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Permit Number: TS-PRM-0524-00203
Parcel: 10707016F


Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TS-PRM-0524-00203
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/22/2024 Signs REQUIRES RESUBMIT RE: freestanding sign review
For: Chevron
AT: 1306 W Grant Rd
Sign Permit: TS-PRM-0524-00203
Reviewer: Heather Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)
Date: 05/21/24

Codes applicable to signage include: Unified Development Code (UDC, 7A, Sign Standards), National Electrical Code (NEC), Tucson - Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC)

1. UDC: Wall and freeway sign aspects are under separate permit reviews from this package.
A) This package pertains only to alteration of a nonconforming pole sign to a conforming monument sign with a digital price changer feature. A freestanding sign is permitted off Grant Road frontage; at 20’ setback from face of street curb to leading edge of the sign structure, at 50 square feet sign area and 10’ tall as measured from top of street curb to top of cabinet.
B) sign area dimensioned exceeds 50 sqft. Adjust and amend the diagram total square footage to match your dimensions.
C) Use the development package sheet from DP21-0247 for site renovation to show lot line locations, street property line frontage dimensions along the I-10 frontage road and along the Grant Road frontage for permit record. See this link and scroll to “documents” and then the top file “approved 4_plan set_v1”: https://pro.tucsonaz.gov/permitdetails/DP21-0247/
D) Dimension setback from Grant face of street curb to the leading edge of the sign structure at the leading edge of the metal frame. Minimum needed is 20 feet for a monument sign.
E) Add note “sign will be removed at no cost to the city when the Grant Road vicinity is widened in the future” (Sign is within the future right of way per development package.)

2) NEC / OLC (all signs) & sought digital sign (FCC and OLC)
A) to use new electrical to sign, list building permit number & include the plan sheet showing the new line (staff did not see new electrical run to detached signage under recent building permit for electrical for fuel and canopy structures – TC-COM-1223-02957, nor TC-COM-0823-02044 fuel canopy, nor TC-COM-0423-00960)

B) alternative to new electrical source to sign is to use existing electrical connection if certified by electrical engineer (due to length of time the site has been absent of active use).

C) Staff recognizes the notes added to your plan. However, digital units often cannot meet specifications required by City of Tucson outdoor lighting code. Obtain statement from digital sign manufacturer identifying their digital unit to be used in the sign, and states that remote operated unit is FCC compliant and capable of dimming to 200 Nits from sunset to sunrise. Add note how dimmed (i.e. photocell and timer)

D) Add note that digital message shall not animate nor change more than 1 x per minute.

4) ID the location of the timer – should be near power panel – to be checked at inspections
3) IBC -
A) understood your plan is to use existing footer and frame, cut height of nonconforming sign structure add cabinet and a metal pole cover. Consult engineer or architect to seal plan and calcs showing integrity of footer and structure with the modification is within the required 103 mph wind loads and can adequately support the required connections to new cabinetry. Include the connections detailed on their plan for the new cabinetry to structure frame. (i.e. you indicate no field welds, provide bolting specs)
B) Alternatively, know that a new sign (with new footers) would also require engineering for the wind load. If you’re a member of the Arizona Sign Association, you may submit their template. In addition to that template, ID connections from frame to cabinetry.

Resubmit – and email when it has been done. We will pull it for prompt review with our structural reviewer same time. (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)