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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Approved
Plan Number - TP-PRE-0124-00003
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | REZONING/SPECIAL EXCEPTION PRESUBMITTAL PREAPPLICATION REVIEW DATE: 01/24/24 REVIEWED BY: Samuel Paz, Lead Planner CASE NUMBER: TP-PRE-0124-00003 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3954 E. Fort Lowell PARCEL NUMBERS: 110-06-014N EXISTING ZONING & LAND USE: R-3 (RESIDENCE AND ART STUDIO) PROPOSED ZONING: C-1 PROPOSED LAND USE: UNKNOWN PROJECT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION: This request is for a rezoning of .32-acre site in the R-3 zoning district. The property is currently occupied by an updated building (no specific building permit referenced). The building is currently used as a residence and art studio. This proposal provides limited information with a basic site map. The site is located east of Alvernon and Fort Lowell intersection. Per the Major Streets and Routes, the segment of Fort Lowell Road is arterial. APPLICANT NAME: Christopher Thomas, Tiaga LLC PHONE: Not Provided E-MAIL: ccthomasaz@gmail.com Plan Amendment : TO BE CONFIRMED LATER PLAN SUPPORT BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW): :WILL DEPEND ON DESIGN DESIGN COMPATIBILITY + COMMUNITY INPUT 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE REPORT PLAN DIRECTION ADOPTED PLAN(S): Plan Tucson, Grant-Alvernon Plan PLAN AMENDMENT NO, ADDITIONAL INFO REQUIRED (SEE NOTES BELOW) APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES: Plan Tucson The site of the proposed rezoning is covered by Plan Tucson and the Grant-Alvernon Plan Plan Tucson: The Plan Tucson Future Growth Scenario Map illustrates different building blocks within the city that have specific policies to promote future growth opportunities. The proposed development lies within the Mixed-Use Centers building block of the Future Growth Scenario Map. Mixed-Use Centers combine a variety of housing options, retail, services, office, and public gatherings places, located close to each other, providing occupants of the center and the residents and workers in the surrounding neighborhoods with local access to goods and services. Public Transit, bicycles, and walking will get priority in these areas although cars will still play an important role. Existing examples in Tucson include Williams Centre, Gateway Centre, and the bridges. • LT28.5.1 Support development in or adjacent to existing regional and community-level activity centers that will: (D.) Encourage infilling vacant or underutilized parcels adjacent to existing regional and community -level activity centers. Grant Alvernon Plan The subject parcel is designated as “Office, Commercial, High-Density Residential” within the Conceptual Land use Map. The Office and Commercial Land Use Policies support nonresidential activities which complement the scale and character of neighborhoods and commercial districts in the Grant-Alvernon area. These policies are meant to be used in conjunction with the General Design Guidelines. Policy 1. Consider office/commercial development only when: a) The site is designated on the Conceptual Land Use Map for the specific type of nonresidential use being requested, or is in compliance with the consolidation policy (see Office and Commercial Land Use Policy 3 and Consolidation Diagram); b) Primary access will be provided to an arterial street or to a collector street within 300 feet of an arterial; c) Access to any street other that an arterial is directed away from the residential neighborhood; and d) The proposal is in compliance with other applicable Plan policies. Policy 2. Encourage incorporation of appropriate design elements and buffering techniques during the zoning application and associated development plan review processes, to ensure sensitive design of nonresidential developments adjacent to established neighborhoods. These elements must be shown on rezoning concept plans and related development plans. SURROUNDING ZONING AND USES: The site is zoned R-3 and is abutted by C-1 zoning to the east and west with real estate and medical uses. To the southwest, the subject parcel is abutted by P- parking zone which adjoins the to the parcel to the west. To the southeast is O-2 which adjoins the C-1 parcel to the east. ANALYSIS: In general terms, the applicable area plan supports office commercial at the proposed location, but a “use” must be identified as well as “appropriate design elements” and “buffering techniques” as stated in the neighborhood plan. To provide specific plan policy guidance to a zone change application, a “use” must be identified in addition to submitting a complete preliminary site plan or preliminary development plan (PDP). Each “use” may be subject to use specific standards. These use specific standards may be referenced in the Unified Development Code and if applicable included within the PDP. Please include within the PDP, access, parking, loading areas, landscape areas, setbacks and building heights. Please refer to 2-03.3.0 for format requirements for a formal submittal. Plan support based on concept plan will depend on design. A plan amendment is to be determined within an updated PDP. More design consideration to ensure sensitive design of nonresidential developments adjacent to established neighborhoods. ADDITIONAL PLAN POLICIES TO CONSIDER: None Reviewer: Samuel Paz, samuel.paz@tucsonaz.gov, 520-837-4973 |
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-PRE-0124-00003 • Pre-Application Conference Review v1 • 3954 E FORT LOWELL RD TUCSON, AZ 85712 Based on the information provided, TFD has no comments at this time. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov / 520.837.7082 |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | Site Engineering has no comments or concerns about the proposed rezoning. Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | Based on the information provided, Landscape/NPPO has no real concerns or questions at this. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal FROM: Nicholas Martell PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Rezoning Pre-submittal meeting TP-PRE-0124-00003 Address: 3954 E FORT LOWELL RD Parcel(s): 11006014N Existing Zoning: R-3 Proposed Zoning: C-1 Existing Use: Residential-Single Family Proposed Use: Unspecified TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 23, 2024 COMMENTS: 1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package. 2. Proposed use and use-specific standards: none. Please see UDC 4.8.6. for permitted uses. 3. Development standards: Building Height - Residential: 25’, Commercial: 30’ (UDC TABLE 6.3-4.A) 4. Perimeter yard setbacks: Adjacent to nonresidential zones = 0 (TABLE 6.3-4.A) 5. Applicable street setbacks: Fort Lowell RD is a Major Street subject to MS&R setbacks as found in UDC 6.4.5.C.2: “For nonresidential and multifamily development abutting an Arterial or Collector Street the minimum required street perimeter yard is ten feet, as measured from the existing or future property line as determined by the adopted Major Streets and Routes Plan, whichever is greater.” 6. Parking requirements: See UDC Article 7.4.4 https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-5445 7. Bike parking requirements: See UDC Article 7.4.8 https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-5698 8. Please resubmit a Preliminary Development Plan that conforms to administrative manual article 2-03.3: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-8425 9. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. If you have any questions please contact me at nicholas.martell@tucsonaz.gov. |
Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments or concerns from DTM Traffic Engineering division at this time. Will be curious to know what new proposed land use is. |