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Review Status: Approved


Plan Number - TP-PRE-0923-00317
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
DTM - Park Tucson NOT REQUIRED Please contact JR Kelley at garl.kelley@tucsonaz.gov with questions regarding on-street parking.
Site Landscape NOT REQUIRED Please contact Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov with questions regarding landscape standards.
Design Review REVIEW COMPLETED DATE: September 11, 2023
FROM: Rick Gonzalez, Architect (#26992)
COT On-Call Design Professional
RE: Pre-Application Review, 701 W Congress Street, Tucson Congress Street
I have reviewed the Pre-Application, submitted September 2023 for the purpose
of determining its conformance with design requirements based upon Unified
development Code (UDC) Section 5.12 IID (Downtown Core Incentive Infill
District); of the required plans and documents submitted to PDSD.
Submittal Requirements Status
1. Streetscape Design:
pedestrian orientation:
Architectural elements/details at the 1st twolev els – ground floor windows – 50% of frontage, single Provide Building facade plane 50' max with no architectural detail. ID Elevations showing front doors – graphics, lighting, or similar. Commercial compliance or retail at 1st floor. Sidewalks – maintain with safe
widths to adjoining properties with outdoor seating, dining, landscape, if existing maintain bus pull-outs, and safe drive-throughs.
2. Shade: Provide a shade study 50% of sidewalk areas on Summer Solstice, use trees, arcades, canopies, shade structures historically compatible with context except where not feasible.
3. Development Transition Standards: Provide transition mitigate noise, odor, vibration relative to residential uses standards relative to this nearby. Maximum height 25-30' and 30' from property project lines. Reduce bulk relative to residential, breaking mass, projected windows at 2nd level to reduce views into
residential areas. Balconies to orient away or screen from residential areas. Buffer and screen from residential landscaping, walls, decorative features and other 'best
practices. Orient service areas away from residential with mitigation methods described above, same with parking areas. Best Practice Alternatives may be
offered for compliance. Provide site utility layouts... Provide Utility layouts
4. Greater Infill Incentive Subdistrict
Modifications of underlying... dimensions, parking, Show GIISMs on loading, landscaping, NPP... exceptions (25%) plans
4.1. height – up to 60'; perimeter yard consistent with MS and R plan, sight visibility, traffic safety...
4.2 Parking: up to 25% reduction except accessible parking; bike N/A
reduced or eliminated based on acceptable requirements. Location: on-site, off site (within a ¼ mile with shared parking agreement. With DOT approval
non-residential may have 5 spaces on-street.
4.3. Off-street loading: waived/reduced w/PDSD or DOT Indicate Compliance
4.4. Solid waste collection may be modified w/ESD Indicate Compliance
4.5. Landscaping/Screening:
NPP may not be modified; Exceptions may be granted N/A if shade is provided for pedestrians/customers on circulation paths, outdoor patios or PDSD Director
waiver. Existing landscape, right-of-way trees, green walls/roofs, shade structures are considered in compliance.
4.6. Alternative Pedestrian access: code compliant Indicate Compliance
connectivity: public entries to sidewalks.
General Comments:
1. Address Preliminary Comments on Items 1-4 (4.1-4.6) where indicated above for your initial submittal.
Rick Gonzalez, Architect
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-0923-00317 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 701 W CONGRESS ST TUCSON, AZ 85745: Based on the information provided, TFD has the following comments:
1. Provide fire sprinkler systems in accordance with 2018 IFC, 903.3.
2. Provide fire alarm systems in accordance with 2018 IFC, 907.
3. Provide standpipe(s) in accordance with 2018 IFC, 905. (Please note this requires an additional fire hydrant)
4. Provide Knox Key Box(es) in accordance with 2018 IFC, 506.
5. Building will need to be tested for ERRC by PCWIN, 2018 IFC, 510.
6. Provide aerial access in accordance with 2018 IFC, D105.
Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082
Historic REVIEW COMPLETED Site plan indicates that the project involves 701, 707 and 709 W Congress. 709 W Congress is designated as a contributor to the Menlo Park National Register Historic District. It is not clear from the site plan if the contributing resource will remain. If it is to remain it is not clear the impact will have on the property. To participate in the IID, the contributing resource must be maintained and any work to it must be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED 1. Balanced basin detention and first flush retention will be required on the site.
2. Maximize water harvesting to any landscaped areas onsite through the use of flush curbs and curb cuts.
3. The eastern corner of the site is located in a FEMA Zone AE floodplain. Any work within the floodplain will require a floodplain use permit.
4. Provide waste stream calculations compliant with TSM 8-01.
5. From recent clarification from Environmental Services per TSM section 8, although recycling service isn’t required the site needs to provide at minimum the enclosure space for both solid waste and recycling. A single enclosure won’t be sufficient and a double enclosure or additional single enclosures will be needed to meet this requirement.
6. A lot combination will be required.
7. Provide pedestrian circulation to the street frontages compliant with TSM 7-01.
Joshua Garcia
Site Zoning REVIEW COMPLETED FROM: Iman Monshizadeh
PDSD Zoning Review Section
PROJECT: TP-PRE-0923-00317 (5 story Multifamily Development)

- A development package will be required for this project. Information on the development package can be found here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Permits
- Project is located within an infill incentive district (IID). If project opts into the IID, some underlying zoning standards may be waived. Please refer to Design Review Boards comments.
- Residential density in the C-3 zone is 87 units per acre.
- Rear and side yard setbacks for a non-residential use adjacent to a residential zone in an C-3 zone is 1.5 * height of the structure measured from structure to property line. (Table 6.3-4.A UDC)
- Standard definition of Adjacency is “Two or more parcels or lots sharing a common boundary or separated by an alley or other right-of-way 20 feet or less in width.” However, this definition changes when a parcel is located within an IID. Refer to Design review comments to verify if property is adjacent to a residential zone. Adjacency definition: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-7472
- Front perimeter yard setbacks for a multifamily development abutting a local street is 20’(Bonita Av). Setback for Arterial or collector streets is 10’ (Congress St). Both are measured from the structure to property line. (6.4.5.C.2.a UDC)
- Ensure pedestrian access is provided via striping from the parking to the site.
- Ensure minimum width for 2-way PAAL is 24’ wide (UDC Table 7.4.6-2)

For questions regarding Zoning comments, please contact me at: Iman.Monshizadeh@tucsonaz.gov / (520) 837-4082
Traffic Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments

David Stiffey

TW New Area Development REVIEW COMPLETED TP-PRE-0923-00317 - Pre-Application Conference Review v1 – 701 W CONGRESS ST

1. There is an existing 10” cement asbestos water main on the south side of Congress St. and an existing 6” cast iron water main on the west side of Bonita Ave that may be able to serve this development.

2. Tucson Fire has required the building to be equipped with a fire sprinkler suppression system and one or more standpipe(s) that require an additional fire hydrant. The additional fire hydrant must be an 8” fire hydrant connected to the existing 10” cement asbestos water main on the south side of Congress St by an 8” fire hydrant lateral.

3. Section BI05.3 of Appendix B to the 2018 International Fire Code states, “For buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system, the water supply shaII be capable of providing the greater of:
a. The automatic sprinkler system demand, including hose stream allowance.
b. The required fire flow.”

4. When these two values and the domestic and irrigation water demands are known, please have Tucson Water verify that the existing water mains in the area can supply the necessary amount of water via hydraulic modeling. You may contact me to arrange the necessary hydraulic modeling.

5. Based on the elevation of this site, the expected water pressure at ground level ranges from 63 to 70 psi. A private onsite water pressure booster station may be needed to properly provide water on the upper floors.

6. The above comments are based on the limited preliminary information provided by the applicant and should not be construed as a complete review of the proposal. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106