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Permit Number: TR-ROW-0125-00083
Parcel: 120092890

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1

Permit Number - TR-ROW-0125-00083
Review Name: RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/22/2025 Transportation Landscape Review APPROVED
01/30/2025 ROW Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please see comments on plans.
The Nebraska St bike boulevard will construct a 10’ wide shared-use path through this area, running north-south. To avoid disturbing the GSI features when the shared-use path is built, a clear width of 18’ on the ground should be maintained through the site to allow for constructability and for unpaved shoulders (4’ wide on either side of the path) to provide safe separation between path users and vertical obstructions or basins.
Boulders and post barricades in this area are fine and can be removed or relocated when the path is constructed.
The proposed tree should be planted in a location that will allow a minimum of 8’ of vertical clearance above the paved path, plus 2’ of width on from the side of the path, to be maintained with healthy pruning of the tree.
It is preferable to locate the path as close to the centerline of 3rd Avenue as possible, but is not required if it would significantly compromise the design or cost of the GSI installation.
Traffic Engineering has sketched the dimensions on a plan sheet to illustrate the comments above, but it’s not meant to show the preferred alignment of the path. Any design that provides the appropriate clearances is acceptable.
01/27/2025 MITZ District REVIEW COMPLETED
01/22/2025 Transportation Application Review REVIEW COMPLETED