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Review Status: Approved

Review Details: ENTITLEMENT REVIEW v.1

Plan Number - TP-ENT-0623-00030
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
IPC - Entitlements APPROVED
Streetcar Track Access Review NOT REQUIRED Location not within 10 ft of Streetcar tracks
Entitlement Review Coordinator Express REVIEW COMPLETED
Entitlements REVIEW COMPLETED DATE: August 30, 2023
For September 14, 2023 Hearing

TO: John Iurino FROM: Kristina Swallow
Zoning Examiner Planning & Development Services Director

TP-ENT-0623-00030 Mister Car Wash – E Grant Road
C-1 to C-2 (Ward 2)

Issue – This is a request by Ethan Stoneburner of The Planning Center, to rezone approximately 1.23 acres from C-1 (Commercial) to C-2 (Commercial) zoning. The site, which spans two parcels is currently occupied by a vacant office building, and a vacant dentist’s office. The rezoning area is located on the north side of Grant Road, approximately 200 feet east of Craycroft Road. Grant Road in this area is identified as an Arterial Roadway in the Major Streets and Routes Plan.

The preliminary development plan (PDP) proposes a one-story building, 35 feet high with a building footprint of 5,415 square feet, and a separate covered payment kiosk 18 feet in height. The building would be constructed for a new Mister Car Wash location, and requires the demolition of the existing vacant office buildings at the project location. While Automotive: Minor Service and Repair is a permitted use in a C-1 zone, the use is subject to use-specific standard UDC 4.9.4.F.1 stipulates that “Auto washing is prohibited.” A rezoning to C-2 is necessary to allow the placement of a new Mister Car Wash at this location.

Planning & Development Services Recommendation – The Planning & Development Services Department recommends approval of C-2 zoning, subject to the attached preliminary conditions.

Background Information

Existing Land Use: Vacant office buildings.

Zoning Descriptions:

Commercial C-1: This zone provides for low-intensity, commercial and other uses that are compatible with adjacent residential uses. Residential and select other agriculture, civic, recreational, and utility uses may also be permitted that provide reasonable compatibility with adjoining residential uses.

Commercial C-2: This zone provides for general commercial uses that serve the community and region. Residential and select other agriculture, civic, recreational, and utility uses may also be permitted that provide reasonable compatibility with adjoining residential uses.

Surrounding Zones and Land Uses:

North: Zoned R-1; Alamo Wash is immediately north of the subject property, which creates a 80-foot buffer between the commercial properties on Grant and the single-family dwellings in the R-1 zone to the north.

South: Zoned C-1; Grant Road, an Arterial Roadway, is to the south. Across Grant Road there is a vacant building that previously was a Bank of America location.

East: Zoned C-1; Various commercial uses including office, personal service, and food service.

West: Zoned C-1; Convenience store, retail, and food service uses.

Previous Cases on the Property: Parcel 110-15-122C, the eastern parcel of the two associated with the project, has one rezoning case, C9-94-08, a rezoning to B-2A (Business 2, C-2 equivalent) which was denied by Mayor and Council on September 12, 1994. The case received 1 written approval from the public, and 8 written protests. The content of the comments from the public are not available.

Related Cases:

Applicant’s Request – C-2 (Commercial) zone is requested for development of a new Mister Car Wash location.

Planning Considerations – Plan Tucson and the Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan provide policy direction for the rezoning site.

Plan Tucson: Plan policy is provided by Plan Tucson, which contains a variety of elements that are broken down into four focus areas - the Social Environment, the Economic Environment, the Natural Environment, and the Built Environment. Each focus area contains specific goals, while each element contains specific policies.

The project site is located in an area identified on Plan Tucson’s Future Growth Scenario Map as the Mixed-Use Corridors building block. Mixed-Use Corridors provide a higher-intensity mix of jobs, services, and housing along major streets. The businesses and residences within these corridors will be served by a mix of high-frequency transit options, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The following policies are applicable to the proposed development:

LT28.6.3 Support community commercial and office uses located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues.
This location is located near the intersection of Grant Road and Craycroft Road, both Arterial Roadways with 150-foot and 120-foot widths, respectively. A community commercial use is appropriate at this location given the side of the roadways and is compatible with other uses in the region such as a large hospital, retail, food service, and fitness center uses. The site is buffered from residential by a large wash with natural vegetation.

Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan: The proposed development is located within the Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan. The Plan’s Conceptual Land Use Plan identifies the site within the Office, Commercial, High Density Residential land uses category, which include commercial uses intended primarily to serve an area-wide market. The following nonresidential policies apply to the proposal:

Intent Statement: The nonresidential policies are intended to encourage office and commercial development at locations within the plan area that are most suited to handle the intensity of such uses in terms of traffic generated and potential impacts on adjacent residential uses. These policies are designed to be used in conjunction with the General Design Guidelines.

Nonresidential Subgoal: Provide for nonresidential uses in the Arcadia-Alamo area that are designed in harmony with adjacent development. Establish design and location criteria for nonresidential uses adjacent to existing neighborhoods.

• Policy 2: Allow new nonresidential uses as shown on the Conceptual Land Use Map when all of the following criteria are met.
a. Primary access can be provided from an arterial street or as reflected in Policy 4.
b. Parking and maneuvering requirements can be met on-site.
c. Screening and buffering for adjacent residential uses can be provided on-site.

• Policy 5: Support the development of well-designed, (see General Design Guidelines) concentrated centers of pedestrian-oriented commercial/office activity at appropriate locations as shown on the Conceptual Land Use Map.
a. Community commercial uses are generally appropriate at the intersections of arterial streets.
b. Encourage the consolidation of adjacent parcels to provide integrated vehicular circulation and access through joint-use agreements to reduce the number of curb cuts along the street.
c. Encourage the establishment of pedestrian linkages between adjacent uses, bicycle parking and transit facilities as integral components of new office/commercial uses.

Plan Implementation: The policies and recommendations in the Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan are implemented through rezonings, new zoning regulations adopted by ordinance, public works projects (including road and sewer and public facilities siting), and public real property acquisition with the rezoning process being the primary implementation tool for area and neighborhood plans.

The following covers the major areas of application of the Plan:
1. Applications for rezoning are initially reviewed for compliance with both land use and design direction established by the Plan. If the requested rezoning does not comply with land use policies or does not demonstrate mitigations of negative impacts through application of the design guidelines or other techniques, the need for an amendment to the Plan is determined by the Planning Director before the rezoning can be considered. The Mayor and Council have provided policy for area and neighborhood plans which limits amendments for two years after Plan adoption.
2. If the requested rezoning complies with plan policies, the rezoning is processed through general agency review. As part of this evaluation, rezoning conditions may be recommended by staff which may modify the requested use or the design of the project.

Public Input – On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 5:45 pm the applicant held the required neighborhood meeting. The meeting was held via Microsoft Teams. The project team was present with a representative of one of the project property owners, and two members of the public signed on for the meeting. Questions concerned ingress/egress and parking, and light and noise mitigation. The project team answered questions from the public expressing that a traffic analysis is being prepared to analyze trip distribution and congestion, and that the Mister Car Wash legal team was reviewing existing shared parking and access agreements across the parcels surrounding the project site on Grant Road. Concerns about light and noise were addressed by describing the technology Mister Car Wash uses for light and noise mitigation.

Design Considerations

Land Use Compatibility – The rezoning request to C-2 is to allow the construction of a new Mister Car Wash location on the site, and to replace two currently vacant buildings on the project parcels with a use which reactivates the space in a way that’s appropriate and sensitive to the surrounding community. The project is located on Grant Road, between Grant Road and the Alamo Wash, which runs east-to-west on the northern edge of the property. This wash is 80 feet across and is naturally vegetated, providing a screen from commercial uses along Grant Road with the single-family residential neighborhood to the north.

The car wash tunnel itself is set back 170 feet from the north property line, for a total distance of 150 feet from the nearest residential property. The car wash tunnel building will be located 20 feet from the right-of-way on the Grant Road facing south side of the property. There is a second structure, a covered payment kiosk, located roughly two-thirds into the parcel from the south, and 22 vacuum bays between the two. Architectural styles are consistent with other Mister Car Wash locations in Tucson.

The site is flanked on the east and west by a range of commercial uses including office, small retail, convenience store, and food service uses.

The anticipated traffic counts are 39 trips during the a.m. peak hour, 78 trips in the p.m. peak hour, and 775 total daily trips. This is based on a traffic assessment conducted by LSA. The development will not affect existing pedestrian, bicycle, or transit opportunities in the area, or impact access to/from neighboring properties. All vehicle maneuvering is to be performed on-site, and no traffic improvements are proposed.

The project’s height is compatible with the surrounding development, and the proposed land use intensity identified for this location in both Plan Tucson and the Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan. The project will have no impact on existing viewsheds from any residential property and is much shorter than other commercial and healthcare uses in the surrounding area.

Landscaping/Screening – The project will incorporate a minimum 10-foot landscape border with Grant Road. Landscaping on-site will be consistent with the landscaping standards of the City of Tucson Unified Development Code, including located canopy trees every 33 linear feet of landscape border, and 50 percent of the street landscape border covered with vegetation.

Signage and Outdoor Lighting – The project will comply with the outdoor lighting code, and all onsite lighting will be shielded and directed downward. No bright lights or spotlighting will be installed. Final lighting types and locations will be detailed in the development review process.

Signage on the property will be subject to sign standards of the Unified Development Code and will be consistent with other Mister Car Wash locations. Typical signage includes a large logotype on the main building’s façade and a lighted monument sign placed near the driveway.

Drainage/Grading – The project site is relatively flat, and the topography is not expected to change apart from reconfiguration of the parking area and driveways.

Road Improvements/Vehicular Access/Circulation – This project will have primary access from Grant Road. There are potentially existing cross-access agreements with the parcels to the west and east, and a 20-foot shared access land is to remain on the north side of the property. All circulation is to be performed on-site, and the car wash tunnel is traversed from west-to-east, with the open ends of the tunnel facing perpendicular to the nearest residential land use to minimize any noise disturbance.

No street improvements are proposed.

Per UDC standards, 0 parking spaces are required, and 32 are provided. Bicycle parking spaces are not indicated in the design compatibility report materials or preliminary development plan.

The preliminary plan shows a waste and recycling enclosure off the 20-foot access lane running within the north side of the property. No solid waste calculations are provided.

Conclusion – The proposed rezoning is consistent with, and supported by, the policy direction provided in Plan Tucson and the Arcadia-Alamo Area Plan. Subject to compliance with the attached preliminary conditions, approval of the requested rezoning is appropriate.
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) REVIEW COMPLETED Richard Freije <rfreije@azdot.gov>
To: TucsonRezoning
cc: Jay Gomes <jgomes@azdot.gov>;Douglas Moseke <dmoseke@azdot.gov>;Jeremy Moore <jmoore3@azdot.gov>
Thank you for the opportunity to review this New Rezoning. The location is far enough from ADOT R/W that it will have a negligible impact on our roadway system. ADOT has no comments.

Rick Freije, PE, MSCE
Assistant Southern Regional Traffic Engineer
1221 S 2nd Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85713
Office: 520.388.4203
Cell: 520.576.8614
External Reviewers - AZ State Land REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - COT Parks & Recreation REVIEW COMPLETED Tom Fisher
To: TucsonRezoning
On behalf of the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Department, I have no comments on the above development plan.

Tom Fisher
Project Manager
City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Department
900 S. Randolph Way
Tucson, Arizona 85716
(520) 837-8037
External Reviewers - Davis Monthan AFB REVIEW COMPLETED From: CARTER, BONNIE K GS-12 USAF ACC 355 CES/CENPL <bonnie.carter@us.af.mil>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 2:40 PM
To: Susan Montes <Susan.Montes@tucsonaz.gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: TP-ENT-0623-00030 Mr. Car Wash – E Grant Road, C-1 to C-2


Davis-Monthan AFB Planning Staff have reviewed the request to rezone C-1 to C-2 at Mr. Car Wash on E Grant Road and find this rezoning should not negatively impact our mission.


B. Kacey Carter, Civ USAF ≡✪≡

Base Community Planner

355th Civil Engineer Squadron/CENPL

Davis-Monthan AFB AZ


External Reviewers - PC RFCD REVIEW COMPLETED Patricia Gilbert <Patricia.Gilbert@pima.gov>
The Pima County Flood Control District has no objection to this rezoning.

Patricia Gilbert, CFM

Principal Hydrologist

Floodplain Management Division

Pima County Regional Flood Control District

201 North Stone 9th Floor

Tucson, Arizona, 85701

Phone: 520.724.4606.

External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing REVIEW COMPLETED Nicholas Jordan <Nicholas.Jordan@pima.gov>
Good afternoon,

Pima County Addressing does not have comments on TP-ENT-0623-00030 Mr. Car Wash – E Grant Road, C-1 to C-2. Per the primary access for the proposed project, 5523 E Grant RD is the more appropriate address.

Thank you

Nicholas Jordan

Site Review Project Manager - Addressing Official

Pima County Development Services Department

201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor

Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 724-9623
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor REVIEW COMPLETED Linda Chabot <Linda.Chabot@pima.gov>
Good afternoon,

I receive these notices for informational purposes only. I have no comments.

Thank you,

Linda Chabot

Senior Property Appraiser

Commercial/Industrial Land

Pima County Assessor’s Office

240 N. Stone, 3rd Floor

Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 724-7422
External Reviewers - Pima County Development Services REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - Pima County Natural Resources REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - Pima County Transportation REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) REVIEW COMPLETED TO: Gabriel Sleighter
Entitlements Section
City of Tucson Planning and Development Services

FROM: Mirela Hromatka, Planner Sr.
Planning Unit
Technical Services & Engineering Division
SUBJECT: TP-ENT-0623-00030 – Mr. Car Wash – E Grant Road
Rezoning From C-1-1 to C-2
Preliminary Development Plan, June 19, 2023
Tax Parcel #110-15-121B & -122C; 1.23 acres
The Planning Unit of the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the
request and offers the following comments for your use. The request is to rezone the subject property located at
the northeast side of the Grant Rd & Craycroft Rd intersection to permit the construction of carwash. The property
is connected to public sewer.
Capacity is available for this project in the 8” public sewer I-69-024, downstream from manhole 8655-05 (Type I
P23WC00143, dated May 8, 2023). Allocation of capacity for the development will be made by the Type III Capacity
PCRWRD has no objection to the proposed rezoning but adds the following wastewater conditions:
Should the City of Tucson Mayor and Council be inclined to approve this rezoning, the Pima County Regional
Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) recommends the following rezoning conditions:
1. The owner(s) shall not construe any action by Pima County as a commitment to provide sewer service to any
new development within the rezoning area until Pima County executes an agreement with the owner(s) to
that effect.
2. The owner(s) shall obtain written documentation from the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation
Department (PCRWRD) stating that treatment and conveyance capacity is available for any new development
within the proposed rezoning area, no more than 90 days before submitting any tentative plat, development
Mr. Car Wash – E. Grant Road August 22, 2023
TP-ENT-0623-00030 Page 2 of 2
plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer improvement plan, or request for building permit for review. Should
treatment and / or conveyance capacity not be available at that time, the owner(s) shall enter into a written
agreement addressing the option of funding, designing and constructing the necessary improvements to Pima
County’s public sewerage system at his or her sole expense or cooperatively with other affected parties. All
such improvements shall be designed and constructed as directed by the PCRWRD.
3. The owner(s) shall time all new development within the rezoning area to coincide with the availability of
treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system.
4. The owner(s) shall connect all development within the rezoning area to Pima County’s public sewer system at
the location and in the manner specified by the PCRWRD in its capacity response letter and as specified by
PCRWRD at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer layout, sewer
construction plan, or request for building permit.
5. The owner(s) shall fund, design and construct all off-site and on-site sewers necessary to serve the rezoning
area, in the manner specified at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, preliminary sewer
layout, sewer construction plan or request for building permit.
6. The owner(s) shall complete the construction of all necessary public and/or private sewerage facilities as
required by all applicable agreements with Pima County, and all applicable regulations, including the Clean
Water Act and those promulgated by ADEQ, before treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream
public sewerage system is permanently committed for any new development within the rezoning area.
If you wish to discuss the above comments, please contact me at (520) 724-6488.
Copy: Project
External Reviewers - Tohono Oodham REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority REVIEW COMPLETED July 18, 2023
Gabriel Sleighter
Entitlements Section
Planning and Development Services
City of Tucson
201 North Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ. 85701
RE: TP-ENT-0623-00030, Mr. Car Wash – E Grant Road, C-1 to C-2, Received July 17, 2023
Dear Mr. Sleighter,
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TP-ENT-0623-00030, a rezoning request to
establish a self service car wash in tax parcel # 110-15-121B and 110-15-121B, approximately
1.23 acres, from C-1 (Commercial Zone 1) to C-2 (Commercial Zone 2). This rezoning request
lies in the S.W. quarter of the S.W. quarter of Section 36, Township 13S, Range 14E, of the Gila
and Salt River Meridian. The nearest major roadway intersection is North Craycroft Road and
East Grant Road, approximately 150 feet to the southwest of the proposed rezoning request.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Notice Criteria Tool, no Notice Criteria
are exceeded at the project site.
The Tucson Airport Authority approves the rezoning request and has no additional comments to
provide and is not requesting a resubmittal.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this
comment letter. I can be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520-
Scott Robidoux, C.M.
Manager of Planning
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) REVIEW COMPLETED July 19, 2023
City of Tucson
Gabriel Sleighter
Entitlements Section
RE: TP-ENT-0623-00030 – E Grant Road
Dear Mr. Sleighter;
On behalf of Tucson Electric Power (TEP), thank you for the opportunity to comment on this
rezoning memorandum. TEP has no objections to this memo. This property is located within
TEP’s service territory and will require a new service application from the owner/developer to
extend service to the new location.
Please email me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at Keri.Tallorin@tep.com, or
by phone at (425) 633-7431.
Keri Tallorin
Environmental & Land Use Planner II
Tucson Electric Power Company
a UNS Energy Corporation
External Reviewers - Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
Historic REVIEW COMPLETED Historic staff concurs with the comments in the assessment report regarding cultural resources.
IPC - Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
IPC - Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED The Stormwater Retention-Detention Manual can be found online at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/engineering-code/updated-retention-detention-manual.pdf

1. Critical basin detention and 150% first flush retention will be required as a condition of rezoning.
2. Maximize water harvesting to all landscaped areas.
3. A 67 erosion hazard setback from the bank of the Alamo Wash for buildings is required.

Lianne Evans
IPC - Traffic Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED DTM Traffic Engineering Division does not have comments on Traffic Assessment memo. Based on assessment that there will be no negative impact to surrounding roadway network, we have no objection to the proposed development. Thanks!
ROW Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED TP-ENT-0623-00030 (5515 E GRANT RD TUCSON, AZ 85712)

1. Any existing curb or sidewalk that is non-compliant will be reconstructed to meet current standards.
2. New curb returns on E Grant Rd shall have a 20’ radius.
3. New curb access ramps to be constructed at each curb return, per P.A.G. standard 207.
4. New concrete curb per P.A.G. standard 209.
5. TSM 7-01.3.3 At least one sidewalk is required to connect the onsite circulation path to sidewalk in the ROW.
6. UDC 7.4.7.B.2 - The stacking area for drive-through lanes must not cross on-site pedestrian access.
7. A cross access agreement will be required to maintain access to adjacent properties. The Development Package will not be approved until the agreement is recorded.
Faffs Riederer

Abbreviations: City of Tucson Code (COTC), Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM), Technical Standards Manual (TSM), Street Design Guide (SDG), Pima Association of Governments Standard Details (P. A. G. SD), Access Management Guidelines (AMG), Major Streets and Routes Plan (MS&R).
Signs REVIEW COMPLETED RE: signage review aspects
For: new car wash
AT: 5515 E Grant
case: TP-ENT-0623-00030
Rezoning: from C-1 to C-2
Date: 07/26/23
Reviewer: H. Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)

Code: Unified Development Code 7A, Sign Standards & Tucson - Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC)

Code information, and one rezoning condition recommendation (3.B, below)

1. Please note no billboards exist at this location.

2. Please note that sign area allowances for commercial zones are 3 square feet of sign area for each 1 linear foot of street development frontage. Sign area allowance calculations will be based off of Grant Road. Signs may be placed on all building elevations, with a secondary cap of no more than 30% of any building elevation may be covered with signage.

3. Building signage:
A) Mister Carwash is planning a 35' tall single story building, with usual presentation of illuminated wall signage on south / east / west / north elevations, based off similar seen sign package submittals for other locations.

B) While the establishment may have illuminated signage stay on until the Outdoor Lighting Code curfew of 12 a.m., staff recommends signage on the north elevation shut off at 10 p.m. to reduce light intrusion into the residential neighborhood to the north.

4. Detached signs:
A) Staff sees that access off of Craycroft is to be maintained via cross access agreement. It is likely a directional sign would be sought later on the north side of that access point to direct potential users to the car wash. To do so, an easement is required to be recorded from the point of sign install contiguous to the site. The easement should allow for sign installation and maintenance and should be recorded adjacent to the access point.

B) While no freestanding signs are shown on the preliminary development plan, staff is familiar with the usual sign package for Mister Carwash to include a freestanding monument sign. Please note that a freestanding sign is permitted here for the establishment, along Grant Road frontage. Monument signage criteria is inclusive of up to 10' tall and 50 square feet of display area. The sign would require a 20' setback from face of curb to the leading edge, be on site and out of sight visibility triangles.

If you have any questions regarding signage, please feel free to email me at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov
Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED The Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention manual can be found online at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/engineering-code/updated-retention-detention-manual.pdf

1. Critical basin detention and 150% first flush retention are required as a condition of the rezoning.

Lianne Evans
Site Landscape REVIEW COMPLETED TO: Planning and Development Services Department, Rezoning Section
FROM: Matthew Carlton
PDSD Landscape/Native Plant Preservation Section

ACTIVITY NO: TP-ENT-0623-00030
ADDRESS/PARCEL NO: 5515 E GRANT RD/ 110-15-121B & 110-15-122C



The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Landscape/NPPO to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

1. This proposed development shall meet compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants, and water harvesting.
2. LANDSCAPE/NPPO has no adverse comments or concerns in regard to the rezoning.

If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4988
PDSD Zoning Review

FROM: Steve Shields; Contract Planner

PROJECT: Rezoning from C-1 to C-2

Address: 5515 E. Grant Rd.
Parcel(s): 110-15-121B & 110-15-122C
Proposed Zoning: C-2
Existing Use: Office & Personal Service
Proposed Use: Automotive: Minor Service and Repair - Self Service Car Wash, subject to Use Specific Standards 4.9.13.E.


1. The proposed development must comply with Administrative Manual 2-06 – Development Package.

2. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

3. Zoning has no adverse comments or concerns on the rezoning.

If you have any questions, please contact me at Loran.Shamis@tucsonaz.gov.
Sun Tran Review REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
Transportation - Bike/Ped REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
Transportation Landscape Review REVIEW COMPLETED No comments - GS
Tucson Water New Area Development REVIEW COMPLETED TP-ENT-0623-00030 - Entitlement Review v1 – 5515 E GRANT RD

The City of Tucson’s Water Department (Tucson Water) has no objections to APNs 11015121B and 11015122C being rezoned from C1 to C2, or to the preliminary development plan submitted with the rezoning application.

Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106