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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Approved
Plan Number - TP-PRE-0823-00291
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-PRE-0823-00291 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 7655 S HOUGHTON RD TUCSON, AZ 85747: Based on the information provided, TFD has the following comments: 1. Knox key box(es) in accordance with 2018 IFC, 506. 2. Provide hydrant(s) to meet the requirements of 2018 IFC, 505.7.1 (within 600’). 3. Provide fire sprinkler systems in accordance with 2018 IFC, 903.3. 4. Provide fire alarm systems in accordance with 2018 IFC, 907. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082 |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | 1. From recent clarification from Environmental Services, per TSM section 8, although recycling service isn’t required the site needs to provide at minimum the enclosure space for both solid waste and recycling. So a single enclosure won’t be sufficient and a double enclosure or an additional single enclosure will be needed to meet this requirement. 2. A pedestrian circulation will be required to the waste enclosure and to any street frontage from the building 3. First flush retention and Balanced Basin detention regulations are required, Please refer to the updated retention/detention manual at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Building-Safety/Building-Engineering-Codes#section-3 4. A lot split would be allowable, ensure a split is applied for and approved on TDC Online prior to county recordation. Ensure the split meets Tucson Water's remote meter policy 5. A sidewalk will be required between the building and PAAL, vertically separated where able Scott Haseman scott.haseman@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | ACTIVITY NO: TP-PRE-0823-00291 ADDRESS/PARCEL NO: 7655 S HOUGHTON RD/ CURRENT ZONING: I-1 TRANSMITTAL DATE: AUGUST 16, 2023 DUE DATE: AUGUST 18, 2023 This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section, as well as the Downtown Infill District for landscape, native plants, and water harvesting. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Landscape/NPPO to ensure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. COMMENTS: 1. There must be a NPPO. An NPPO is required per UDC 7.7.3-B. The NPPO is intended to encourage preservation in place of healthy native plants through sensitive site design that minimizes the disruption of areas within the site containing plants while allowing for salvage and transplantation of plants on the site that are likely to survive. A Native Plant Preservation Plan, Section 7.7.4, is required to be submitted or approved or a request for an exception from the Native Plant Preservation requirements approved in accordance with Sections 7.7.3.D.3 & .4 of the UDC and Admin. Manual Section 2-11.0.0 prior to Grading Plan approval. Maximize the number of preserve in place specimens to the fullest extent possible. 2. A landscape plan is required per 7.6.2.B.1-b. The Unified Development Code (UDC) requires all new development or an expansion of greater than 25% of existing development to submit a landscape plan, UDC 7.6.2. Preparation of the landscape plan shall adhere to UDC 7.6.4 and Administrative Manual 2-10. 3. Ensure the required number of trees is in all vehicular parking areas (1 tree: 4 parking spaces) per UDC 7.6.4.B.1. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC, UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 and UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a. 4. There will need to be an interior landscape border on the west side of the site per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements. This will involve a 5’ wall (not a fence) and a 10’ landscape border due to its adjacency to a R-1 zone. 5. There will need to be an interior screen on the west side of the site per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements. A fence will suffice in this instance. 6. There may be other screening requirements depending on the adjacent uses that will be developed post lot split. 7. Maximize rainwater harvesting across the entire site into the landscaped areas; this includes all landscape borders. 8. The use of flush curbs and parking blocks is strongly encouraged adjacent to all landscape borders to help maximize rainwater harvesting across the site and meet the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting and First Flush demands. 9. A Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Plan is required per The TSM 4-01.3.0. As part of the re-zoning conditions, the applicant should be able to illustrate how water harvesting will meet at a minimum 50% of the annual landscape water demand, using treatments like flush curbs and basins in the landscape borders. 10. Adherence to the Low Impact Development Standards outlined in Section 5 of the PCRFCD Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention is required. It shall work in conjunction with the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting design. Using Low Impact Development design and water harvesting provides critical basin detention and first flush retention for all new development and impervious area. The newly adopted Detention/Retention Manual can be found: https://webcms.pima.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6/File/Government/Flood%20Control/Rules%20and%20Procedures/Stormwater%20Detention-Retention/dssdr-final-201406-manual.pdf With CoT edits to the manual are found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Detention_Retention_Manual_Tech_Standards_Amemdments.pdf If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988 |
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC Thursday Pre-Submittal Transmittal PDSD Zoning Review FROM: Georgia Pennington, Planner PROJECT: TP-PRE-0823-00291 Parcel(s): 141-17-008A Current Zoning: I-2 Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Trade Service and Repair: Major COMMENTS: 1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 – Development Package. The Development Package is a separate submittal from the building permits, and the building permits cannot be approved until the Development Package is approved. 2. The lot split process can be done prior to or concurrently with the development package. 3. If access is proposed from the new parcel to the west, a cross access agreement is required. 4. The existing zone is I-2. Trade Service and Repair, Major is a permitted use in the I-2 zone, subject to use-specific standards 4.9.4.X.1 and 4.9.13.Q. 5. If located within 30 feet of a residential use or zone, the building walls shall have no openings, other than non-opening windows, within 30 feet of the adjacent residential use or zone-boundary line. 6. Maximum Height: 140 Feet 7. Setbacks: a. Side: 0’ 8. Motor Vehicle Space requirements: 1 space/300 SF GFA 9. Bicycle Parking Requirements: a. Short term: 2 spaces b. Long term: 1 space/ 12,000 SF GFA (min 2) 10. Parking Area Access Lanes (PAAL) shall be 24 feet wide for 2-way traffic and fire access. 11. Comply with Section 7-01 Pedestrian Access in the Technical Standards Manual for new construction. 12. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. If you have any questions, please contact me at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov. |
Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | Not enough information for review. No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |
TW New Area Development | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-PRE-0823-00291 - Pre-Application Conference Review v1 – 7655 S HOUGHTON RD The following comments apply to the Site Plan submitted in the .pdf file named 231004 - Proposed Site Plan 08-14-23[43]_v1.pdf and the partial ALTA Survey shown in the pdf file named 231004 - ALTA with Prop Site Overlay 08-14-23[31]_v1. These comments are also based on my understanding of the project as augmented by the 08/17/2023 CDRC Pre-Application Meeting which is, as follows a) The Applicant first wishes to split Asssor’s Parcel No. (APN) 14117008A to create a new parcel as shown in the .pdf file named 231004 - Proposed Site Plan 08-14-23[43]_v1.pdf to create a new Caliber Collision facility. Note: This parcel is shown as Tax Parcel 141-17-0080 on the partial ALTA Survey shown in the pdf file named 231004 - ALTA with Prop Site Overlay 08-14-23[31]_v1. b) At some later date, the remainder of APN 14117008A will be subdivided, probably as a residential subdivision. The following comments apply to the initial lot split and Caliber Collision project: 1. The proposed lot spilt does not meet the requirements of Tucson Water’s Remote Meter policy which requires each proposed new lot to have a minimum of 15’ of real property frontage onto a street, alley, or public water easement that contains a public water main that can serve the proposed new lot. 2. No private water lines may be run across the western portion of APN 14117008A in a private water easement from the existing 24” concrete cylinder water transmission main on the west side of Houghton Road to reach the proposed new lot. Also, no private water lines may be run from the public water lines to north and east across private property in private water easements to the new lot. Tucson Water’s Remote Meter Policy prohibits private water lines being run in private water easements across adjoining properties. 3. Tucson Water will not allow any new potable water or fire service lines for the proposed Caliber Collision lot to be connected to the existing 24” concrete cylinder water transmission main on the west side of Houghton Rd. Tucson Water will allow only 8” or 12” public water main to connect to this 24” water main, but only after obtaining special permission to do so. 4. Per Tucson Fire Department reviewer, one or more new on-site fire hydrants will be required, and the building will need to be equipped with a fire suppression sprinkler system. The owner/developer will need to construct a short new dead end, 8” public water main extension within a public water easement that is a minimum of 15’ wide to supply the potable water, irrigation water and the necessary fire suppression water to Caliber Collision lot. 5. The owner/developer will need to construct the short new dead end, 8” public water main extension and obtain any necessary public water eaements at his or her own expense. 6. This short new 8” water main extension may be connected to either the existing 8” PVC public water main constructed under Plan Number 153-2004 on the property to the north (APN 14117007R), or to the existing 8” PVC public water main constructed under Plan Number 058-2002 in S. Pacific Willow Place, if the necessary public water easement for this water line extension can be acquired from the associated property owner. 7. This new 8” water main extension must terminate in the entrance drive at the west edge of the Caliber Collision lot, where it may be extended when the remainder of APN 14117008A is subdivided. All portions of the new 8” water main extension on the Caliber Collision lot must be centered within a 15’ or wider public water easement. 8. The Applicant may contact Tucson Water’s Mapping / GIS Records Center and request copies of Tucson Water’s NW241515 valve map, and the as-built plans for Plan Number 153-2004 and Plan Number 058-2002 by sending a request for these documents to TWMapInfo@tucsonaz.gov. These documents will be helpful during the planning of how to get water to this project. 9. This short new 8” public water main extension may be constructed under Tucson Water’s Job Order Contract process, if and only if, the total cost is $50,000 or less. Please contact Tucson Water’s New Services Section for the additional information about Tucson Water’s Job Order Contract process, by sending an e-mail to TW_Common@tucsonaz.gov. 10. If the total cost of the short new 8” public water main extension exceeds $50,000, the design of the water main extension will need to be reviewed and accepted by Tucson Water’s New Development Section, in Tucson Water’s master water plan and water design plan processes. The Overview of TW’s Water Plan Submittal Processes on Tucson Water’s Contractors, Developers and Engineers webpage may be helpful to the Applicant’s consultant, and the Applicant’s consultant may contact me for more information about those processes. 11. To minimize the amount of time, it will take to get through the master water plan and water design plan review processes, Tucson Water strongly recommends that a local consultant already very familiar with Tucson Water’s requirements prepare the water master plan and water design plan. 12. Three Assessor’s Parcel Numbers on the partial ALTA Survey shown in the pdf file named 231004 - ALTA that was sealed by Frederick Sturniolo on 08/19/16 do not match what is currently shown on the County’s GIS systems. A new Record of Survey may be required during the lot split process. 13. The proposed Caliber Collision lot has no legal access to a public or private street. This issue will need to be satisfactorily addressed during the lot split process. The following comments apply to the subdivision of the remainder of APN 14117008A. A. The portion of the partial ALTA Survey show a 15’ water line easement created by DKT 4836, PG 244 approximately 15’ west of the proposed lot. I have not been able to verify this waterline easement exists. If you have a copy of this document, please send it to me. B. The site plan shows labels for a well, a tank, and a water line in the 15’ water line easement created by DKT 4836, PG 244 approximately 15’ west of the proposed lot. During the 08/17/2023 CDRC Pre-Application Meeting, it was stated that these are existing private water facilities serving the building on the west side of APN 14117008A. If the 15’ water line easement was dedicated to Tucson Water or to a prior water service provider that was subsequently purchased by Tucson Water, these facilities should not have been constructed within this easement. If the 15’ water line easement created by DKT 4836, PG 244 will not be used for the proposed subdivision, please contact the City of Tucson Dept. of Transportation and Mobility’s Real Property Division, and initiate a release of the 15’ water line easement created by DKT 4836, PG 244. Tucson Water has no water lines in this easement or plans to put a water line in this easement. C. A master water plan and a water design plan will be required for the water distribution system serving the proposed subdivision. D. The proposed water mains for the subdivision must connect the short new 8” public water main extension at the west edge of the Caliber Collision lot to a 2nd connection point in Tucson Water distribution system. Special permission from Tucson Water would be required to make the 2nd connection to the existing 24” concrete cylinder water transmission main on the west side of Houghton Rd. The 2nd connection may need to be made to the 8” public water main constructed under Plan No. 198-2002 south of the project in the Coyote Willow Trail alignment. Other 2nd connection points may be acceptable. E. The owner/developer will need to construct the water mains serving the proposed subdivision and obtain any necessary public water eaements at his or her own expense. F. Please note that there is a 12” and a 6” natural gas line in the east side of the Houghton Road right of way. The above comments are based on the limited preliminary information provided by the applicant and should not be construed as a complete review of the proposal. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to: Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer Tucson Water, New Development Section 201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220 P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 (520) 837-2106 tim.rowe@tucsonaz.gov |