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Plan Number: TP-PRE-1123-00380
Parcel: 10714031A

Review Status: Approved


Plan Number - TP-PRE-1123-00380
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-1123-00380 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 2525 N LOS ALTOS AV TUCSON, AZ 85705:
Based on the information provided, TFD has the following comments:
1. Verify hydrants meet the requirements of 2018 IFC, 507.5.1
2. Verify Aerial Apparatus access, 2018 IFC, D105.1
3. Provide fire sprinkler systems following 2018 IFC, 903.3
Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082
ROW Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments

David Stiffey

Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED Tucson codes and ordinances can be found online at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/overview
The Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention manual can be found online at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/engineering-code/updated-retention-detention-manual.pdf

1. The project requires balanced basin detention. First flush retention is required for any new impervious surfaces.
2. Provide waste stream calculations compliant with TSM 8-01.8.
3. Show that sidewalks in front of parking spaces maintain a minimum 4 foot unobstructed width per TSM 7-01.4.3 A. The parking spots must have wheel stops or the sidewalk must be 6.5 feet in total width to ensure that vehicles do not obstruct the 4 foot width.

Lianne Evans
ACTIVITY NO. TP-PRE-1123-00380
ADDRESS/PARCEL: 2525 N LOS ALTOS AV/107-14-031A & 107-13-261A

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting.
The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Landscape/NPPO to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

1. There must be a NPPO or NPPO waiver. An NPPO is required per UDC 7.7.3-B. A Native Plant Preservation Plan, Section 7.7.4, is required to be submitted or approved or a request for an exception from the Native Plant Preservation requirements approved in accordance with Sections 7.7.3.D.3 & .4 of the UDC and Admin. Manual Section 2-11.0.0 prior to Grading Plan approval.
2. A landscape plan is required per 7.6.2.B.1-b. The Unified Development Code (UDC) requires all new development or an expansion of greater than 25% of an existing development to submit a landscape plan, UDC 7.6.2. Preparation of the landscape plan shall adhere to UDC 7.6.4 and Administrative Manual 2-10.
3. Ensure the required number of trees is in all vehicular parking areas (1 tree: 4 parking spaces) per UDC 7.6.4.B.1. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC, UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 and UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a.
4. See Engineering notes for Retention/Detention.
5. All landscape plans shall incorporate water conserving design as defined in UDC Section 7.6.6, Use of Water, and as described in the Technical Standards Manual 5.01-5.11.
6. Maximize the rainwater harvesting across the site into the landscape areas, including but not limited to the street landscape borders as well as the tree wells for the required trees for the parking lot.
7. Proposed Site doesn’t meet the threshold for the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance – but depress landscape wherever possible to ensure rain capture, including utilizing flush curbs in the vehicular use areas and in all common areas.

If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov
Site Zoning REVIEW COMPLETED CDRC Thursday Pre-Submittal Transmittal
PDSD Zoning Review

FROM: Loran Shamis; Lead Planner

PROJECT: TP-PRE-1123-00380
Address: 2525 N LOS ALTOS AV
Parcel(s): 10714031A and 10713261A
Zoning: R-3
Existing Use: Multifamily
Proposed Use: Multifamily Expansion

TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 11, 2024

1. The proposed development must comply with Administrative Manual 2-06 – Development Package.
2. The proposed use is multifamily residential which is a permitted use in the R-3 zone subject to use specific standards 4.9.7.B (UDC table 4.8-2)
3. The maximum residential density permitted in R-3 is 36 dwelling units per acre (UDC table 6.3-2.A). According to Pima County Assessors the combined area of the two parcels is 7.79 acre which permits 280 dwelling units.
4. A lot combination processed by Pima County will be required – https://www.asr.pima.gov/Downloads/Forms/ComboRequest.pdf
5. The maximum permitted lot coverage for R-3 is 70% (UDC table 6.3-2.A). Lot coverage is the percentage of the lot that is covered by structures, vehicular use areas, and storage areas.
6. The maximum permitted height for multifamily in the R-3 zone is 40’ (UDC table 6.3-2.A).
7. The minimum setback requirement for a nonresidential use adjacent to residential or nonresidential zone is the greater of 10' or ¾ the height of the proposed structure wall measure to the property line (UDC table 6.3-2.A).
8. The minimum setback requirement for nonresidential uses adjacent to a local street is 20’ from the property line (UDC 6.4.5.C.2).
9. The minimum parking ratio for multifamily sites 0-70 units per acre is 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit for dwelling units with 2 bedrooms (UDC table 7.4.4-1). The total required parking for the additional dwelling units is 60 parking spaces, 4 of which must be ADA compliant. An Individual Parking Plan may be applicable to reduce he required number of parking space. For more information reference UDC 7.4.5.A and contact Mark Castro at mark.castro@tucsonaz.gov. Other Permitted Reductions can be reviewed in UDC 7.4.5.F for a cumulative reduction up to 20%.
10. Any parking spaces removed by the addition of the dumpsters must be relocated elsewhere on the site.
11. The minimum short-term bicycle parking requirement is 0.1 spaces per bedroom, for a total requirement of 6 short-term bicycle parking spaces within 50 feet of a public entrance. The minimum long-term bicycle parking requirement is 0.5 spaces per bedroom for a total requirement is 30 long-term bicycle parking spaces (UDC table 7.4.8-1). Reference Bicycle Parking Design Criteria in UDC 7.4.9.
12. The minimum EV parking requirement is 10% EV Ready and 20% EV Capable of the required additional parking UDC table 7.4.11-1). Reference UDC 7.4.12 for EV Parking Design Criteria.
13. Provide a pedestrian circulation path that connects all areas of development and to any adjacent street frontage. The path must be ADA accessible and a minimum of 4’ wide (TSM 7-01).
14. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

If you have any questions, please contact me at Loran.Shamis@tucsonaz.gov.
TW New Area Development REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-1123-00380 - Pre-Application Conference Review v1 – 2525 N LOS ALTOS AV

Tucson Water has no objections to the proposed development and offers the following comments for your convenience:

1. Please contact Tucson Water’s New Services Section by sending an e-mail to TW_Common@tucsonaz.gov when you are ready to obtain any new water meters, fire services or fire hydrants needed for the proposed new buildings.

The above comments are based on the limited preliminary information provided by the applicant and should not be construed as a complete review of the proposal. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106