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Plan Review Detail
Plan Number: TP-PRE-0523-00198
Parcel: 126040160
Review Status: Approved
Plan Number - TP-PRE-0523-00198
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | DATE: 5/24/2022 REVIEWED BY: Gabriel Sleighter, Planner CASE NUMBER: TP-PRE-0523-00198 Catalina Ave Rezoning, 1032 N Catalina Avenue PROJECT ADDRESSES: 1026 & 1032, and 1008 & 1014 N Catalina Avenue PARCEL NUMBERS: 126-04-0160 and 126-04-015A EXISTING ZONING: R-1 EXISTING USE: Residential PROPOSED ZONING: R-2 RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED USE: Single family residential, two lot splits to create 4 new lots, with two SFRs per lot PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: The applicant has submitted a presubmittal request for a rezoning from R-1 Residential to R-2 Residential. The two .28-acre parcels are located south of Speedway Boulevard along Catalina Avenue. The two parcels are currently residential land use, with two single family homes on each parcel. The applicant seeks to rezone these two parcels from R-1 to R-2 to split them into a total of four parcels and develop a second residence on each, with shared driveways and parking. A rezoning is requested to allow for the proposed residential density and lot sizes, as the current zoning allows only two single family dwellings on each approximately 12,000 square foot parcel. The R-2 zone is required to subdivide the parcels and develop according to the applicant’s preliminary development plan. There are no previous rezoning cases on either parcel. APPLICANT NAME: BRADLEY GEPHART, CATALINA AND 2ND PROPERTY LLC E-MAIL: brad@advanced-capital-inc.com PLAN DIRECTION ADOPTED PLAN (S): PLAN TUCSON, ALVERNON-BROADWAY AREA PLAN PLAN AMENDMENT REQUIRED BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW) 0 YES 1 NO 0 TO BE CONFIRMED LATER NOTE: THE NORTHSIDE PLAN DOES NOT SUPPORT THE 3 STORIES ON THE NORTHERN PARCELS PLAN SUPPORT BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW): 0 YES 0 NO 1 WILL DEPEND ON DESIGN Applicable Plan Policies: Plan Tucson Plan Tucson contains a variety of elements that are categories in four focus areas, including the Social Environment, the Economic Environment, the Natural Environment, and the Built Environment. Each focus area contains specific goals, and each element contains specific policies. The Future Growth Scenario Map illustrates different building blocks within the City that have specific policies to promote future growth opportunities. The proposed development lies within the Existing Neighborhoods building block of the Future Growth Scenario Map. Existing neighborhoods are primarily developed and largely built-out residential neighborhoods and commercial districts in which minimal new development and redevelopment is expected in the next several decades. The goal is to maintain the character of these neighborhoods, while accommodating some new development and redevelopment and encouraging reinvestment and new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. LT28.2.1 Low density residential (up to 6 units per acre) development in generally appropriate along local streets and in the interior of established single-family residential areas. LT28.2.12 Support environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. LT28.2.13 Support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. LT28.2.14 Protect established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development, which may include other residential, mixed-use infill and appropriate nonresidential uses. LT28.2.15 Consider residential development with densities that complement the size and intensity of the center or node, while providing transitions to lower density residential uses. For example, high-and medium-density development can support and reinvigorate regional activity centers, while appropriate medium- and low-density infill can complement the scale and character of neighborhood activity nodes. Alvernon-Broadway Area Plan The purpose of the Alvernon-Broadway Area Plan is to provide land-use policy direction and design guidelines for new development within the Plan boundaries. The Conceptual Land Use Map in the Plan designates the two subject parcels as Medium Density Residential, which the Plan defines as density from 7 to 14 units per acre, including a variety of housing types, such as single-family homes on small lots, duplexes, townhomes, mobile homes, apartments, and condominiums. The following Residential Policies under the Land Use Policies of the Plan apply to the proposed rezoning: Policy 1: Preserve and improve the design quality of residential areas. a. Ensure that new residential development is sensitively designed to enhance land uses by compatibility of scale, density, and character with existing development, as outlined in the General Design Guidelines. b. Encourage neighborhoods to identify those features such as building materials, colors, landscaping, or building design which by repetition characterize their area, and to establish a list of such unifying elements. c. Encourage neighborhoods to record, publicize, and disseminate to the public, potential developers, and the City Planning Department the list of features characterizing their area which has been accepted by the neighborhood association(s). d. Encourage neighborhoods to work with residents/developers to incorporate one or more of these design features in future remodeling and in new construction. Policy 2: Consider residential infill and redevelopment in existing neighborhoods under the following guidelines (see Residential Subarea 1). a. Low-density residential developments are appropriate within the interior of established neighborhoods, along local streets, and along certain stretches of residentially developed major streets, as shown on the Conceptual Land Use Map. b. Medium- and high-density residential uses are generally appropriate along arterial streets, except where low-density residential parcels side on an arterial street or are buffered by an existing frontage road. Generally, medium- and high-density residential development is not appropriate within the interior of established low-density neighborhoods unless identified on the Conceptual Land Use Map (see Residential Policy 4 and the adopted Neighborhood Plans). c. Columbus Boulevard, the only street within the Plan Area recognized by the Major Streets and Routes Plan as a collector street, should retain its low-density residential character. d. Fifth Street should maintain its low-density residential character with consideration given to the possibility of residentially scaled office use between Columbus Boulevard and Swan Road that meets the required design criteria. Section II: General Design Guidelines: Future iterations of your Preliminary Development Plan should show compliance with area plan general design guidelines, Alvernon-Broadway Area Plan pg. 23-26. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: Surrounding zoning is R-2 to the east with an affordable senior housing complex covering 5 acres. The land to the south is zoned R-1 and is single family residential stretching into the neighborhood interior away from Speedway Boulevard. The area west of the subject site is zoned R-2 with single family residential land use. The area north of the subject parcels is zoned C-2 and is commercial land use oriented along Speedway Boulevard. Analysis: The applicant is proposing to rezone two lots totaling .55-acres from R-1 (Residential) to R-2 (Residential). The existing uses are single family detached homes. The applicant is proposing a change in zoning and land use to accommodate splitting the two subject parcels and building a second dwelling on each of the resulting four parcels for a total of 8 single-family residences. The attached site plan depicts shared driveway access and commercial-style parking on each resulting parcel. Applicant has not provided total number of bedrooms per lot, and has not indicated if each bedroom would be leased separately (group housing land use). Plan Tucson supports projects that address documented housing needs in the city that address long term supply and demand needs. Given the existing supply constraints upon the housing market, there is no one-sized solution for creating new supply. Small projects like the one proposed as well as larger master-planned developments or apartment buildings all represent a step towards a solution to housing scarcity. The proposed development is located between two areas already zoned R-2 to the east and west, and is adjacent to commercial land use along a major route to the north. The increased density in this project area accomplishes the goal of transitioning use intensity from major routes to residential neighborhood interiors, while also maximizing the developable area of the affected parcels in a way sensitive to the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed rezoning and development are aligned with the goals of Plan Tucson and the Alvernon-Broadway Area Plan. The development plan as presented would not require a plan amendment. Staff support is contingent upon more information – it is recommended that a more fleshed out preliminary development plan be created, and the applicant begin the process of engaging neighboring residents and property owners. A plan amendment is not required. |
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-PRE-0523-00198- Address: 1032 N CATALINA AV - Based on the information provided, TFD has no comments at this time. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082 |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | 1. If the lots are to be split in the future with one house on each parcel, a legal agreement for the shared driveway would be advised. Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | Landscape/NPPO has no concerns or comments about this project in its current form. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988. |
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal FROM: Nicholas Martell PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Rezoning Pre-submittal meeting TP-PRE-0523-00196 Address: 1026 N CATALINA AV Parcel(s): 126040160 Existing Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: R-2 Existing Use: Single Family Residential Proposed Use: Single Family Residential TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 23, 2023 COMMENTS: 1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package. 2. Single Family Residential is permitted in the R-2 zone. The development is subject to the following use specific standards: 4.9.7.B.6, .9, & .10 3. Development standards: a. 25’ building height b. 70% Maximum lot coverage c. 5,000 sq ft minimum lot size2 d. With a 5,000 square foot lot, an ADU can be added as long as it does not exceed 650 square feet. 4. Perimeter yard setbacks: Adjacent to R zones = 6’ or 2/3 (H); Adjacent to the C zones = 10' or ¾(H) 5. Applicable street setbacks: For a single-family and duplex development, the minimum required front street perimeter yard is 20’ measured from the street property line 6. Parking requirements: See UDC Article 7.4.4 https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-5445 7. Bike parking requirements: See UDC Article 7.4.8 https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-5698 8. Additional comments: a. The parking area provided is not required for a residential project (anything fewer than 3 units). b. If a private road or easement is proposed, please indicate on the plans. c. A minor subdivision may be required to split the lots. d. An FLD may be an easier path to subdivide the lot per 8.7.3 of the Unified Development Code 9. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. If you have any questions, please contact me at nicholas.martell@tucsonaz.gov. |
Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |
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