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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TD-DEV-0823-00355
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/10/2024 | Site Landscape | APPROVED | |||
04/01/2024 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
03/28/2024 | Commercial Plumbing | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The distance between the existing manhole and cleanout 1 as well as the distance between cleanout 1 and cleanout 2 exceed a developed length of 100 feet. [Initial comment: The maximum distance between cleanouts shall be 100-feet, measured along the developed pipe length from the upstream entrance of the cleanout. Reference: Section 708.1.1, IPC 2018.] | ||
04/01/2024 | External Reviewers - Tucson Airport Authority | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | March 28, 2024 Planning and Development Services City of Tucson 201 North Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ. 85701 RE: TD-DEV-0823-00355, 2 nd Submittal, Proposed automated car wash / 2620 E Drexel Rd, Tucson, AZ. 85706, Received March 19, 2024 To whom this may concern, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on TD-DEV-0823-00355, 2 nd Submittal, a development plan for a proposed automated car wash at 2620 East Drexel Road. This development is located in the N.W. quarter of the N.E. quarter of Section 8, Township 15S, Range 14E, of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. The development site occupies parcel number 140-26-038B, covers approximately 1.78 ± acres, and is zoned as Park Industrial Zone (P-I). The nearest major roadway intersection is South Tucson Boulevard and East Drexel Road, approximately 500 feet to the northwest of the subject development. This site does lie within the Tucson International Airport avigation easement requirements and public disclosure area, FAA traffic pattern airspace, FAA Part 77 airspace, City of Tucson Airport Environs Overlay Zone – Height Overlay Zone, and City of Tucson Airport Environs Overlay Zone – Hazard District. The Tucson Airport Authority is requiring a resubmit of this project. These conditions must be included in the plan documents and shall be identified in the general notes section of all future plans submitted to the City of Tucson for review. Conditions of approval: 1. “According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Notice Criteria Tool, no Notice Criteria are exceeded. Applicants are therefore not required to file FAA Form 7460. However, if the use of cranes is anticipated during development and construction activities, the applicant must file FAA Form 7460 at least 45 days in advance of such use, to provide the applicant with sufficient time to respond to any concerns identified by the FAA. Please file Form 7460 at https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/portal.jsp.” Although this project does not propose a change in plan designation or zoning the Tucson Airport Authority highly recommends the applicant add the following notes into the general notes of the revised development plan. This project is located approximately 1 mile northeast of Tucson International Airport and is within FAA traffic pattern airspace, an area which would be subject to aircraft overflight and noise due to being in close proximity to Tucson International Airport. The proposed notes would provide a means of assuring that future owners and tenants of the property are aware they are in proximity an airport and further assures the continued right of the City of Tucson, Tucson Airport Authority, and all persons lawfully utilizing the Tucson International Airport the right to utilize the airspace above or near the property. This would be accomplished through the property owner recording the Avigation Easement and providing the Airport Disclosure Statement to the new residents of all residential uses. The Tucson Airport Authority believes the proposed note helps to support the City of Tucson Airport Environs Overlay Zone and supports Plan Tucson – Regional and Global Positioning policy 4 (RG-4). 1. "That prior to the City's approval of the proposed development, the property owner must record the Avigation Easement that discloses the existence and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property. The Avigation Easement shall be recorded in a manner with the Pima County recorder which shall document it as having title liability. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided.” The current property owner or person authorized to sign on behalf of the current property owner must complete, sign, and record the Avigation Easement. Please record the Avigation Easement with the Pima County Recorder’s Office. Then send a complete copy of the recorded easement document to Tucson Airport Authority by either email (send to srobidoux@flytucson.com) or to the mailing address provided below. Scott Robidoux Manager of Planning Tucson Airport Authority 7250 South Tucson Blvd, Suite 300 Tucson, AZ 85756” 2. Applicable to residential uses only “The property owner/developer/applicant must provide the Airport Disclosure Statement form, at time of sale, to the new property owners with all new unit purchases. In the event the development of any residential uses does not involve the sale of new units but is instead offering rental residential units to the public, the new tenant of the rental unit must be provided a copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form. The intent of the Airport Disclosure Statement form is to educate and notify the new residents that they are living near an airport. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided.” The property owner (for itself or its tenants) shall forward a signed copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form to the Tucson Airport Authority within ten (10) days of signature, using the Scott Robidoux mailing address provided above. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I can be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520- 573-4811. Respectfully, Scott Robidoux, C.M. Manager of Planning | ||
03/25/2024 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The following comments were not addressed, please address them fully: 14. Provide a site basin plan identifying all Retention/Detention basins on site. Each basin should be designated and basin details provided including Length, Width, Depth, slopes, and volume. A legible plan view and perpendicular section views at basin centerlines shall also be provided for all basins. 15. Provide identification on the comment 14 plan for the basin plan numbers: Basin 1.0 -> TE-BAS-0823-00151, Basin 2.0 -> TE-BAS-0823-00152, Basin 3.0 -> TE-BAS-0823-00153 Lianne Evans lianne.evans@tucsonaz.gov |
03/26/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Nathan Herrera Planner PROJECT: Development Package (2nd Review) TD-DEV-0823-00355 TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 26, 2024 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One-year Expiration date is August 13, 2024. 2-06.4.0 Content Requirements: 1. 2-06.4.9.E - Proposed land splits or existing lot lines shall be drawn on the plan with dimensions and the identification number and approximate square footage of each lot. (Please be aware that, if land division occurs and the number of lots falls within the definition of subdivision, a subdivision plat is required.) Land splits require a separate permit and review. COMMENT: Records do not show a lot split application for the property. Zoning cannot approve of this development package until the lot split is approved and recorded. 2. COMMENT: Any work in the right of way will require a separate permit per TSM Section 10-01.2.7.E, “ Landscaping work in street right-of-way that involves irrigation systems, raised planters, trees, large shrubs, or curbing will require the abutting property owner to submit a plan to, and receive written approval and a permit (pursuant to Chapter 25, Tucson Code) from Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Nathan.Herrera@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4894. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: revised Development Package along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. To resubmit visit Tucson Development Center at https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home. Instructions for resubmittal - https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf. |
03/07/2024 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |