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Plan Number: TP-MOD-1023-000024
Parcel: 12213188B

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - TP-MOD-1023-000024
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Entitlements REQUIRES RESUBMIT Entitlements:
New Neighborhood meeting required. Please submit a request thru TDC online for mailing labels. Additionally, the major amendment submittal shall not occur more than 60 days after the neighborhood meeting. The application date and the neighborhood meeting date as submitted, exceeds this timeframe, resubmittal required. Per UDC 2-03.3.0, The PDP must include a legend and north arrow and must show the applicable components in the plan proposal including wall and buffer treatments. Proposed land uses must also be included. Please reach out to PDSD staff to request your mailing labels for the neighborhood meeting.

Please provide land use for proposed structures. Please provide a list of the previous zoning conditions and which conditions will remain, and which will be modified. The revised Preliminary Development Plan Special should include garbage refuse, loading and unloading spaces as well as the Lee Street Access. Please provide vehicle and bicycle calculation based on the proposed land use. Please clarify existing and proposed development. Samuel Paz samuel.paz@tucsonaz.gov 520-837-4973
Please address the following comments for Zoning and DTM.

Provide all zoning uses for the site, along with any applicable use specific standards to the PDP. Please refer to the use tables in UDC 4.8: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az_udc/0-0-0-2074 For a quick review on the next cycle.

Department of Transportation and Mobility
DTM Traffic Engineering does not object to secondary access point on Lee St, with condition that there be a channelizing "porkchop" feature constructed so that all exiting traffic must turn left on Lee St to head towards Alvernon Way, and not travel east through the neighborhood. Thanks!