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Permit Number: D02-0023
Parcel: 120052720

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - D02-0023
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

1. All mapped data on the development plan shall be drawn at an engineering scale having no more than forty (40) feet to the inch. This scale is the minimum accepted due to the detailed information required to show compliance. It also affords greater clarity after photographic reduction (microfilming) for record-keeping purposes.
D.S. 2-05.2.1.B

2. All lettering and dimensions shall be the equivalent of twelve (0.12") point or greater in size. The purpose of this requirement is to assure that all lettering is legible when reviewed and will maintain that legibility when reproduced and photographically reduced (microfilmed) for record-keeping purposes. D.S. 2-05.2.1.C

3. A small, project-location map shall be drawn on the first sheet of the development plan, preferably in the upper right corner. The map should cover approximately one (1) square mile, be drawn at a minimum scale of 3" = 1 mile, and provide the following information. D.S. 2-05.2.1.D

4. Identify conditions within the square mile area, such as major streets and watercourses. D.S. 2-05.2.1.D.2

5. Indicate a brief legal description. D.S. 2-05.2.1.G.2

6. Indicate the north arrow, contour interval, and scale should be placed together on each sheet, preferably in the upper right corner of the plat. D.S. 2-05.2.1.H

7. Indicate a legend which shows and describes all symbols used on the drawing is to be placed on the plan, preferably on the first sheet. D.S. 2-05.2.1.J

8. If one (1) or more of the following special overlay zones are applicable to the property, add a note stating that the project is designed to meet the overlay zone(s) criteria: Sec. 2.8.1, Hillside Development Zone (HDZ); Sec. 2.8.2, Scenic Corridor Zone (SCZ); Sec. 2.8.3, Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Setback Zone; Sec. 2.8.4, Gateway Corridor Zone; Sec. 2.8.5, Airport Environs Zone (AEZ); Sec. 2.8.6, Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ); Sec. 2.8.7, Downtown Heritage Incentive Zone; or Sec. 2.8.8, Historic Preservation Zone (HPZ) of the LUC; or Sec. 29-12 through 29-19 Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat (WASH) Ordinance of the Tucson Code.

The note should specify which lots are affected by the overlay zones, if there is more than one (1) lot within the site. Projects involving Historic Preservation Zones, Scenic Corridor Zones, or Downtown Heritage Incentive Zones (involving demolition) require separate review and approval. The same is true of projects involving WASH or ERZ applicability, if encroachment into the 100-year floodplain is proposed. Application is to the Zoning Review Section at DSD for the ERZ ordinance and to the Engineering Division of the Transportation Department for the WASH ordinance. Once approval is granted, add the file number and approval date to the development plan in the general notes. D.S. 2-05.2.2.B.10

9. List the following notes on all development plans. D.S. 2-05.2.2.C.1.

a. "The developer, any successors and assigns, will hold the City of Tucson, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims for damages related to the use of this development as shown hereon, now and in the future, by reason of flooding, flowage, erosion, or damage caused by water, whether surface flood or rainfall."

b. "Drainage will remain in its natural state and will not be altered, disturbed, or obstructed other than as shown on this development plan."

10. If applicable, list the following notes and complete the blanks. D.S. 2-05.2.2.C.2.

a. "The following lots are affected by the City of Tucson Floodplain Regulations: __________." (List the lots affected by lot number.) In the case of one (1) lot development, substitute the words, "This project is affected by the City of Tucson Floodplain Regulations."

b. "A floodplain use permit and/or finished floor elevation certificates are required for the following lots: __________." (List the lots affected by lot number, or in the case of a one (1) lot development, place a period
after the word "required" and delete the remainder of note.)

11. List the following note on all development plans: "No structure or vegetation shall be located or maintained so as to interfere with the sight visibility triangles in accordance with Development Standard 3-01.0."
D.S. 2-05.2.2.D.2

12. All development plans are to include the following note: "Any relocation or modification of existing utilities and/or public improvements necessitated by the proposed development will be at no expense to the public."
D.S. 2-05.2.2.E

13. Indicate existing Site Conditions. The following information shall be provided on the development plan drawing to indicate the existing conditions on site and within fifty (50) feet of the site. On sites bounded by a street with a width of fifty (50) feet or greater, the existing conditions across the street will be provided. D.S. 2-05.2.3.

A. Provide site boundary information, including bearing in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with basis for bearing noted, together with distances in feet, to hundredths of a foot, or other functional reference system.

B. All easements shall be drawn on the plan. The recordation information, location, width, and purpose of all easements on site will be stated. Blanket easements should be listed in the notes, together with recordation data and their proposed status. Should an easement not be in use and be proposed for vacation or have been abandoned, so indicate. However, should the easement be in conflict with any proposed building location, vacation of the easement is to occur prior to issuance of permits.

C. The following information regarding existing private or public right-of-way adjacent to or within the site shall be provided: the name, right-of-way width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks.

D. The following information regarding existing utilities shall be provided: the location and size of water wells, water pumping plants, water reservoirs, water lines, fire hydrants, sanitary and storm sewers, including the pipe diameter and the invert and rim elevations of all manholes and cleanouts; the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD) reference number; locations of gas lines, electric and telephone lines, poles, and communications cables, on-ground junction boxes, and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not located on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction, distance to, and sizes of those nearest the property.

Identifying the locations of all utilities and service equipment immediately adjacent to the project is especially important in situations where pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation or landscaping can be in conflict. By knowing the location of the existing utilities, design of the project can take those elements into consideration and can help avoid expensive and time-consuming relocation of utilities, major redesign, or requests to vary regulations after commencement of construction.

E. Indicate the ground elevation on the site based on City of Tucson Datum (indicate City of Tucson field book
number and page).

1. For land that slopes less than approximately one (1) percent, contour lines shall be drawn at intervals of not more than one (1) foot. Spot elevations shall be provided at all breaks in grade and along all drainage channels or swales and at selected points not more than one hundred (100) feet apart in all directions.

2. For land that slopes between approximately one (1) percent and five (5) percent, contour lines shall be drawn at intervals of not more than two (2) feet.

14. Indicate existing storm drainage facilities on and adjacent to the site will be shown. D.S. 2-05.2.3.F

15. Indicate other significant conditions on the site, such as major rock outcrops, structures, fences, walls, etc., shall be shown. These elements should be indicated in a different line weight than the proposed improvements and labeled to be removed or retained. D.S. 2-05.2.3.G

16. Indicate conditions on adjacent land significantly affecting the design of the project will be shown, such as the approximate direction and gradients of ground slope; character and location of adjacent development; and drainageways, arroyos, ditches, and channels, including their existing conditions. D.S. 2-05.2.3.H

17. Indicate floodplain information, including the location of the 100-year flood limits for all flows of one hundred (100) cfs or more with 100-year flood water surface elevations, shall be indicated. D.S. 2-05.2.3.I.

1. Where natural flood prone areas, such as washes, channels, drainageways, etc., exist within the development plan boundaries of the drawing, water surface contours for the 100-year flood with water surface elevations indicated must be shown and clearly labeled.

2. The linear distance between water surface contour intervals should not exceed two hundred (200) feet unless prior agreement has been made with the City Floodplain Engineer or designee.

3. A symbol identical to that used to represent the water surface contour intervals on the development plan should be included in the legend.

18. Indicate if existing streets are public or private; provide street names, widths, curbs, sidewalks, and utility locations, all fully dimensioned. D.S. 2-05.2.4.D.2

19. If utilizing parking area access lanes (PAALs), they shall be designed in accordance with Sec. 3.3.0 of the LUC and Development Standard 3-05.0. D.S. 2-05.2.4.D.3

20. Show all right-of-way dedications on or abutting the site and label. If the development plan has been prepared in conjunction with a subdivision plat or is required as a condition of approval of a review process, such as a rezoning, street dedications in accordance with the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan may be required by these processes. Should there be any proposed street or alley vacation, provide this information. If vacation has occurred, include the recording information. D.S. 2-05.2.4.E

21. If street dedication is not required or proposed and the project site is adjacent to a Major Street or Route, draw the Major Street right-of-way lines for those streets. (Add the MS&R future sidewalk, right-of-way lines, etc.)
D.S. 2-05.2.4.F

22. All proposed easements (utility, drainage, access, etc.) are to be dimensioned and labeled as to their purposes and whether they will be public or private. D.S. 2-05.2.4.G

23. In conjunction with a drainage report or statement, as applicable, prepared in accordance with the City Engineer's instructions and procedures, the following information will be indicated on the development plan. For additional information regarding drainage standards, see the City of Tucson Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management. D.S. 2-05.2.4.H.

1. Show areas of detention/retention including 100-year ponding limits with water surface elevations.

2. Indicate proposed drainage solutions, such as origin, direction and destination of flow and method of collecting and containing flow.

3. Provide locations and types of drainage structures, such as, but not limited to, drainage crossings and pipe culverts.

4. Indicate all proposed ground elevations at different points on each lot to provide reference to future grading and site drainage.

5. Verification will be provided that any drainage solutions which occur outside the boundaries of the development plan area are constructed with adjacent owners' permission. (Additional notarized documentation of that approval will be submitted with the drainage report.)

24. Indicate refuse collection areas, including locations of dumpsters, screening location and materials, and vehicle maneuverability, fully dimensioned. If dumpster service is not proposed, indicate type of service. For specific information on refuse collection, refer to Development Standard 6-01.0. Refuse collection on all projects shall be designed based on that Standard, even if collection is to be contracted to a private firm. Adherence to the Standard is to assure:
o minimum safety criteria are met;
o consideration of adjacent properties;
o provision for on-site collection and maneuvering to avoid on-street traffic conflicts;
o minimum conflict with pedestrian and vehicular traffic along streets and on-site.
D.S. 2-05.2.4.T

25. Indicate graphically, where possible, and by notes, in all other instances, compliance with conditions of rezoning. D.S. 2-05.2.4.U

26. Indicate the locations and types of proposed signs (wall, free-standing, pedestal) to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements and that minimal locational requirements can be met. D.S. 2-05.2.4.W

27. A Floodplain Use Permit is required. An application can be picked up at COT-DSD/Engineering counter on the first floor.

28. This project is in a Balance basin and is impacted by regulatory flow of 422(-/+) cfs. Submit a Drainage Report stating this information and provide detention/retention requirements, an encroachment analysis, basin description and so forth as per SMDDFM.


SUBJECT: Community Design Review Committee Application


D02-0023 Fry’s Fuel Service Center 08/23/02

() Tentative Plat
( ) Development Plan
( ) Landscape Plan
() Revised Plan/Plat
() Board of Adjustment
() Other




COMMENTS DUE BY: September 3, 2002


() No Annexation or Rezoning Conditions, Not an RCP - No Comment
() Proposal Complies with Annexation or Rezoning Conditions
( ) RCP Proposal Complies With Plan Policies
( ) See Additional Comments Attached
() No Additional Comments - Complies With Planning Comments Submitted on:
( ) Resubmittal Required:
() Tentative Plat
( ) Development Plan
( ) Landscape Plan
() Other

REVIEWER: JBeall DATE: 8/22/02

Community Planning and Preservation Comments
Fry’s Fuel Service Center, D02-0023

Since this project is proposing a change to a development plan for a rezoning site, it must be in conformance with the prior rezoning conditions, with the design policies and criteria of the General Plan, and any of its components. The Design Guidelines Manual, which offers insight and clarification into land use and community design policies is also used as an additional resource to the General Plan.

The proposed development plan does not appear to adequately address or provide for pedestrian circulation, accessibility and connectivity to existing pedestrian linkages within the development “pad” buildings. Rezoning condition [1.f.] requires that the development provide for a pedestrian circulation system with six foot wide colored or brick sidewalks to all shopping center structures, all portions of the parking area, and the public rights-of-way. Also, the Plans call for the integration of all convenience/commercial uses/gas stations within shopping centers, i.e. pedestrian, landscape, and lighting systems. The pedestrian areas within the “pad” buildings are to be defined and linked to the overall pedestrian system. Please indicate on the development plan how the proposed fuel service center will provide clearly defined pedestrian areas that are linked to the development’s pedestrian system, to include but not limited to, colored or brick crosswalks, raised or textured, that cross the ingress/egress driveways to the east and west of the fuel service center and connect with the already existing pedestrian system.

1) The landscape plan must include detail for the Irvington Road street landscape border.

2) Provide a copy of the previously approved development/landscape plans.

09/05/2002 CDRC Review Process DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ZONING Approved FROM: David Rivera FOR: Patricia Gehlen
Senior Planner Principal Planner

PROJECT: D02-0023
Fry's Food Store Fueling Station and Kiosk
Development plan

TRANSMITTAL: September 4, 2002

DUE DATE: September 3, 2002

1. Section, LUC, permits a maximum of one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a development plan. If, at the end of that time, the development plan has not been approved, it must be revised to be in compliance with all regulations in effect at that time, and must be resubmitted for a full CDRC review. The one-year expiration date for this development plan is August 13, 2003.

2. A small, project-location map shall be drawn on the first sheet of the development plan, preferably in the upper right corner. The map should cover approximately one (1) square mile, be drawn at a minimum scale of 3" = 1 mile, and provide the following information.

1. Show the subject property approximately centered within the one (1) square mile area.
2. Identify conditions within the square mile area, such as major streets and
3. Section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale
will be labeled.

Revise the location map as required.
DS 2-05.2.1.D

3. The following title block information is to be provided, preferably in the lower right corner of the sheet.

1. The proposed name of the project or, if there is no name, the proposed tenant's name or the property address.
2. A brief legal description.

The Title block should list the shopping center name and under the name the proposed fueling station should be listed. I.e. Placita Del Rio, I-19 and Irvington Road - Fry's Fueling Station.
DS 2-05.2.1.G

4. Add the following reference case numbers to the lower right corner next to the title block of all plan sheets. C12-90-9, C12-88-23, C9-87-45, D00-0023

DS 2-05.2.1.K

5. This project has been assigned the following development plan case number, D02-0023. Please list the case number in the lower right corner next to the title block of all plan sheets.
DS 2-05.2.2.B.2

6. List the proposed use of the property. (Retail Trade Use Group Sec. 6.3.10 - General Merchandise Subject to Sec. DD "31")

DS 2-05.2.2.B.3

7. This site is subject to the criteria of the Major Streets and Routes Setback Zone. Add a note stating that the proposed development meets the overlay zone criteria.

DS 2-05.2.2.B.10

8. All existing easements of record must be shown on the plan. The location, width, purpose, and recordation information (docket and page) of each easement must be labeled.

DS 2-05.2.3.B

9. The future curb must be shown and dimensioned. The curb based on the major streets and routes cross section will be located nine (9) feet from the future/existing property line. In addition a building setback dimension from the back of the future curb must be added. See additional comments by Engineering.

DS 2-05.2.3.C

10. Please dimension the width of both PAALs proposed on the site. The minimum width for two-way traffic is 24 feet.

DS 2-05.2.4.D.3

11. The onsite pedestrian circulation must connect to the Kiosk structure. Please demonstrate on the plan how this will be accomplished. The minimum width the required sidewalk is four (4) feet. Painted crosswalks must be provided at PAAL crossings to indicate continuous circulation. This circulation must also be handicap accessible. Show required ramps where necessary and label the slope and width.

DS 2-05.2.4.K

12. List the square footage of the Kiosk structure. Also please clarify if the Kiosk is manned.

DS 2-05.2.4.M

13. Dimension the width of the handicap parking space and access aisle. Vehicle parking spaces must be calculated based on the existing building square footage. See related comment 16. A minimum of two class two parking spaces is required. Please show on the plan the location of the facility. Provide a detail drawing that demonstrates compliance with DS 2-09 for bicycle parking criteria.

DS 2-05.2.4.P and .Q

14. Indicate the location of the refuse container. See Engineering comments for additional requirements.

DS 2-05.2.4.T

15. If applicable indicate on the plan the location of any proposed signs for the fueling station. The location size and type of signage must be labeled.

DS 2-05.2.4.W

16. The development plan submitted for this review does not accurately depict the existing conditions of this site. Since this development plan will become the most recent and up to date plan for this shopping center site, it must reflect the most current as built conditions. A development plan (D00-0023), which was approved on September 21, 2000, reflects what was proposed at that time. This plan also includes calculations such as vehicle and bicycle parking, building square footages, loading zones etc. The new development plan must include the same information and any new proposals (Fueling Station). A copy of the development plan D00-0023 may be attained at the development Services Department. I have attached a copy of the plan to my file and you are welcome to it for your revisions and updates. Please feel free to request this plan from me or from Marilynn Kaltoff, CDRC A.A.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

DGR C:\planning\cdrc\developmentplan\D020023dp.doc
09/16/2002 ZELIN CANCHOLA CITY OF TUCSON - NOT DSD ENGINEERING - TRAFFIC Approved Reply Requested: When Convenient

Traffic Engineering recommends approval of this improvement.

D. Dale Kelch, EIT
Senior Engineering Associate
Traffic Engineering Division
(520)791-5526 (fax)