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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Approved
Review Details: ENTITLEMENT REVIEW v.1
Plan Number - TP-ENT-1023-00038
Review Status: Approved
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
IPC - Entitlements | APPROVED | ||||
Site Engineering | APPROVED | ||||
Entitlement Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Entitlements | REVIEW COMPLETED | DATE: December 6, 2023 For December 21, 2023 Hearing TO: John Iurino FROM: Kristina Swallow, Director Zoning Examiner Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: REZONING - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT TP-ENT-1023-00038 RV Storage – Old Vail Road SR to I-1 (Ward 4) Valencia & Kolb RV Storage Issue – This is a request by The Planning Center, on behalf of 6971 LLC to rezone a 4.32-acre area from SR Suburban Ranch to I-1 Industrial to allow for a RV Storage facility under the Personal Storage land use class. The property owner is proposing to develop an RV Storage Site across two parcels, the subject parcel and the parcel to the east, already zoned I-1 with an approved development package. The subject site is proposed to be primarily composed of approximately 130 recreational vehicle storage spaces, a 40-foot access lane to access those spaces, and a detention/retention basin within the northern portion of the parcel. Vehicular access to this site will be through a driveway attaching to the adjacent parcel. The storage area is to be screened with 6-foot chain link fencing. Ten-foot landscape borders with a 30-inch screen are planned along the north and south property boundaries. The subject site is located on the north side of Old Vail Road approximately 1500 feet west of Kolb Road. Planning & Development Services Recommendation – The Planning & Development Services Department recommends approval of I-1 zoning, subject to the attached preliminary conditions. Background Information Existing Land Use: Undeveloped land. Zoning Descriptions: Existing: SR (Suburban Ranch) – This zone provides for very low density, large lot, single-family, residential development and suburban ranch uses. Uses that would adversely affect the open space, agricultural, or natural characteristics of this zone shall not be permitted. Proposed: I-1 (Light Industrial) – This zone provides for industrial uses that do not have offensive characteristics in addition to land uses permitted in more restrictive nonresidential zones. Select other agriculture, civic, commercial, industrial, retail, storage, utility, and wholesaling uses may also be permitted. Adjacent Zones and Land Uses: North: Zoned County CI-2; Industrial zoning, vacant land across Valencia Road, a designated scenic route per the MS&R Overlay. South: Zoned County CI-2; Industrial zoning, undeveloped land. West: Zoned County CB-2/CI-2; Business and Industrial zoning, undeveloped land. East: Zoned I-1; Industrial zoning, RV Storage in development. Previous Cases on the Property: None Related Cases: None Project Background – The property owner wishes to create an RV Storage Lot across two parcels. One parcel, adjacent to the subject site to the east, is already zoned I-1 and a development package has been approved as Phase I. The subject parcel requires rezoning to I-1 in order to develop Phase II of the RV Storage Project. Applicant’s Request – Rezoning to I-1 Industrial to allow for Commercial Storage land use. Planning Considerations – Land use policy direction for this area is provided by Plan Tucson and the Rincon/Southeast Subregional Plan. Plan Tucson – The site lies within the Port of Tucson Industrial Area building block in the Future Growth Scenario Map in Plan Tucson. Industrial Areas are strategically located for efficient handling of intermodal freight movements. These areas support national and international freight movement through Tucson by connecting existing major regional commercial transportation routes, including railway, major highways, and the airports. Plan Tucson also provides the following policies related to the proposed rezoning: LT7 Use the Future Growth Scenario Map: a. As a general guide for determining the general location of development opportunities, development patterns, and land use and transportation concepts, while also considering area and site-specific issues b. In conjunction with the Guidelines for Development Review for discretionary rezonings, variances, special exceptions, and other land use decisions. LT22 Participate in efforts to develop a coordinated regional, multi-modal transportation system that improves the efficiency, safety, and reliability of transporting people and goods within the region and to destinations outside of the region. LT23 Ensure that proposed land uses comply with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes with respect to military and airport operations, coordinating with all stakeholders in planning for such uses by amending the Airport Environs Overlay Zone regulations in the event of future changes in mission and/or flight operations. LT25 Promote compatibility of military operations and existing and potential adjacent development by coordinating with all stakeholders in planning for operational changes so that they will not impair existing residential uses in affected areas. Rincon/Southeast Subregional Plan – The proposed development is located within the Rincon/Southeast Subregional Plan, which provides the following policy direction: I.A.2.a Applicants for rezonings within this subregion shall submit an Environmental Resource Report prepared in accordance with City of Tucson Development Standard 1-07.0. I.A.2.b The development plan shall be based on the site analysis and implement plan policies through sensitive design and mitigation techniques that respond to site features and to the character of the surrounding neighborhood. I.B As appropriate to the development proposal and site characteristics, policies for natural and cultural resources specified in this section may be applicable. Design Considerations Land Use Compatibility – The site is predominately surrounded by undeveloped land. The parcel to the south is part of an existing RV Storage lot unrelated to the applicant’s proposal, and outside the city limits. There are no residential uses adjacent to the site, and the nearest developed subdivision is approximately one mile away. There is one mobile-home-style dwelling 800 feet southwest of the project site, adjacent to existing wrecking and materials yards. The proposed rezoning is aligned with Plan Tucson and Rincon/Southeast Subregional Plan policies. Design Compatibility – The Design Compatibility Report and the proposed preliminary development plan include the parking area comprised of storage spaces and a standard 40-foot access lane covering the majority of the parcel. The north section of parcel includes a water retention/detention basin behind a ten-foot landscaped buffer. As phase two of a planned RV Storage yard, the parking requirements in phase one will meet overall project requirements and no additional parking is required. Road Improvements/Vehicular Access/Transit – The project faces a dirt/unpaved portion of Old Vail Road to the south. Vehicular access is provided through the vehicle access lane through phase one of the RV Storage project to the east, which will be accessed from the south through Old Vail Road. Landscaping and Screening – The required 10-foot landscape borders on the north and south edges of the parcel are depicted on the preliminary development plan, and will be planted with native, drought-tolerant trees, shrubs, and groundcover vegetation. While the undeveloped right-of-way to the west requires a 10-foot landscaped border, it is unlikely to be developed and may be abandoned in the future. The developer will seek to remove this buffer through the Design Development Option process during the development stage. Conclusion –The proposed rezoning of the site from SR to I-1 is appropriate for this location, is compatible with existing surrounding land uses, and is in compliance with Plan Tucson and the Rincon/Southeast Subregional Plan. Subject to compliance with the attached preliminary conditions, approval of the requested I-1 zoning is recommended. |
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Thank you for the opportunity to review this New Rezoning. ADOT has no comments. Rick Freije, PE, MSCE Assistant Southern Regional Traffic Engineer 1221 S 2nd Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713 Office: 520.388.4203 Cell: 520.576.8614 azdot.gov |
External Reviewers - AZ State Land | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | ES has no objections to this rezoning request. Solid waste collection and storage area/s must be identified per TSM 8-01.0.0 | |||
External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Davis Monthan AFB | REVIEW COMPLETED | Sir/Ma’am We have been coordinating with Pima County on this parcel. It is currently under a DoD Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) restrictive development easement. The parcel was subsequently purchased by the Ferganchick organization. They contact DM and Pima County about the possibility of amending the easement for allowing RV parking on the parcel. The easement as written would not allow for RV parking/storage. However, through discussions with the parcel owner, Pima County and Air Force Civil Engineering Center REPI office, we have determined that allowing for the RV parking/storage as requested in this rezoning, would still be a compatible land use under the REPI intent. Pima County instructed the parcel owner to start the process of rezoning and once this had begun the easement would be amended to allow for RV storage and parking only. I notified my REPI counterpart when I received this rezoning request so they are aware the parcel owner has made the steps to request rezoning. DMAFB concurs with the request for rezoning, but only for RV parking and storage. Any question please reach out to myself and/or Diana Durazo at Pima County (cc’d) Kacey B. Kacey Carter, Civ USAF ≡✪≡ Base Community Planner 355th Civil Engineer Squadron/CENPL Davis-Monthan AFB AZ 520-228-3291 bonnie.carter@us.af.mil |
External Reviewers - PC RFCD | REVIEW COMPLETED | The Regional Flood Control District has no objection to this rezoning. Patricia Gilbert, CFM Principal Hydrologist Floodplain Management Division Pima County Regional Flood Control District 201 North Stone 9th Floor Tucson, Arizona, 85701 Phone: 520.724.4606. Patricia.gilbert@pima.gov |
External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good afternoon, Pima County Addressing does not have comments on TP-ENT-1023-00038 RV Storage – Old Vail Road, SR to I-1. Thank you Nicholas Jordan Site Review Project Manager – Addressing Official Pima County Development Services Department 201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-9623 |
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good morning. Thank you for the information. I receive these notices for informational purposes only. I have no comments. Thank you, Linda Chabot Senior Property Appraiser Commercial/Industrial Land Pima County Assessor’s Office 240 N. Stone, 3rd Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-7422 |
External Reviewers - Pima County Development Services | REVIEW COMPLETED | October 27, 2023 SENT VIA EMAIL Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section, Planning and Development Services Department City of Tucson Tucson, AZ 85701 Subject: TP-ENT-0823-00038 RV Storage – Old Vail Rd, SR to I-1 Dear Gabriel: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on TP-ENT-0823-00038, Old Vail Rd, SR to I-1, for a rezoning for an RV storage facility. The site is located on the north side of E Old Vail Rd, near the southwest side of Valencia Rd and Kolb Rd. The site is currently vacant. Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division, has no objection to the proposed rezoning. Sincerely, Spencer Hickman Senior Planner Pima County Development Services Department, Planning Division |
External Reviewers - Pima County Natural Resources | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Transportation | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | TO: Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section City of Tucson Planning and Development Services FROM: Mirela Hromatka, Planner II Planning Unit Technical Services & Engineering Division SUBJECT: TP-ENT-1023-00038 – Valencia and Kolb RV Storage From SR to I-1 Preliminary Development Plan, October 03, 2023 Tax Parcel #141-03-036B; 4.32 acres The Planning Unit of the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the request and offers the following comments for your use. The request is to rezone the subject property consisting of two parcels to permit the construction of an RV storage facility. The property appears to be connected to a 12” public sewer in Valencia Road at manhole 2380-05. Per submittal, no structures are proposed on the property that would require a sewer connection. PCRWRD has no objections to the proposed rezoning. The following are standard wastewater requirements for any new development connecting to a public sewer: ***Standard and Special Requirements*** 1. The owner(s) shall not construe any action by Pima County as a commitment to provide sewer service to any new development within the rezoning area until Pima County executes an agreement with the owner(s) to that effect. 2. The owner(s) shall obtain written documentation from the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) stating that treatment and conveyance capacity is available for any new development within the proposed rezoning area, no more than 90 days before submitting any tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer improvement plan, or request for building permit for review. Should treatment and / or conveyance capacity not be available at that time, the owner(s) shall enter into a written agreement addressing the option of funding, designing and constructing the necessary improvements to Pima County’s public sewerage system at his or her sole expense or cooperatively with other affected parties. All Valencia and Kolb RV Storage November 20, 2023 TP-ENT-1023-00038 Page 2 of 2 such improvements shall be designed and constructed as directed by the PCRWRD. 3. The owner(s) shall time all new development within the rezoning area to coincide with the availability of treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system. 4. The owner(s) shall connect all development within the rezoning area to Pima County’s public sewer system at the location and in the manner specified by the PCRWRD in its capacity response letter and as specified by PCRWRD at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan, or request for building permit. 5. The owner(s) shall fund, design and construct all off-site and on-site sewers necessary to serve the rezoning area, in the manner specified at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer construction plan or request for building permit. 6. The owner(s) shall complete the construction of all necessary public and/or private sewerage facilities as required by all applicable agreements with Pima County, and all applicable regulations, including the Clean Water Act and those promulgated by ADEQ, before treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system is permanently committed for any new development within the rezoning area. If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at (520) 724-6488. Copy: Project |
External Reviewers - Tohono Oodham | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority | REVIEW COMPLETED | November 20, 2023 Gabriel Sleighter Public Works Building 1 st Floor 201 N. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ. 85701 RE: TP-ENT-1023-00038 – RV Storage – Old Vail Road, SR to I-1 (Ward 4), Received October 25, 2023 Dear Mr. Sleighter, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TP-ENT-1023-00038, a request to rezone parcel number 141-03-036B from SR (Suburban Ranch) to I-1 (Light Industrial Zone) for the development of a recreational vehicle storage lot. The parcel occupies 4.16 acres ±. This parcel is located approximately 1000 feet to the southwest of the intersection of East Valencia Road and South Kolb Road. This parcel is located within the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 7, Township 15S, Range 15E, of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Notice Criteria Tool, no Notice Criteria are exceeded at the project site. The Tucson Airport Authority approves the rezoning request and has no additional comments to provide and is not requesting a resubmittal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I may be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520- 573-4811. Respectfully, Scott Robidoux, C.M. Manager of Planning cc file |
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REVIEW COMPLETED | October 27, 2023 City of Tucson Gabriel Sleighter Entitlements Section RE: TP-ENT-1023-00038 – RV Storage – Old Vail Rd, SR to I-1 Dear Mr. Sleighter; On behalf of Tucson Electric Power (TEP), thank you for the opportunity to comment on this rezoning memorandum. At this time, TEP has no objections to this memo. This property is located within TEP’s service territory and will require a new service application from the owner/developer to extend service to the new location. Please email me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at Keri.Tallorin@tep.com, or by phone at (425) 633-7431. Respectfully, Keri Tallorin Environmental & Land Use Planner II Tucson Electric Power Company a UNS Energy Corporation |
External Reviewers - Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Historic | REVIEW COMPLETED | A large portion of the site has not been surveyed for archaeological resources. Text under II.C--Cultural Resources, should be revised to note that a Class III survey shall be completed on the entire site not previously surveyed prior to any grading/trenching/digging by a qualified archaeological consultant. Recommendations for further investigations by the archaeological consultant shall be followed prior to any construction at the site. Survey reports should be submitted to the city's Historic Preservation Office upon completion. Added to conditions - GS |
IPC - Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Site Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
IPC - Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | Please clarify the use of the development per UDC 4.8.7.PERMITTED USES: INDUSTRIAL Please add any relevant use-specific standards. For a quick review on the next submittal please reach out to me at nicholas.martell@tucsonaz.gov ------------------------------------------------------------ Storage Class, Personal Storage land use - GS |
IPC - Traffic Engineering | REVIEW COMPLETED | Per the Traffic Impact Statement, the proposed development is anticipated to generate about 2 trips in the AM peak hour and 3 trips in the PM peak hour. No comments on the TIS. No concerns from DTM Traffic Engineering regarding the proposed development. | |||
Real Estate | REVIEW COMPLETED | The DTM Real Estate Division has no comments on the proposed rezoning. Thanks, Bob Beecher Supervisor – Real Estate Division City of Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility Main: 520-791-4181 Direct: 520-837-6784 Mobile: 520-451-4923 |
ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
Signs | REVIEW COMPLETED | RE: sign review For: TP-ENT-1023-00038 / rezoning for RV storage / 6971 E Old Vail Proposed zone: I-1 Reviewer: (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov) Date: 11/13/23 Code: Unified Development Code 7A 1. No billboards exist at this parcel. 2. In the Industrial zone, sign area is allowed at a ratio of 4 square feet per linear foot of street front (Valencia and Old Vail). 3. In the Industrial zone, a freestanding sign can be placed on the Valencia side and the Old Vail Road side, which is a the local street. 4. An access point sized sign (12 sqft in area and 4 feet tall) can be placed on the opposite street from a proposed freestanding sign, if desired, and on site. 5. No recommended rezoning conditions pertaining to signs. |
Site Landscape | REVIEW COMPLETED | PROJECT: VALENCIA & KOLB RD RV STORAGE ACTIVITY NO. TP-ENT-1023-00038 ADDRESS/PARCEL: 6971 E OLD VAIL RD/141-03-036B EXISTING ZONING: SR PROPOSED ZONING: I-1 This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting. COMMENTS: 1. The 3.46 Acres parcel in question was originally designated as Natural Undisturbed Open Space (NUOS) as part of the NPPO for Permit DP21-0034. 2. To develop the site, the developer will need to have an NPPO Plan done for the entire site and develop a mitigation strategy that works for City of Tucson, accounting for the plants from both parcels in the development. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Zoning | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Streetcar Track Access Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
Sun Tran Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
Transportation - Bike/Ped | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments - GS | |||
Transportation Landscape Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | The site to be developed was designated as a "Set Aside" area for the NPPP of the initial phase of development. This means this section will not be developed "In Perpetuity" this allows the Developer to not inventory all the Native Plants on the section to be developed. I assume that an Inventory of all Native Plants was not completed for the initial phase of the development. How will the mitigation for the already developed area occur if there is no record of what was on the site prior to development on the revised NPPP for the overall development? Addressed in Conditions - GS |
Tucson Water New Area Development | REVIEW COMPLETED | TP-ENT-1023-00038 - Entitlement Review v1 – APN 14103036B The City of Tucson’s Water Department (Tucson Water) has no objections to the zoning for APN 14103036B being changed from SR to I-1 to allow RV storage on this parcel. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to: Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer Tucson Water, New Development Section 201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220 P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 (520) 837-2106 tim.rowe@tucsonaz.gov |