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Permit Number: TS-PRM-1222-00063
Parcel: 13308004G

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TS-PRM-1222-00063
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/20/2022 Signs REQUIRES RESUBMIT RE: sign review comments for wall sign
AT: 2050 N Pantano Rd / vertical East Apts
Sign permit: TS- PRM-1222-00063
Reviewer: H. Thrall ( Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov )
Date: 12/20/22

Codes: UDC 7A Sign standards, NEC 600, Tucson-Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC) 2018.

1. Please fill out this permit application and include it with your resubmittal: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/integrated-planning/pdsd/Sign_permit_application_2022.pdf

2. Sign area for apartment uses is limited to 50 square feet. I see that your sign is comprised of individual letters on the same color of wall surface as the entire building. Please breakdown your sign into the sign area per line of text and list it so that I can see the sign area per line and then the overall sign area. Include the dashes in the sign area. I believe your proposal is within the sign area allowance. Indicate on the plan that no other signs exist at the complex adjacent to roads or seen from roads. (Internal signs such as "office", etc. do not count toward sign area.)

3. NEC / OLC:
a. provide a note that a dedicated sign circuit shall be provided and that the circuit shall be labeled at the breaker panel.

4. IBC:
a. provide construction type of wall
b. note how the power supply is mounted to the wall (ie. number size /type of screws)
c. note the size / type number of anchors used for mounting the lettering

I found your ROC info on the AZROC website. List your ROC number on the sign permit application. If you do not have a city of Tucson business license, call 520-791-4566 for assistance, then list your license number on the sign permit application as well.

If you have any questions - please email me at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov