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Plan Number: TP-ENT-1222-00009
Parcel: 13824101M

Review Status: Approved

Review Details: ENTITLEMENT REVIEW v.1

Plan Number - TP-ENT-1222-00009
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Transportation Landscape Review APPROVED
Streetcar Track Access Review NOT REQUIRED This review is not within Streetcar boundries
Entitlement Review Coordinator Express REVIEW COMPLETED
Entitlements REVIEW COMPLETED The applicant is proposing to rezone a 3.19-acre lot from O-3 (Office) to C-2 (Commercial). The existing use is vacant. The applicant is proposing a change in zoning and land use to accommodate a personal storage use with up to 146,020 square-feet of GFA. The project is to include one 3-story main building with optional basement floor and three 1-story drive-up buildings. O-3 does not permit Personal Storage use or the proposed height.

Plan Tucson supports infill projects that reflect sensitivity to the site and neighborhood conditions. The proposed project and use are compatible with the uses surrounding it which all are various commercial and office uses. The nearest residential in the area is over 1000 ft away from the site. The site is also near the intersection of two major arterial streets (Valencia which is a Gateway Arterial and Midvale Park which is an Arterial). The Santa Cruz Area Plan Key Parcel 4 evaluates the compatibility of proposed commercial development would be evaluated based on the project successfully addressing potential noise and visual impacts, height considerations, enhanced setbacks, and landscaping and buffering elements. A Design Compatibility Report must be included with the rezoning application addressing these issues.

SCAP Key Parcel 4, Land Use Map 3 was part of a plan amendment and rezoning process through 2021 and 2022 (PA-21-01, C9-21-19). The 4.88-acre parcel located at 1511 W Valencia Road near the southeast corner of Midvale Park and Valencia Road had a requested change in designation from Office/High Density Residential Uses to Commercial Uses. This parcel in question includes the rezoning site for this pre-submittal. On February 23, 2022, Mayor and Council passed the Resolution for the plan amendment to pass and change the designation of the requested parcel to Commercial Uses on the SCAP Key Parcel 4, Land Use Map 3.

The proposed rezoning is consistent with both Plan Tucson and Santa Cruz Area Plan.
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) REVIEW COMPLETED Thank you for the opportunity to review this New Rezoning for a Self Storage development. ADOT has no comments.
External Reviewers - AZ State Land REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services REVIEW COMPLETED DP must include provisions for both refuse and recycle collecti n and storage. Refer to TSMR Section 8 for all requirements and specifications.
ES has no objections to proposed PDP as presented.
External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation REVIEW COMPLETED On behalf of the COT Parks and Recreation Department, I have no comments on the above development project as it does no affect any parks. Please let me know if you have any questions.
External Reviewers - Davis Monthan AFB REVIEW COMPLETED DMAFB Planning team has reviewed this rezoning request and find this project should not negatively impact the mission of DMAFB.
External Reviewers - PC RFCD REVIEW COMPLETED The Regional Flood Control District Has no objection to this rezoning.
External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments REVIEW COMPLETED No objections / adverse comments. Vehicle Trip Generation: Daily: 512, PM Peak: 46
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing REVIEW COMPLETED No comments
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor REVIEW COMPLETED No comments.
External Reviewers - Pima County Development Services REVIEW COMPLETED Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on City of Tucson TP-ENT-1222-00009 Storage 365 – S. Midvale Park Rd, to rezone approx. 3.16 acres from O-3 to C-2, to develop a self-storage facility.
The rezoning site is located on the east side of S Midvale Park Rd, about 300 feet south of Valencia Rd. The site is undeveloped. The site is surrounded commercial uses.
Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division, has no objection to the proposed rezoning.
External Reviewers - Pima County Natural Resources REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - Pima County Transportation REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) REVIEW COMPLETED TO: Lena Porell
Entitlements Section
City of Tucson Planning and Development Services
FROM: Mirela Hromatka, Planner Sr.
Planning Unit
Technical Services & Engineering Division
SUBJECT: TP-ENT-1222-00009 – Storage 365 – Midvale Park Rezoning
From O-3 to C-2
Design Compatibility Report, December 2022
Tax Parcel #138-24-101M; 3.16 acres
The Planning Unit of the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the request and offers the following comments for your use. The request is to rezone the subject property located near the southeast corner of Valencia Rd and Midvale Park Rd to permit the construction of a self-storage facility. The proposed use generally generates a low volume of wastewater flow.
The project proposes to connect to the existing 12-inch public sewer I-82-201 in Midvale Park Rd. Allocation of capacity for this project will be made by the Type III Capacity Response.
PCRWRD has no objections to the proposed rezoning but adds the following wastewater conditions:
Should the City of Tucson Mayor and Council be inclined to approve this rezoning, the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) recommends the following rezoning conditions:
1. The owner(s) shall not construe any action by Pima County as a commitment to provide sewer service to any new development within the rezoning area until Pima County executes an agreement with the owner(s) to that effect.
2. The owner(s) shall obtain written documentation from the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) stating that treatment and conveyance capacity is available for any new development within the proposed rezoning area, no more than 90 days before submitting any tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer improvement plan, or request for building permit for review. Should treatment and / or conveyance capacity not be available at that time, the owner(s) shall enter into a written agreement addressing the option of funding, designing and constructing the necessary improvements to Pima County’s public sewerage system at his or her sole expense or cooperatively with other affected parties. All such improvements shall be designed and constructed as directed by the PCRWRD. 3. The owner(s) shall time all new development within the rezoning area to coincide with the availability of treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system.
4. The owner(s) shall connect all development within the rezoning area to Pima County’s public sewer system at the location and in the manner specified by the PCRWRD in its capacity response letter and as specified by PCRWRD at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan, or request for building permit.
5. The owner(s) shall fund, design and construct all off-site and on-site sewers necessary to serve the rezoning area, in the manner specified at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan or request for building permit.
6. The owner(s) shall complete the construction of all necessary public and/or private sewerage facilities as required by all applicable agreements with Pima County, and all applicable regulations, including the Clean Water Act and those promulgated by ADEQ, before treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system is permanently committed for any new development within the rezoning area.
If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at 724-6488.
External Reviewers - Tohono Oodham REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority REVIEW COMPLETED
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) REVIEW COMPLETED On behalf of Tucson Electric Power (TEP), thank you for the opportunity to comment on this rezoning memo. At this time, TEP has no objections to this memo. This property is located within TEP’s service territory and will require a new service application from the owner/developer to extend service to the new location.
Please email me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at Keri.Tallorin@tep.com, or by phone at (425) 633-7431.
External Reviewers - Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) REVIEW COMPLETED
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED Plans shall show the location of the FDC's, the F.D.C. shall be located on the street side in compliance with IFC 2018, Chapter 9, Section 912.2.1
Buildings greater than 30’ require aerial access to the building be provided IFC 2018, Appendix D 26’ wide drive and 15-30' from the building unobstructed. Areas noted as fire department aerial access shall also be on the plans with a note that reads: Fire Department Aerial access, no trees, canopies, solar shades or other obstructions shall ever be installed/planted in this area. This plan shall be included in you DP package and not submitted to TFD individually.
Plans shall show all existing and new fire hydrant locations
All portions of the building shall be within 150' of the fire department access road
Buildings exceeding 35' shall be tested for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage by PCWIN and the report provided to TFD prior to TCO - Note shall be added to the plans
Ok to zone from TFD, these are notes for the DP and COM permit.
Jennifer Peel-Davis
Tucson Fire Department
Fire Plans Examiner
Fire Inspector I, II and Fire Alarm Plans Examiner
Desk: 520-837-7033
IPC - Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED Plans shall show the location of the FDC's, the F.D.C. shall be located on the street side in compliance with IFC 2018, Chapter 9, Section 912.2.1
Buildings greater than 30’ require aerial access to the building be provided IFC 2018, Appendix D 26’ wide drive and 15-30' from the building unobstructed. Areas noted as fire department aerial access shall also be on the plans with a note that reads: Fire Department Aerial access, no trees, canopies, solar shades or other obstructions shall ever be installed/planted in this area. This plan shall be included in you DP package and not submitted to TFD individually.
Plans shall show all existing and new fire hydrant locations
All portions of the building shall be within 150' of the fire department access road
Buildings exceeding 35' shall be tested for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage by PCWIN and the report provided to TFD prior to TCO - Note shall be added to the plans
Just notes for when they apply for a DP and COM permit.
Approved by TFD to rezone
Jennifer Peel-Davis
Tucson Fire Department
Fire Plans Examiner
Fire Inspector I, II and Fire Alarm Plans Examiner
Desk: 520-837-7033
IPC - Traffic Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments. All good with DTM
Signs REVIEW COMPLETED RE: signage review
For: proposed storage
AT: 6555 S Midvale Rd
Rezoning from O-3 to C-2
Case: TP-ENT-1222-00009
Reviewer: H. Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)
Date: 1/23/23

1) There are no existing billboards at this property.

2. Staff has no concerns nor comments regarding the proposal as it related to signage, as it the site would be an independent premise surrounded by industrial and commercial zoning.

3. The sign area currently allowed would also be the same criteria under a C-2 zone: a sign area ratio of 3 square feet per each linear foot of street frontage. No building elevation may be covered with more than 30% of sign area. Monument and access point signs are also permitted, and all signage for the location must be on site.
Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED TP-ENT-1222-00009 Rezone 3.16 acres from O-3 to C-2 for personal storage use.
1. Although the project is within a balanced basin, as a condition of rezoning, the stormwater discharges for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year events shall be reduced by 15% from pre-devotement levels for this and all future development.

2. First flush retention volumes shall be increased by 50 percent over the amount required by the detention/retention manual for all future development. (Pima County Regional Flood Control District Stormwater Detention-Retention https://webcms.pima.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=65527)

3. Water harvesting must be maximized. Lower impact development guidelines from the retention/detention manual shall be followed to the maximum extent possible. (Tucson Low Impact Development Manual https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/water/docs/LID-GI-manual.pdf)

4. Show trash enclosure and Environmental Services Truck maneuverability including turning radius and 14’ x 40’clear zone in accordance with TSM 8-01.5.3

5. Ensure there are either wheel stops or sufficient sidewalk width to provide 4’ minimum width, including the disability access parking next to the two-story building.

6. Sidewalk is required between any PAAL or parking and a building in areas that are indented for public access. Areas not intended for public access need painted pedestrian refuge between buildings and access lanes. TSM 7-01.4.0

7. A sidewalk area will be required along all street frontage. TSM 10-01.2.7

8. There is a 10’ public water easement running along Midvale Rd (Recorded in Docket 5854 at page 1335)

Faffs Riederer
ACTIVITY NO: TP-ENT-1222-00009




This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting.

The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Landscape/NPPO to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

1. For all DPs associated with this site, include a design narrative detailing how the re-zoning conditions are being met.
2. There must be a NPPO. An NPPO is required per UDC 7.7.3-B. The NPPO is intended to encourage preservation in place of healthy native plants through sensitive site design that minimizes the disruption of areas within the site containing plants while allowing for salvage and transplantation of plants on the site that are likely to survive. A Native Plant Preservation Plan, Section 7.7.4, is required to be submitted or approved or a request for an exception from the Native Plant Preservation requirements approved in accordance with Sections 7.7.3.D.3 & .4 of the UDC and Admin. Manual Section 2-11.0.0 prior to Grading Plan approval. Maximize the number of preserve in place specimens to the fullest extent possible.
3. There will need to be a landscape border on S Midvale Park Rd per UDC 7.6.4.C-2 and Table 7.6.4-1. See UDC 7.6.4.C for landscape border requirements. There will also need to be on the south side of the property – which was shown by the applicant.
4. Ensure the required number of trees is in all vehicular parking areas (1 tree: 4 parking spaces) per UDC 7.6.4.B.1. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC, UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 and UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a.
5. Maximize rainwater harvesting across the entire site into the landscaped areas, this includes all landscape borders.
6. The use of flush curbs and parking blocks is strongly encouraged adjacent to all landscape borders to help maximize rainwater harvesting across the site and meet the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting and First Flush demands.
7. A Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Plan is required per The TSM 4-01.3.0. As part of the re-zoning conditions, the applicant should be able to illustrate how water harvesting will meet 60% of the annual landscape water demand, through the use of treatments like flush curbs and basins in the landscape borders.
8. Adherence to the Low Impact Development Standards outlined in Section 5 of the PCRFCD Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention is required and shall work in conjunction with the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting design. Using Low Impact Development design and water harvesting provides critical basin detention and first flush retention for all new development and impervious area. The newly adopted Detention/Retention Manual can be found: https://webcms.pima.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6/File/Government/Flood%20Control/Rules%20and%20Procedures/Stormwater%20Detention-Retention/dssdr-final-201406-manual.pdf

With CoT edits to the manual are found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Detention_Retention_Manual_Tech_Standards_Amemdments.pdf

If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988
Transportation - Bike/Ped REVIEW COMPLETED
Tucson Water New Area Development REVIEW COMPLETED Tucson Water has no objections to proposed rezoning.

The following comment applies to the preliminary development plan: The exit gate to the northernmost cross access drive may not be placed within the public water easement created by the final plat. It must be moved to the northern edge of this easement.

Any questions, comments or concerns about the above comment(s) may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106