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Permit Number: TS-PRM-0923-00501
Parcel: 13213101A

2975 S KINO PW

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TS-PRM-0923-00501
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/25/2023 Commercial Building PENDING ASSIGNMENT Going to pass you this review - the addressing on the freestanding sign is not for this site, and they need special inspection form filled out.
09/25/2023 Sign Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
09/25/2023 Signs REQUIRES RESUBMIT RE: sign review
For: new wall signs, new freestanding sign, new directional signs
AT: Mister Carwash / 2975 S Kino PW
Sign permit: TS-PRM-0923-00501
Reviewer: H. Thrall
Date: 09/25/23

Codes: Unified Development Code (UDC), 7A Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC), Tucson- Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC) 2018
1. UDC - the wall signage and directional signage meet code, thank you.
The freestanding sign location and construction will be reviewed in detail on the resubmittal.
To assist you, staff is forwarding a copy of the approved development plan sheet to help with location of proposed replacement freestanding sign.

a) Pardon, the permit application was missing from the package.
b) List total sign area for each of the new wall signs on the construction sheets, thank you
c) Provide elevation views of the wall signs as they would look on the building when installed
d) Provide a site plan and show the location of the replacement freestanding sign on the site, at a 30’ setback from face of curb to the leading edge of the sign (new pole sign).
e) Clarify if the wall signs are replacement wall signs or additional wall signs to the north and south elevations of the building.
f) Add note that directional signs will be 1’ setback from the drive up lane curbing

2. NEC:
a) Add note that power relocation for new freestanding sign done by separate permit
b) Clarify if the logo on the freestanding sign is halo and front lit, as it is raised off surface
c) Clarify if the freestanding sign has a light bar on it at the top embellishment?
d) Clarify if the directional signs are illuminated and if so, add standard notes thank you

3. OLC: No comments, thank you

4. IBC:
a) Thank you for the engineering plan sheet for the freestanding sign, but it is for a different site. (Can you reach back out to this engineer and get the address updated?)
b) The engineering plans for the wall signs and all the calculations in the set for all the signs are for the correct address, thank you.
c) Clarify how the letters and logo are mounted to the freestanding sign cabinetry -i.e. push through letters, bolts with spacers? Etc.
d) Add note how freestanding cladding is mounted to the cabinetry, to the support pole and to the masonry base (i.e. rivets, etc.)

I may be reached at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov if you have any questions. Thank you.