XI.C.1 and C.2 of the Williams Addition Planned Area Development, staff cannot approve site plans until written approval of the Williams Centre Design Committee has been received. As submitted, pedestrian circulation systems and building entries are unclear, especially around trash enclosures and loading areas. Please denote whether an entrance will be provided adjacent to the bicycle parking or if individuals must walk around the trash enclosure and loading zone to enter the building. Additionally, please indicate whether there is internal access, external access, or some combination of both, to the Pei Wei and Baja Fresh spaces in Building 1. Please identify how compliance with Condition 11 will be met. As submitted, it is unclear how canopies, planters and wing walls will be utilized to provide a defined, highly visible customer entrance. Please depict loading areas, trash enclosures, and gates on elevations and renderings. Please provide a note on the development plan indicating that exterior mechanical equipment will be screened. Please provide a twenty (20’) foot landscape area along the Craycroft Road deceleration lane, as per October 16, 2002 discussion. Please define areas identified as usable open space and include usable open space area measurements as a row in the Landscape Calculations table on the Landscape Plan. In the Landscape Calculations table, please provide a summation column. In the Notes and Calculations on the Development Plan, please include usable open space area measurements and parking area measurements for the individual blocks and the entire project. Subsequent submittals may result in additional comments. COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION COMMENTS Regarding SUBJECT: Community Design Review Committee Application CASE NUMBER: CASE NAME: DATE SENT D02-0025 Williams Centre – Blocks 8 & 9 09/12/02 (-) Tentative Plat () Development Plan () Landscape Plan (-) Revised Plan/Plat (-) Board of Adjustment () Other CROSS REFERENCE: C9-01-07 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Broadway Craycroft Area Plan GATEWAY/SCENIC ROUTE: Gateway COMMENTS DUE BY: 9.12.02 SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PLAT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION, AND STAFF SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS: (-) No Annexation or Rezoning Conditions, Not an RCP - No Comment (-) Proposal Complies with Annexation or Rezoning Conditions (-) RCP Proposal Complies With Plan Policies () See Additional Comments Attached (-) No Additional Comments - Complies With Planning Comments Submitted on: () Resubmittal Required: () Development Plan () Landscape Plan () 1st Story Floor Plans () Elevations and Color Renderings REVIEWER: Rafael Sebba DATE: 9.12.02 COMMUNITY PLANNING AND PRESERVATION COMMENTS D02-0025 Williams Centre – Blocks 8 & 9 This development is subject to the policies of the Williams Addition Planned Area Development. Please provide a letter of approval for building elevations and color renderings from the Williams Centre Design Committee. Please provide floor plans for the first floors of all proposed buildings, which indicate access and entrances to the buildings, and details of exterior features such as pedestrian facilities, landscaping, and patios. As submitted, pedestrian circulation systems to building entries are unclear, especially around trash enclosures and loading areas. Please provide elevations and a color rendering of all proposed buildings within the development. Please correct the graphic scales on sheets L-3 and L-4. Public sidewalks are to be located entirely within the public right-of-way, and are not to be included in the twenty (20’) foot landscape areas along Craycroft Road. Please revise both the development plan and landscape plan. Please provide pedestrian connections between Buildings 2 and 3, and additional pedestrian connections from the larger parking areas to the buildings. If detention is permitted along Williams Circle, please provide safety railing between the detention areas and the sidewalks. Please identify how compliance with Conditions 10 and 11 will be met. Please provide site area, building area, FAR, building coverage, and parking calculations for the entire site (Development Area ‘C’ as identified in the Williams Addition PAD), in addition to individual lot and building calculations. Building coverage must be calculated based on Item ‘B’ under ‘Definitions’ in the Williams Addition PAD. Please provide individual and total area calculations for all landscaped areas. Parking areas are to be landscaped in accordance with Item 6.c.2 of the Williams Addition PAD Traffic Plan. Pedestrian circulation systems, specifically gateway treatments and pathway lighting, will be further reviewed upon submittal of first story floor plans, and after appropriate parking lot screening has been determined by the Development Services Department. Subsequent submittals may result in additional comments. |
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