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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TS-PRM-1223-00629
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
12/18/2023 | Signs | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | RE: Sign review; replacement wall signs For: Carelon Health At: 4705 S Landing Wy (zoning: PAD-29) Sign permit: TS-PRM-1223-00629 Date: 12/18/23 Reviewer: H. Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov) Codes: Unified Development Code (UDC) 7A, Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC) 600, Tucson-Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC) 2018 1. UDC: A) The proposed sign area is allowed for the location, at a ratio of 4 square feet of sign area per each 1 linear foot of street frontage (along I-19). B) Understood the tenant has the entire building. For clarity, add the frontage (145’ you have listed on application) to the location map as well, please. B) The site is within the PAD-29 zoning overlay. Property management permission (from Bourne Companies) is required for the signage proposed. Provide a written document for it, thank you. (Thank you for the document from the tenant.) 2. NEC: add the following notes to each sheet: A) add the volts, amps, circuits to each sign please 3) OLC: A) add note that a timer is to be provided to control all signs B) add note that timing device shall be set to shut signs off at midnight and will be shown at inspection 4) IBC: A) Provide fastener schedule – ie. Type of fasteners to use per wall type Resubmit on the portal with the updated notations on the plan set. Please email me if you have any questions. Thank you |