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Permit Number: TR-ROW-0524-00607
Parcel: 132166490

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1

Permit Number - TR-ROW-0524-00607
Review Name: RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/10/2024 ROW Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please revise plans to meet the following submittal requirements:

General Notes:
- Correct "special utility clearances notes"
- Work includes installation of new HHs - remove "No-Boring - Maintenance Only" note.
-Site specific traffic control sheets called out on plan set not included in submittal: include plans or remove callouts.

Cover Sheet/Site Plan:

- Identify project site limits on cover sheet map
- Include Arizona 811 Blue Stake note stating, “Notify Arizona 811 two working days
before construction. Call 811 or 1-800-STAKE-IT (1-800-782-5348).”

Construction Details:
- Fix incorrect street labels
- Provide a scale or dimension adequate to accurately identify physical features and their
potential conflicts within the construction area. Scale should be no smaller than 1” =
100’ for aerial/above ground projects and 1” = 40’ for underground.
- Show the location and offsets of proposed HHs and excavation extents in relation to:
a. ROW Limits and Easements
b. Existing Utilities
c. Back of Curb or Edge of Pavement
d. Location of Sidewalk

Traffic Control Plan:
- Inadequate detail - New TCP required. Must comply with City of Tucson 2015 Additions to the MUTCD.
- Correct Traffic Notes to remove reference to Texas MUTCD.

General TCP requirements include the following:
1. A plan view of the area to bebarricaded.
2. Must have a North arrow, oriented so North is at either the top or the left of the page.
3. All streets must be labeled and show posted speed limits.
4. All intersections shown.
5. All side streets and alleys must be shown and labeled by name and if an alley as “alley”.
6. All driveways must be shown.
7. Dimension current lane widths.
8. Show all transit stops.
9. Label or depict barricades, devices, and signs to be used respectively.
10. Indicate respective spacing of signs and barricades.
11. Show face of barricade direction.
12. Dimension width of area to be reserved/used for the work and restrictions.
13. Show all tapers and lengths.
14. Provide double sided blue “business access” signs at all business driveways.
15. Depict provisions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
05/22/2024 Transportation Application Review REVIEW COMPLETED