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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Plan Number - TD-DIV-0224-00012
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
External Reviewers - Pima County Addressing | APPROVED | Good afternoon, Pima County Addressing approves TD-DIV-0224-00012. Nicholas Jordan Site Review Project Manager – Addressing Official Pima County Development Services Department 201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-9623 |
Residential Building | APPROVED | ||||
CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | ||||
Commercial Plumbing | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1. For the purposes of having a water meter, a parcel is required to have a minimum width of 15-feet of frontage on a water main. An easement is not considered to be frontage. Reference: Tucson Water Remote Meter Policy, Number IV-B.08, dated 07/14/2009. 2. Occupiable buildings located on a separate lots shall have independent connections to the public sewer. Show how access to the public sewer will be provided for Lot 7-A and Lot 7-B. Reference: Section 701.3, IPC 2018. |
External Reviewers - Pima County Assessor | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Office of the Pima County Assessor 240 N. Stone Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85701 SUZANNE DROUBIE PIMA COUNTY ASSESSOR TO: City of Tucson Development Services FROM: Michael Bell GIS Cartographer Pima County Assessor’s Office Michael.Bell@pima.gov (520)724-7503 DATE: March 22, 2024 RE: Assessor’s Review and Comments Regarding: (SUBMITTAL 1) TD-DIV-0224-00012 – Lots 7A 7B 7C A FLD SUBDIVISON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Plat meets Assessor’s Office requirements. __X___ Plat does not meet Assessor’s Office requirements. COMMENTS: See below for the generalized requirements the Assessor’s Office reviews for: The title block must be in the lower right-hand corner, and it must have the number of lots or units or block or elements or any combination of these. It must have the common areas listed if there are any. It must have the section, township, and range and if it is a resubdivision, it must mention the plat name and the map & plat. The location map must be in the upper right-hand corner and must have the section, township, and range. The project area should be outlined and/or have an arrow pointing to it. General notes must have the gross area of the subdivision, the number of lots, the number of miles of new road, public or private (even if the number is 0), and the Basis of Bearings. There must be a section tie, with a bearing and dimension from the section corner or quarter corner to the point of tie on the subdivision. (*Note: presumably some of the linework already in this plat are ties to section corners, but those corners are not labeled, making the ties useless.) The perimeter line must be solid and the heaviest lineweight on the plat. The lot lines and common area lines must be solid and the next heaviest. Lines for erosion setbacks, floodplain lines etc. should be the lightest lineweight and be dashed or dot-dashed. There must be bearings and dimensions for the perimeter and all lot lines and all common areas. All lots must be numbered and have square footage. If the area is too small, there can be a table to the side for the square footage. (*Note: As this is a Subdivision plat, the parcels being defined by this plat are technically Lots, thus they must be labeled as: Lot 1/2/3/etc.) * All hatching, stippling, striping, etc. must be removed in the final plat, unless another agency requires it. If so, all lettering must have the hatching, etc. cut away so they are legible. * All streets must be named in the final plat, and have dimensions, bearings, and curve data. *All adjacent subdivisions should be named, with map and plat in the appropriate areas around the subdivision. * Ownership printed in the Dedication section must match Assessor data. NOTE: THE ASSESSOR’S CURRENT INVOLVEMENT IN PROCESSING ITS MANUAL MAPS TO DIGITAL FORMAT IS EXPEDITED GREATLY BY EXCHANGE OF DIGITAL DATA. IN THE COURSE OF RECORDING THIS SUBDIVISION YOUR ASSISTANCE IN PROVIDING THIS OFFICE WITH AN AUTOCAD COPY WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. AUTOCAD DWGS CAN BE SENT TO THE EMAIL ABOVE. THANK YOU FOR ANY DIGITAL DATA PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. |
External Reviewers - Pima County Wastewater (RWRD) | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The applicant is responsible for obtaining review and approval by Pima County, for projects involving RWRD sewers, on-site wastewater treatment facilities and public water systems https://www.pima.gov/1766/Wastewater-Reclamation. The applicant must provide an Approval letter from RWRD, prior to PDSD Approving the permit. | |||
External Reviewers - Tucson Electric Power (TEP) | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Greetings, Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) has reviewed the final plan submitted on February 21, 2024, and is unable to approve the plan. There are existing facilities within the final plat that need to be depicted in the plans. Respectfully, Tucson Electric Power Co. Land Resources Department |
New Services/JOC | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | TD-DIV-0224-00012 - Land Division_Subdivison v1 – 1048 N 2ND AV 1. The proposed subdivision layout does not comply with Tucson Water’s Remote Meter Policy No. IV-B.08, Eff. 07/14/2009. To comply with this policy, each of the proposed lots must have a minimum of 15’ of real property frontage onto a public or private street, public alley (or public utility or water easement granted to the City of Tucson) that contains a water main that can be tapped to serve the lot. An easement across a neighboring lot to the street, alley or easement containing the water line is not real property frontage and will not meet this requirement. Proposed Lot 7-A meets this requirement, as it has sufficient frontage onto 2nd Avenue, and the existing 6” cement asbestos water main in 2nd Avenue. Proposed Lot 7-C also meets this requirement, as it has sufficient frontage onto Jacobus Avenue, and the existing 6” PVC water main in Jacobus Avenue. Proposed Lot 7-B does not meet this requirement. While it has more than 15’ of frontage onto the existing public alley to the north, this alley contains no public water main. 2. Please obtain a copy of Tucson Water’s NE121413 Valve Map to see the existing water mains in the vicinity of this project Center by sending an e-mail request for it to TWMapInfo@tucsonaz.gov. 3. The above referenced policy also requires that each of the proposed lots have to have its own water meter located within the required 15’ or greater frontage onto a public or private street, public alley (or public utility or water easement granted to the City of Tucson) that contains a water main that can be tapped to serve the lot. No sharing of water meters is allowed. The above referenced policy also does not allow the private water line from a water meter to a building to cross any property lines. 4. The existing building on proposed Lot 7-B is served an existing water meter connected to the 6” public water main in in 2nd Avenue. The private water line from this existing water meter to the existing buildings on Proposed Lots 7-B and 7-C may not cross Proposed Lot 7-A or Proposed Lot 7B. The existing private water lines from this existing water meter to the existing buildings will have to be abandoned. But, the existing water meter may be retained in place for future use by a future building on Proposed Lot 7-A. 5. The simplest way to comply with Tucson Water’s Remote Meter Policy may be to take all of the following actions. a) Reconfigure Proposed Lot 7-B as a ‘flagpole’ lot with a ‘flagpole’ that is a minimum of 15’ wide to Jacobus Ave. b) Obtain a new water meter to serve the existing building on Proposed Lot 7-B. It would need to be located within Proposed Lot 7-B’s 15’ or more of frontage onto Jacobus Ave, and run a new private water main from that new water meter up the ‘flagpole’ to the existing building. c) Obtain a new water meter to serve the existing building on Proposed Lot 7-C. It must be located within Proposed Lot 7-C’s frontage onto Jacobus Avenue. 6. If reconfiguring the lots as described above is not possible, the Applicant will need to construct a new 4” or larger public water main in the public alley north of the proposed lots from the existing water main in Jacobus Avenue to a point 15’ or more past the common corner of Proposed Lots 7-B and 7-C to give Proposed Lot 7-B the required 15’ or more of frontage onto a public or private street, public alley (or public utility or water easement granted to the City of Tucson) that contains a water main that can be tapped to serve the lot. 7. To show how the requirements of Tucson Water’s Remote Meter Policy will be met, A site plan that meets the requirements of PDSD’s example residential plot plan requirements at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/permits/residential-permits/residential_plot_plan_requirements.pdf must be submitted for review. No water meters, or water service lines to and from the water meters should be shown on the final plat. 8. On the final plat, the public alley north of the proposed lots may not be labeled “Open Space”. It must be labeled as a PUBLIC ALLEY and it’s width shown. 9. A resubmittal of the final plat is also required, along with a detailed response letter that addresses the above referenced comments. 10. A copy of Tucson Water’s Remote Meter Policy No. IV-B.08, Eff. 07/14/2009 may be obtained by sending an e-mail request for this policy to me at the e-mail address in my signature block. 11. Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to: Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer Tucson Water, New Development Section 201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220 P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 (520) 837-2106 tim.rowe@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Tucson codes and ordinances can be found online at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/overview 1. The current County Recorder is Gabriella Cazares-Kelly, please correct the approvals paragraph. 2. The north arrow is labeled tentative plat, please remove this or change it to say "Final Plat". 3. Place the words “SEQ#________” in both the upper and lower right corners outside the margin line per Administrative Manual 2-07.5.1 D. The blanks will be completed by the Pima County Recorder’s Office at the time of recordation. 4. Per UDC 8.7.3.F.d. The open space must be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. Please show Open Space as Common Area and provide CC&R's reflecting this ownership and maintenance. 5. Assurance agreement required, or all required site improvements shall be completed prior to approval of Final Plat Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Nathan Herrera Planner PROJECT: Final Plat (1st Review) TD-DIV-0224-00012 TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 25, 2024 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-07. 2-07.4.0 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS Plats must: 4.3 Have a two-inch margin on the left side and one-half inch margins on the remaining sides to comply with standardization requirements of state law for recorded plats. COMMENT: Ensure the above standard is being met. 2-07.5.0 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 5.1 General A. A project-location map must be drawn in the upper right corner of the first sheet of the plat at a scale of three inches equals one mile and include the following information: 1. The project site approximately centered within a one square mile area. COMMENT: Center the property within the location map per the above standard. D. Place the words “SEQ#________” in both the upper and lower right corners outside the margin line. The blanks will be completed by the Pima County Recorder’s Office at the time of recordation. COMMENT: Add the above requirement to the sheet. E. Provide a title block in the lower right corner of each sheet with the following information: 1. Subdivision name; number of blocks, lots, and/or units; and common area. COMMENT: The site plans shows “open space”, this should be listed in the Title Block per the above standard. H. The S(Year)-___ subdivision case number assigned to the approved tentative plat must be placed in the lower right corner of the plat next to the title block. COMMENT: Provide the Final Plat number, TD-DIV-0224-00012, per the above standard. COMMENT: Provide the Tentative Plat (Development Package) number, DP18-0278, per the above standard. 5.3 Standard Paragraphs The plat must include the following statements, as applicable. All signatures must be in permanent, black, India ink and be accompanied by a notary signature and seal. B. Dedications The following statements are required on the first page of the plat. These statements indicate that all streets, alleys, easements, and other rights-of-way and any lands for public uses are dedicated by the plat to the public or for private use. The paragraph entitled DEDICATIONS consists of four elements: a statement of certification of title; a dedication statement; a hold harmless clause; and a signature line(s) for the property owner(s). The paragraphs may be amended to fit the applicable situation. COMMENT: The language should show I or We not I/WE as shown on the plat. As there are multiple owners of the property “We” should be used for all three dedication paragraphs c. “Private streets, drainageways, and common areas, as shown hereon, are reserved for the private use and convenience of all owners of property within this subdivision and are granted as easements to the public and all utility companies for the purposes of access, installation, and maintenance of utilities, drainage, and public sewers. Title to the land of all private streets, drainageways, and common areas shall be vested in an association of individual lot owners as established by Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded in Sequence #________ in the Pima County Recorder’s Office. The association will accept responsibility for control, maintenance, and liability for the private streets, drainageways, private sewers, and common areas within this subdivision.” COMMENT: As Common Area is proposed, provide the above information. COMMENT: Per UDC 8.7.3.F.d. The open space must be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. Please show Open Space as Common Area and provide CC&R's reflecting this ownership and maintenance. d. “Private streets, drainageways, and common areas shown on this plat are reserved for the private use and convenience of all owners of property within this subdivision, and easements are granted to the public and all utility companies together with access for the installation, maintenance, and improvements of aboveground and underground utilities, public sewers, and drainage. Title to the land of all private streets, drainageways, and common areas will be vested in an association of individual lot owners as established by Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded in Sequence #________ in the Pima County Recorder’s Office. The association will accept responsibility for control, maintenance, and liability for the private streets, drainageways, private sewers, and common areas within this subdivision.” COMMENT: As Common Area is proposed, provide the above information 4. Add the signature lines for the property owners. The number of signatures depends on the number of persons who have fee title interest according to a title report current within 30 days of recordation of the proposed plat. COMMENT: There are two property owners shown on the title sheet. Provide signature lines for each owner, per the above standard. D. Approval and Recording Data Blocks The APPROVAL paragraph, where the City Clerk certifies that the plat has been approved by Mayor and Council, and the RECORDING DATA paragraph, which provides space for the recording information, must be placed on the first sheet of the plat adjacent to each other. The paragraphs are as follows. COMMENT: The current County Recorder is Gabriella Cazares-Kelly. Change all references to show the correct County Recorder. 5.4 Proposed Subdivision Information Provide the following information on the plat: A. Indicate the name and width of each street, alley, easement (type), and drainageway within the subdivision boundary being created by this plat. Label each as public or private, along with the appropriate dedication notation. COMMENT: Provide the above information for the easements shown on the plat. B. If the project has common areas, label each common area individually with a separate letter designation. Enclose with a solid line each common area, private street, etc., that will have separate restrictions, a separate homeowners’ association, or any common area that is separated by a public right-of-way. COMMENT: The functional open space shown on the plat needs to meet the above criteria. D. Provide location, dimensions, areas in square footage, and purposes of lots proposed for dedication (such as open spaces, recreation areas, and natural areas) or for reservation for a public use (such as public parks, water facilities, and school sites). COMMENT: Provide the above information for the open space shown on the Plat. 5.6 Protective Covenants Protective covenants or Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) establishing responsibility for construction, maintenance, and ownership of any proposed common area, open space, private street, or similar joint use, when needed, will: A. Provide for maintenance of and liability for any proposed commonly-owned areas; and B. Include the various conditions of rezoning or other special situations requiring permanent administration by an owners’ association. (Am. Admin. Directive, 5/14/2013; Am. Admin. Directive, 11/13/2019) COMMENT: The recorded CC&Rs meeting the above standard will have to submitted with the next submittal. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Nathan.Herrera@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4894. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: revised Plat submittal along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. To resubmit visit Tucson Development Center at https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home. Instructions for resubmittal - https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf. |
CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
CDRC Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | Historic and RWRD required per SOP. Review request email sent per ADOT, TEP, Assessors and Addressing. CDRC sent FYI email to PAG, USPS, SWG. | |||
Commercial Building | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | Good Morning, ADOT has no comments on this DIV. Thank you for the opportunity to review. |
External Reviewers - Pima Association of Governments | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required from the customer at this time. | |||
External Reviewers - Southwest Gas | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required from the customer at this time. | |||
External Reviewers - United States Postal Service (USPS) | REVIEW COMPLETED | CDRC sent FYI email to PAG, USPS, SWG. No further action is required from the customer at this time. | |||
Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
Historic | REVIEW COMPLETED | The property is located within the West University Historic Preservation Zone/National Register Historic District. The extant houses are listed as contributors to the district. Any future construction on the proposed vacant parcel will require review and approval through the West University Historic Zone Advisory Board and the Plans Review Subcommittee. Additionally, any new construction should be consistent with the West University Design Guidelines and US Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Questions? Jodie.Brown@tucsonaz.gov | |||
OK to Submit - Engineering Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
OK to Submit - Zoning Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | ||||
ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |