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Plan Number: TD-DIV-0324-00026
Parcel: 115071660

118 E LEE ST

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - TD-DIV-0324-00026
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Site Zoning APPROVED
Record Documents Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Thirteen feet of property line parallel to a public water main does not meet the requirement for 15 feet of property line that fronts a water main. [Second comment: The new proposed lot split does not resolve the remote water meter issue, Lot A still does not have 15 feet of property line that fronts a water main. In addition, running the building sewer and water service pipes parallel to the alley requires special permission from the City of Tucson Department of Transportation, a rare occurrence.] [Initial comment: For the purposes of having a water meter, a parcel is required to have a minimum width of 15-feet of frontage on a water main. An easement is not considered to be frontage. Contact Tim Rowe at Tucson Water (tim.rowe@tucsonaz.gov) for assistance in determining how water can be supplied to lot A. Reference: Tucson Water Remote Meter Policy, Number IV-B.08, dated 07/14/2009.]
Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT TD-DIV-0324-00026
118 E LEE ST

Site engineering comments are as follows:
1. See plumbing comment regarding the definition of “utility frontage.” There is no keynote for the dashed line that would make up the western side of the easement.
2. Per Zoning’s previous comment: please show the un-obstructed dimension of the access alley. “An alley, when used for access, must be a minimum of 20 feet wide, free of obstructions, and surfaced with a dust control method that is acceptable to the TDOT City Engineer.” TSM 7.4.6.K.2

Ryan Insalaco
Email: ryan.insalaco@tucsonaz.gov
Phone: (520) 837-5351
CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
TW New Development Review REVIEW COMPLETED TD-DIV-1124-00083 - Land Division_Lot Split v1 – 3476 S KINO PW

Tucson Water has no objections to the proposed lot line adjustments.

Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106