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Plan Review Detail
Plan Number: TP-ENT-1122-00005
Parcel: 140421000
Review Status: Approved
Review Details: ENTITLEMENT REVIEW v.1
Plan Number - TP-ENT-1122-00005
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Entitlement Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | DATE: 8/10/2022 REVIEWED BY: Carver Struve, Lead Planner CASE NUMBER: T22PRE0163 Cultivation Site – Tucson Boulevard PROJECT ADDRESSES: 6730 & 6740 S Tucson Blvd., and Eastern Portion of 2403 E Aragon Rd., and 6720 S Tucson Blvd. PARCEL NUMBERS: 140-42-1000, 140-42-0960, 140-42-0970 EXISTING ZONING: P-I, I-1 EXISTING USE: Vacant Manufacturing Use PROPOSED ZONING: I-1 PROPOSED USE: Offsite Marijuana Cultivation Location PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: The applicant is requesting a rezoning the Park Industrial (P-I) portion of the project site to Light Industrial (I-1). The entire site is 11.21 acres, and the rezoning area being approximately 4.42 acres. The site is located on the west side of S. Tucson Boulevard, approximately 1,350 feet south of Valencia Road. The property, which is the former Texas Instruments site, contains three buildings that are connected by enclosed walkways. The rear building is currently zoned I-1 and is being used as an existing cultivation location. The applicant seeks to convert the two front buildings into cultivation locations as well. The proposed use as classified as a Marijuana Dispensary Off-Site Manufacturing Location according to the Unified Development Code. As such, it a rezoning to I-1 is required, as off-site manufacturing is not permitted in the P-I zone. APPLICANT NAME: Brian Underwood E-MAIL: Bunderwood@azplanningcenter.com PLAN DIRECTION ADOPTED PLAN (S): PLAN TUCSON, KINO AREA PLAN – SITE 1 PLAN AMENDMENT REQUIRED BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW) 0 YES X NO 0 TO BE CONFIRMED LATER PLAN SUPPORT BASED ON CONCEPT PRESENTED (SEE NOTES BELOW): 0 YES 0 NO X WILL DEPEND ON DESIGN Applicable Plan Policies: Plan Tucson: The Plan Tucson Future Growth Scenario Map illustrates different building blocks within the city that have specific policies to promote future growth opportunities. The proposed development lies within the Industrial Areas building block of the Future Growth Scenario Map. Industrial areas are strategically located for efficient handling of intermodal freight movements. These areas support national and international freight movement through Tucson by connecting existing major regional major transportation routes, including railway, major highways, and the airports. The following specific strategies apply to the proposed rezoning. LT.28.7.2 Support the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of former industrial buildings. LT28.7.3 Support environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, compliments adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. LT28.7.4 Support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions. Kino Area Plan – Industrial Site 1 This Plan establishes guidelines for the future growth of the Kino area to provide a balance of uses and a wide range of activities, including unemployment, shipping, housing, and recreation. The proposed rezoning is located within Industrial Site 1 of the Plan. The Industrial Use Sub-Goal of the Plan is to encourage the integration of appropriate industrial sites within the Kino Area. The following Policies Apply. Policy 1: Concentrated industrial development should be promoted on the land immediately north and east of the Tucson International Airport (Site 1). Policy 4: Clean and attractive industrial development in Kino should be encouraged. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: The site is located within both the Airport Environs, and the Airport Hazard District overlay zones. The surrounding districts are P-I followed I-1 to the east. This area includes a vacant parcel, and monopole billboard, and a hotel. To the south are offices and a commercial parking lot which are zoned P-I an I-1. To the west is the remainder of the site which is zoned I-1, and currently being used for a marijuana cultivation operation. Beyond that is the Tucson Airport, including aircraft hangars. His area is zoned MU – Mixed Use Zone. To the north are P-I and I-1 zones which include manufacturing and office uses. Analysis: The applicant is proposing to rezone from the P-I to I-1 to permit marijuana cultivation in two existing structures that total 103,240-SF. These structures are connected by enclosed walkways to a third existing structure, which is approximately 114,000-SF. That structure is already being used a cultivation location and is located in the I-1 zone. The proposed use is compatible with both Plan Tucson and the Kino Area Plan. Plan Tucson designates the site as an Industrial Areas building block. The proposed use complies with strategies LT28.7.2, LT28.7.3, and LT28.7.4, of the Plan, as detailed above. The site is also covered by the Kino Area Plan and is located within Industrial Site 1. The proposed use is consistent with Policies 1 and 4 of the Industrial Use Sub-Goal, also detailed above. The proposed marijuana cultivation use, as defined by UDC 11.3.9.G, and H, is not permitted in the P-I zone. However, marijuana cultivation is permitted in the I-1 zone per UDC Table 4.8-5: Permitted Uses – Industrial Zones. All use specific standards contained within the UDC must be complied with. A plan amendment is not required. ADDITIONAL NOTES: • Zoning emphasized compliance with use specific standards, and the need to conduct an analysis as part of the application process for separation requirements. • Design compatibility report will address the development of an odor mitigation plan, and discuss how it will work so that any questions during the rezoning process can be addressed. The actual plan will be submitted with the building permit application. • Traffic – No ITE Trip generation figures developed for this use, but a full TIA may be required, traffic impact analysis will be required to support this development. What is needed depends on the project structure. Each parcel was split out recently, would like to keep it that way. More than 20 trips per a peak hour and a TIA • Expansion of more than 25% would be a total cumulative expansion, which would require full compliance. With common areas currently separate from the buildings, this is not applicable. o Changing the use for the eastern portion, is there an expectation that this must be brought into compliance with current zoning. Potentially some landscape standards, change of use is a whole development package. Possible issue with sidewalk issue on the north and south boundaries, just for the eastern portion? That is up to transportation. Full compliance for the parking lot on the west side would be fairly extensive. |
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - AZ State Land | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Davis Monthan AFB | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - PC RFCD | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Development Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Natural Resources | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Transportation | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Tohono Oodham | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Historic | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Real Estate | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | DTM Drainage Review: recommended Rezoning conditions: none as rezoning does not impact ROW. | |||
ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | This is a fully developed site within a balanced basin. The site is not affected by any mapped floodplain area. The site access is fully developed and the applicant is proposing no change to site access. The Engineering Section will not be requesting any additional conditions for this request. Loren Makus Loren.Makus@TucsonAZ.gov |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | PROJECT: TUCSON BLVED CULTIVATION SITE ACTIVITY NO. TP-ENT-1122-00005 ADDRESS/PARCEL: 140-42-0960 & 140-42-0970/6730-40 S TUCSON BLVD CURRENT ZONING: P-1 PROPOSED ZONING: I-1 EXISTING USE: EXISTING BUILDING(S) PROPOSED USE: CULTIVATION SITE TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 25, 2022 DUE DATE: December 5, 2022 COMMENTS: Landscaping has no concerns or issues with this rezoning. The existing landscape borders fulfills the code requirements in full. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988 |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Streetcar Track Access Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Sun Tran Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Traffic Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | Statement placed in Bluebeam Studio Session. No negative traffic impact anticipated. | |||
Transportation - Bike/Ped | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Transportation Landscape Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Tucson Water New Area Development | REVIEW COMPLETED |