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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TD-DEV-1023-00413
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/06/2023 | Commercial Plumbing | APPROVED | |||
11/12/2023 | NPPO | APPROVED | |||
11/17/2023 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
11/08/2023 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Tucson codes and ordinances can be found online at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/overview The Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention manual can be found online at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/engineering-code/updated-retention-detention-manual.pdf TD-DEV-1023-00413 1. Label each basin on the site plan with their corresponding basin plan names for inspection reference: SWHB1 -> TE-BAS-1123-00208 2. The drainage report mentions a proposed storm drain system connecting the Type 4 catch basins, roof drains, and water feature drain with SWHB 1. Clearly show this storm drain system on the grading plan. 3. The waste enclosure apron must have a minimum slope of 2% away from the enclosure per TSM 8-01.5.2 G. 4. Maximize water harvesting to the water harvesting basins and landscaping areas through the use of curb cuts or scuppers. Indicate the location of the curb cuts or scuppers on the site plan. Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
11/17/2023 | Site Landscape | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ACTIVITY NO. TD-DEV-1023-00413 PROJECT: THE LEARNING EXPERIENCE ADDRESS/PARCEL: 7396 S NEXUS RD/141-14-8200 ZONING: C-1 This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting. COMMENTS: 1. Ensure all Zoning and Engineering comments are addressed prior to the Landscape/NPPO comments. 2. Please include the correct Development Package number, TD-DEV-1023-00413 on all landscape & NPPO sheets. 3. Reorder sheet set so that the actual landscape plans begin at L2 rather than lead with irrigation sheets. 4. Please label all existing and future rights of way on all sheets 5. Show all site visibility triangles on plan set sheets. 6. On Sheet L01 under City of Tucson General Notes, remove #8 as an NPPO waiver was used. 7. Include a construction detail showing planting for both shrubs and scent plants. 8. Please label the separate irrigation meter ‘irrigation only’. TSM 4-01.6.1.A.1. 9. Commercial Rainwater Harvesting plan is required per UDC Technical Standards Manual – Section 4-01.3.0. and Section 5-01.0.0 Landscaping and Screening. Adherence to the Low Impact Development Standards outlined in Section 5 of the PCRFCD Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention is required and shall work in conjunction with the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting design. Using Low Impact Development design and water harvesting provides critical basin detention and first flush retention for all new development and impervious area. The newly adopted Detention/Retention Manual can be found: https://webcms.pima.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6/File/Government/Flood%20Control/Rules%20and%20Procedures/Stormwater%20Detention-Retention/dssdr-final-201406-manual.pdf With CoT edits to the manual are found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Detention_Retention_Manual_Tech_Standards_Amemdments.pdf 10. The Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Plan must utilize the Site Water Budget (located here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Building-Safety/Water-Energy-Conservation). See TSM 4-01.0.0 Exhibit A. The Site Water Budget is how the Water Dept tracks the irrigation water use on-site, not first flush retention volume charts. 11. Ensure the Grading Plan matches the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Plan & the Landscape Plan. 12. If using d.g at a 2” depth, ensure the rainwater harvesting basins are 8” in depth to account for the d.g. Then revise the Site Water Budget table to reflect these changes. 13. Identify curb inlets/splash pads to landscape areas on grading and water harvesting plans. 14. Include spot grade on the CRWH Plan. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at Matthew.Carlton@tucsonaz.gov |
11/09/2023 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Nathan Herrera Planner PROJECT: Development Package (1st Review) TD-DEV-1023-00413 TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 9, 2023 DUE DATE: November 12, 2023 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One-year Expiration date is October 04, 2024. 2-06.4.0 Content Requirements: 1. 2-06.4.3 - The administrative street address and relevant case numbers (development package document) shall be provided adjacent to the title block on each sheet. COMMENT: Provide the complete Development Package number, TD-DEV-1023-00413, on each sheet. 2. 2-06.4.7.A.2 - List the gross area of the site/subdivision by square footage and acreage. COMMENT: Clarify Note 1 on Cover Sheet. Gross Site Area is shown as 5.56 acres. The approved Subdivision plan shows 10 total acres, and the combined square footage of the lots shown on the site plan exceed the 5.56 shown on the Cover Sheet. 3. 2-06.4.7.A.4 - Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC. List all UDC sections applicable to the proposed uses. COMMENT: On Note 3 under Development Plan General Notes and Note 1 under Notes and Tabulations provide uses defined in the Unified Development Code per Section 11.3. Grocery Store is “Retail Trade-Food and Beverage Sale”. Fast Food is “Commercial Services-Food Service”. Financial Service is “Commercial Services-Financial Service”. List any associated Use Specific Standards found in UDC Article 4.8.6. 4. 2-06.4.7.A.6 - If a plan or plat is prepared in conjunction with other applications or overlays or the parcel being developed is subject to conditions of an application processed previously, additional information must be added to the plan. COMMENT: Note 4 under General Notes on the Cover Sheet shows Ordinance No. 5143, Annexation C9-84-84 shows Ordinance No.6143 COMMENT: The plan, S01-035, listed in the lower right corner of each sheet is related to Development Pan “Majestic Business Park Lots 1-6”. The related plan number to this DP is S01-030. Revise to show the correct plan number. 2-06.4.8 - Existing Site Conditions 5. 2-06.4.9.A - Draw in all proposed lot lines with approximate distances and measurements. COMMENT: As this site is made up of two (2) parcels, 141-14-8200 & 141-14-8190, a lot combination is required. Provide a copy of the approved Pima County Combo Request from with your next submittal. 6. 2-06.4.9.F - All existing zoning classifications on and adjacent to the project (including across any adjacent right-of-way) shall be indicated on the drawing with zoning boundaries clearly defined. COMMENT: Existing zoning for the property to the east shown on Sheet 3 is O-3, but is shown as C-3. COMMENT: Existing zoning for the property to the west shown on Sheet 2 is C-2, but is shown as C-1. Revise to show the correct adjacent zoning designations. 2-06.4.9.H Proposed Traffic Circulation 7. 2-06.4.9.H.5 - If utilizing parking area access lanes (PAALs), they shall be designed in accordance with Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC. a. 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - As a note, provide calculations on the number of spaces required (include the ratio used) and the number provided, including the number of spaces required and provided for the physically disabled. COMMENT: The parking calculation shown on Sheet 1 seems to be for an educational use. Parking requirements for a Commercial Service-Day Care Use is 1 space per 300 square feet of Gross Floor Area. Clarify in the proposed use if a Civic Use-Educational Use is also being proposed. If provide the correct parking calculation. COMMENT:, “A motor vehicle off-street parking space must have a minimum width of ten feet when the side(s) of the parking space abuts a vertical barrier over six inches in height, other than a vertical support for a carport”. It appears that the proposed Short-term Bicycle parking shown on the Site Plan is not in compliance with the above standard and will have to be relocated. 8. 2-06.4.9.R - Show on-site pedestrian circulation and refuge utilizing location and the design criteria in Section 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, of the Technical Standards Manual. COMMENT: Per Section 7-01.3.B, A continuous pedestrian circulation path is required to connect vehicle parking areas to the rest of the development. Demonstrate on the Site Plan how the row of parking in the center of Lot 5 will be connected to rest of the site (specifically to west). COMMENT: Any proposed building (i.e. canopy structure) in the "Playground" area will have to reflected on the Development Package before building permits will be issued. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Nathan.Herrera@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4894. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: revised Development Package along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. To resubmit visit Tucson Development Center at https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home. Instructions for resubmittal - https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf. |
10/06/2023 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/18/2023 | CDRC Review Coordinator Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | No external reviewers, nor added. | ||
11/07/2023 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/12/2023 | OK to Submit - Engineering Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/09/2023 | OK to Submit - Landscape Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/09/2023 | OK to Submit - Zoning Fast | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
11/09/2023 | ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | No comments |