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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Approved
Review Details: ENTITLEMENT REVIEW v.1
Plan Number - TP-ENT-1023-00042
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Tucson Water New Area Development | APPROVED | TP-ENT-1023-00042 - Entitlement Review v1 – APN 13628005L The City of Tucson’s Water Department (Tucson Water) has no objections to the proposed change in zoning from SR to R-2. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to: Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer Tucson Water, New Development Section 201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220 P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 (520) 837-2106 tim.rowe@tucsonaz.gov |
Real Estate | NOT REQUIRED | ||||
Entitlement Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | DATE: January 10, 2024 For January 25, 2024 Hearing TO: John Iurino FROM: Kristina Swallow, Director Zoning Examiner Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: REZONING - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT TP-ENT-1023-00042 Pepper Viner – East Escalante Road SR to R-2 (Ward 4) Issue – This is a request by WLB Group, on behalf of Pepper Viner Homes to rezone a 6-acre area from SR Suburban Ranch to R-2 Residential to allow for the development of a new 53-lot single family residential community. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of Escalante Road and Evergreen Avenue, at approximately 7700 East Escalante Road, in Ward 4. Planning & Development Services Recommendation – The Planning & Development Services Department recommends approval of R-2 zoning, subject to the attached preliminary conditions. Background Information Existing Land Use: Vacant. Zoning Descriptions: Existing: SR (Suburban Ranch) – This zone provides for very low density, large lot, single-family, residential development and suburban ranch uses. Uses that would adversely affect the open space, agricultural, or natural characteristics of this zone shall not be permitted. Proposed: R-2 (Residential) – This zone provides for medium density, single-family and multifamily, residential development, together with schools, parks, and other public services necessary for an urban residential environment. Select other uses, such as day care and urban agriculture, are permitted that provide reasonable compatibility with adjoining residential uses. Adjacent Zones and Land Uses: North: Escalante Road (Arterial Roadway, 150-foot ROW), R-2 opposite, single family residential land use. East: C-1 Commercial South: R-2 Residential West: R-3 Residential Previous Cases on the Property: C9-06-18 Pepper Viner – Evergreen Ave, SR to R-2; expired December 20, 2016. The rezoning was recommended for approval by the Zoning Examiner’s report dated October 27, 2006 and the rezoning was authorized on December 20, 2006 with a vote of 6 in favor, 0 opposed (Vice Mayor West absent/excused). A five-year extension was granted by Mayor and Council on January 24, 2012. Development of the site did not follow. Related Cases: None Project Background – The property owner wishes to rezone the subject parcel for the construction of a new 53-lot single-family residential community to be named The Evergreen. Applicant’s Request – Rezoning to R-2 Residential to allow for the proposed development. Neighborhood Meeting – A neighborhood meeting was held by the applicant on October 5, 2023 at 6:00pm. It was advertised using a mailing list and labels requested through the Planning and Development Services Department following a pre-submittal meeting on August 23, 2023. The meeting was held virtually through Zoom/Telephone Conference. The applicant was represented by two staff members from the WLB Group, and two staff members from Pepper Viner Homes. One nearby resident attended the meeting, who expressed concern about building heights on the south side of the development. The project representatives demonstrated that lots 27-34 would be limited to single-story residences, which the applicant found acceptable. The meeting attendee stated she was pleased to hear about the proposed development because it is a nuisance in its undeveloped condition, with brush fires having occurred on the site and evidence of homeless persons living on the property. Attendee stated she does not know her neighbors well but says she senses other neighbors adjacent to the southern boundary of the site will appreciate the single-story restriction. No other neighbors contacted the applicant group either before or after the neighborhood meeting. Planning Considerations – Land use policy direction for this area is provided by Plan Tucson, the South Pantano Area Plan, and the Groves Neighborhood Plan. Plan Tucson – The site lies within the Existing Neighborhoods building block in the Future Growth Scenario Map in Plan Tucson. Existing Neighborhoods are primarily developed and largely built-out residential neighborhoods and commercial districts in which minimal new development and redevelopment is expected in the next several decades. The goal is to maintain the character of these neighborhoods, while accommodating some new development and redevelopment and encouraging reinvestment and new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. The proposed development is comparable in scale and use intensity to the R-3 zoned area to the west and serves to transition from lower to medium-density residential closer to arterial roads. The increased density is supported by existing transit stops and community commercial development to the east, creating opportunities for increasing transit use and reducing dependence on cars while allowing easy access between uses. The development includes a landscaped drainage basin and dog-walking path along the east edge of the development. The developer proposes limiting homes along the south property line to a single-story with a maximum height of 16 feet. This both ensures that the privacy of homes south of the development and mountain views are not impacted. South Pantano Area Plan – This is intended to provide guidelines for future development, to protect existing development, and to create a sense of community within established neighborhoods. The development complies with Plan guidelines by promoting mid-urban density along arterial streets. The applicant’s desire to use Flexible Lot Development practices is supported by City policy encouraging housing development at compatible densities to existing development. Groves Neighborhood Plan (GNP) – This development creates a variety of residential densities supporting an orderly transition to medium density residential along Escalante Road, an arterial route per the Major Streets and Routes Overlay. It increases the ridership potential of nearby transit and creates a more pleasant pedestrian environment along Evergreen Avenue using landscaping and sidewalk improvements. Design Considerations Land Use Compatibility – The site is located at the intersection of Escalante Road, an arterial street, and Evergreen Avenue. Evergreen Avenue is a divided road with a solid median and 90-foot wide right-of-way, acting as a spine road between neighborhood streets and Escalante Road. Arterial streets considered a recommended location for higher-intensity residential development per general and area plan policies. There is a shopping center adjacent to the east, and a single-family residential neighborhood to the south of the proposed development. The zoning classification across Escalante Road to the north is R-2 Residential, which is being requested at the project location. The neighborhood across Evergreen Avenue to the west is zoned R-3, and could potentially be developed with much higher densities than proposed by the applicant. The neighborhood to the south is also zoned R-2, but comprised of single-family, single-story residential. The proposed development limits building heights along the southern boundary to a single-story, with a maximum height of 16 feet, to limit privacy and viewshed impacts to the existing neighborhood. The proposed rezoning is aligned with the above plan policies. The land uses in the R-2 zone are primarily medium-density residential with associated public services. The preliminary development plan is compatible with the R-2 zone. The closest transit stop is a bus stop adjacent to the site at the intersection of Escalante Road and Evergreen Road. The availability of transit supports the increase in residential density along this road. Design Compatibility – The Design Compatibility Report and the proposed preliminary development plan illustrate the proposed development is compliant with relevant General, Area, and Neighborhood Plan policies Road Improvements/Vehicular Access/Transit – The project faces Escalante Road, a designated arterial road by the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan. Vehicular access is provided by one access point on the north side of the property facing Escalante road and two points on Evergreen Avenue. Traffic in to and out of the Escalante Road access¬ is limited to the east-facing lanes on Escalante Road due to the median, and no median breaks are within 150 feet of vehicle access. The north access on Evergreen Avenue will require a new median opening approximately 300 feet south of Escalante Road and will allow for traffic leaving the subdivision to turn right on Evergreen, north bound to Escalante Road. The southern access on Evergreen is to be limited to right-in/right-out movement. These design features will restrict traffic from leaving the subdivision and moving south through existing neighborhoods. Interior pedestrian circulation is provided through 5-foot sidewalks within the development, with access to a proposed newly constructed 6-foot sidewalk along Evergreen Avenue. An existing sidewalk along Escalante Road provides pedestrian connectivity from the proposed development and nearby neighborhoods to the shopping center at the corner of Escalante Road and Pantano Road. Conclusion –The proposed rezoning of the site from SR to R-2 is appropriate for this location, is compatible with existing surrounding land uses, and it is in compliance with Plan Tucson, the South Pantano Area Plan and the Groves Neighborhood Plan. Subject to compliance with the attached preliminary conditions, approval of the requested R-2 zoning is recommended. KS:KM:JB:GS:/PL - Advanced Planning - Documents\Entitlements\REZONINGS\2023\TP-ENT-1023-00042 Pepper Viner – Escalante Road\ZE\TP-ENT-1023-00042 Staff Report.docx |
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Thank you for the opportunity to review this New Rezoning. ADOT has no comments. Rick Freije, PE, MSCE Assistant Southern Regional Traffic Engineer 1221 S 2nd Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713 Office: 520.388.4203 Cell: 520.576.8614 azdot.gov |
External Reviewers - AZ State Land | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | ES has no objections to this proposed PDP. However, the proposed layout does not comply with TSM 8-01.0 regarding solid waste storage and collection requirements as it relates service vehicle maneuvering. Please feel free to contact me regarding this review and comments. Thanks, Andy Vera (52) 837-3798 Andy.Vera@tucsonaz.gov |
External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Davis Monthan AFB | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - PC RFCD | REVIEW COMPLETED | The Regional Flood Control District has no objection to this rezoning. Patricia Gilbert, CFM Principal Hydrologist Floodplain Management Division Pima County Regional Flood Control District 201 North Stone 9th Floor Tucson, Arizona, 85701 Phone: 520.724.4606. Patricia.gilbert@pima.gov |
External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good afternoon, Pima County Addressing does not have comments on TP-ENT-1023-00042 Pepper Viner – E Escalante Road, SR to R-2. Thank you Nicholas Jordan Site Review Project Manager – Addressing Official Pima County Development Services Department 201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-9623 |
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Development Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | November 15, 2023 SENT VIA EMAIL Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section, Planning and Development Services Department City of Tucson Tucson, AZ 85701 Subject: TP-ENT-1023-00042 Pepper Viner – E Escalante Rd – SR to R-2 Dear Gabriel: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on TP-ENT-1023-00042, Pepper Viner, E Escalante Rd, SR to R-2. The site is located on the southeast corner of Evergreen Av and Escalante Rd. The site is vacant. Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division, has no objection to the proposed rezoning. Sincerely, Spencer Hickman Senior Planner Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division |
External Reviewers - Pima County Natural Resources | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Transportation | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | December 7, 2023 TO: Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section City of Tucson Planning and Development Services FROM: Mirela Hromatka, Planner II Planning Unit Technical Services & Engineering Division SUBJECT: TP-ENT-1023-00042 – Pepper Viner – E Escalante Rd Rezoning From SR to R-2 Design Compatibility Report dated October 31, 2023 Tax Parcel #136-28-005L; 6 acres The Planning Unit of the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the request and offers the following comments for your use. The request is to rezone the subject property at the southeast corner of Escalante Road and Evergreen Avenue to allow for the development of a 53-lot single family residential community. The existing sewer system consists of 8-inch sewer lines in Escalante Rd and Evergreen Ave. Per submittal, the development will likely connect to the existing gravity sewer line in Escalante Road rightof-way. Allocation of capacity will be made by the Type III Capacity Response. PCRWRD has no objection to the proposed rezoning but adds the following standard wastewater conditions: REZONING CONDITIONS Should the City of Tucson Mayor and Council be inclined to approve this rezoning, the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) recommends the following rezoning conditions: 1. The owner(s) shall not construe any action by Pima County as a commitment to provide sewer service to any new development within the rezoning area until Pima County executes an agreement with the owner(s) to that effect. 2. The owner(s) shall obtain written documentation from the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) stating that treatment and conveyance capacity is available for any new development within the proposed rezoning area, no more than 90 days before submitting any tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer improvement plan, or request for building permit for review. Should treatment and / or conveyance capacity not be available at that time, the owner(s) shall enter into a written Pepper Viner – E Escalante Road Rezoning December 7, 2023 TP-ENT-1023-00042 Page 2 of 2 agreement addressing the option of funding, designing and constructing the necessary improvements to Pima County’s public sewerage system at his or her sole expense or cooperatively with other affected parties. All such improvements shall be designed and constructed as directed by the PCRWRD. 3. The owner(s) shall time all new development within the rezoning area to coincide with the availability of treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system. 4. The owner(s) shall connect all development within the rezoning area to Pima County’s public sewer system at the location and in the manner specified by the PCRWRD in its capacity response letter and as specified by PCRWRD at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan, or request for building permit. 5. The owner(s) shall fund, design and construct all off-site and on-site sewers necessary to serve the rezoning area, in the manner specified at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan or request for building permit. 6. The owner(s) shall complete the construction of all necessary public and/or private sewerage facilities as required by all applicable agreements with Pima County, and all applicable regulations, including the Clean Water Act and those promulgated by ADEQ, before treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system is permanently committed for any new development within the rezoning area. If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at (520) 724-6488. |
External Reviewers - Tohono Oodham | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority | REVIEW COMPLETED | December 1, 2023 Gabriel Sleighter Public Works Building 1 st Floor 201 N. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ. 85701 RE: TP-ENT-1023-00042 – Pepper Viner – E Escalante Road, SR to R-2 (Ward 4), Received November 14, 2023 Dear Mr. Sleighter, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TP-ENT-1023-00042, a request to rezone parcel number 136-28-005L from SR (Suburban Ranch Zone) to R-2 (Residence 2 Zone) for the development of a residential subdivision. The parcel occupies 6 acres ±. This parcel is located approximately 50 feet to the southeast of the intersection of South Evergreen Avenue and East Escalante Road. This parcel is located within the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 32, Township 14S, Range 15E, of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Notice Criteria Tool, no Notice Criteria are exceeded at the project site. The Tucson Airport Authority approves the rezoning request, has no additional comments to provide, and is not requesting a resubmittal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I may be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520- 573-4811. Respectfully, Scott Robidoux, C.M. Manager of Planning |
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REVIEW COMPLETED | November 15, 2023 SENT VIA EMAIL Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section, Planning and Development Services Department City of Tucson Tucson, AZ 85701 Subject: TP-ENT-1023-00042 Pepper Viner – E Escalante Rd – SR to R-2 Dear Gabriel: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on TP-ENT-1023-00042, Pepper Viner, E Escalante Rd, SR to R-2. The site is located on the southeast corner of Evergreen Av and Escalante Rd. The site is vacant. Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division, has no objection to the proposed rezoning. Sincerely, Spencer Hickman Senior Planner Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division |
External Reviewers - Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Historic | REVIEW COMPLETED | The site was surveyed under 2007.233.ASM and no sites were located. Language in the narrative should be modified to state "If any archaeological materials or funerary items are encountered during construction, all ground disturbing activities must cease in the immediate vicinity of the discovery, and the Tucson Historic Preservation Office must be contacted to assess the find." Contact Jodie Brown at jodie.brown@tucsonaz.gov Will be addressed in conditions - GS |
IPC - Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Traffic Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | With a residential development consisting of 53 homes, the ITE Trip Generation Manual estimates about 42 new AM peak hour trips to be generated and 55 new PM peak hour trips. Based on this increase in traffic, DTM Traffic Engineering division does not object to the proposed development going in. | |||
ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |
Signs | REVIEW COMPLETED | RE: signage review For: proposed rezoning for new residential subdivision AT: parcel 13628005L / SE corner of Evergreen and Escalante Current zoning: SR Proposed zoning: R-2 residential Case: TP-ENT-1023-00042 Reviewer: H. Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov) Date: 12/21/23 Codes: Unified Development Code 7A, Sign Standards 1. Please know that no billboards exist at the parcel. 2. While no signage is indicated for the project, there are detached signage allowances for a new residential subdivision. Maximum square footage for each detached sign is 20 square feet - display area on the structure. The developer may build the structure or hire a licensed sign contractor to facilitate. Plan the entry structure to be 20 feet back from face of curb to the closest leading edge of the sign structure. 3. Illumination is allowed for signage, providing it meets the Outdoor Lighting Code. Staff has no recommendations for any signage conditions pertaining to the proposed development. If you have questions, please contact me at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | The Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention manual can be found online at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/engineering-code/updated-retention-detention-manual.pdf 1. Balanced basin detention and first flush retention are required for the site. 2. The City of Tucson encourages Low Impact Design (LID) practices for storm water management as defined by the Stormwater Retention Detention Manual. These standards discourage the use of large retention/detention basins and encourage the use of smaller basins and planted bioretention basins throughout the site. The goal is to achieve the same volume of detention while attempting to mimic natural hydrologic processes and increase land available for development. 3. There is existing parking in the proposed drainage common area on the east side serving the neighboring building. The parking will not be counted as retention or detention area because it is impervious. If the parking is demolished, a geotechnical report will be required to allow a drainage basin that close to the existing building. Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | PROJECT: THE EVERGREEN ACTIVITY NO. TP-ENT-1023-00042 ADDRESS/PARCEL: 13628005L EXISTING ZONING: SR PROPOSED ZONING: R-2 This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting. COMMENTS: 1. Ensure that the plants inventoried as part of the NPPO Plan are utilized across the site. 2. Show how the Functional Open Space shown on the PDP meets the criteria of functional open space, especially if the area around the sidewalks is between units is being counted as functional open space. 3. Per 8.7.3.G-1, to the greatest degree practical, detention and retention basins within an FLD shall be designed as Functional Open Space (See UDC 8.7.3-F) by incorporating Multiple Use Concepts and Aesthetic Design Guidelines described in Chapter 4 of the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual, the floodplain ordinance, and in Accordance with UDC Section 7.6.6.C, Stormwater Runoff, FOS amenities within detention and retention basin may count toward meeting Functional Open Space requirements; and developed in accordance with Section 7.11, Detention and Retention Basins. Show how the basin on the east side of the property is being utilized as functional open space. 4. Note that Per Section 8.7.3.H-2, one canopy tree shall be provided every 40 feet of pedestrian circulation systems, if providing canopy trees every 40 feet is not achievable, the applicant shall provide the equivalent number of trees that would be obtained using the 40-foot measurement and distribute the trees withing the FLD project site along pedestrian circulation systems and within functional open space areas. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | 1. Per Technical Standards Manual 10-01.2.4: "D. Local streets must be designed with parking on both sides of the street, unless parking is provided in common areas distributed throughout the subdivision, at a ratio of one parking space per dwelling within the subdivision." If guest parking is to be provided in common areas, the ratio becomes one parking space per dwelling within a subdivision. Please address the guest parking on the next submittal and edit Note 6 if needed. 2. Provide the use "Flexible Lot Development" and add the use specific standards (8.7.3 UDC) to the site plan. nicholas.martell@tucsonaz.gov To be addressed in conditions - GS |
Streetcar Track Access Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
Sun Tran Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
Transportation - Bike/Ped | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments - GS | |||
Transportation Landscape Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | Please include ROW plants in the NPP Inventory and Coordinate with Max Soto in Streets regarding City Irrigation on Escalante and Pantano. |