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Permit Number: TS-PRM-0823-00457
Parcel: 13624450A

2630 S KOLB RD

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TS-PRM-0823-00457
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/05/2023 Sign Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
09/05/2023 Commercial Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT Starbucks - engineered signage
Art R2 drawings file does not have the connection detail between the actual canopy and the vertical supports. The Engineering Structural drawing file does not have it either (I had hoped that it would be there since the structural engineer sealed and signed those documents).
08/31/2023 Signs REQUIRES RESUBMIT RE: wall, directional, menu and order station signage review
For: Starbucks
AT: 2630 S Kolb Rd
Permit: TS-PRM-0823-00457
Date: 08/31/23
Reviewer: H. Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)

Codes: Unified Development Code (7A) Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC) 600, Tucson-Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC) 2018

1. UDC: All signs and sign area as shown in the plan set are permitted within code. The following items are needed for the permit record:
2) UDC:
A) label street frontage on plan as 120’ along Kolb, and add to permit application

3. NEC:
A) clearly call out the “shut off switch” on each wall sign (is this your “booted toggle switch?”)
B) a lock out is required for all shut off switches not directly visible to the sign, can you add that directly to the “Starbucks” letters, “sign C” diagram?
C) on sign “D” (Starbucks letters) diagram appears to indicate raised letters, for “halo” and front lit. Label the back of the letter – is it clear acrylic?
D) on permit application, please indicate Yes for digital sign (order station), and please add note 7 circuits to be used (thank you for providing that circuit sheet from the building permit)
4. OLC: -
A) On “Starbucks” letter sign, lights are 6500k (notes in the left side). This note conflicts with all the other notes on the plan sheet that 4400k is the maximum to be provided, per the Outdoor Lighting Code. Please adjust.
B) On digital order station, add note that curfew time to dim is from sunset to midnight shut off.
C) Please add note if digital menu station is dimmed via photocell or timer system.

5. General Safety Note – please add to plan “digital order station is FCC compliant” (digital signs have been interrupting small cellular wireless signals, per FCC letter 2019, several were recalled, just add note and check your manufacturer spec again)

6. IBC:
A) Sign C, Starbucks letters, indicates threaded rod, please add diameter and typical number used per letter for mounting
B) Sign C, Starbucks letters, add note how is raceway mounted interior in the wall system.
C) Engineering will be reviewed for the canopy order station on resubmittal of the entire package, thank you. (Staff is assisting with researching for the prior engineering set.)

Depending on revisions resubmitted, further review comments may be forthcoming.
I may be reached at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov if you have any questions.
Please email me when you have resubmitted the main sign package, so I may pull the resubmittal faster.