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Permit Number: TD-DEV-0623-00277
Parcel: 11702094C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TD-DEV-0623-00277
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/29/2024 Commercial Plumbing APPROVED
04/25/2024 Historic APPROVED
04/26/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
05/08/2024 Site Landscape NOT REQUIRED
04/29/2024 Site Zoning NOT REQUIRED 1. COMMENT: Zoning acknowledges that the proposed revision to the approved Development Package is located in the right-of-way. A separate right-of-way use permit will need to be applied for with the Department of Transpiration and Mobility for all proposed work located in the right-of-way.
05/08/2024 CDRC Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
04/29/2024 ROW Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT TD-DEV-0623-00277
220 E. Speedway Blvd.

1. “Site Plan” Sheet 1 o 4. Concerning Site Plan Note No. 1 “6’ Wrought Iron Fence.”
a. Fencing is allowable in the Right of Way under certain and specific conditions.
b. Since the ROW is DTMs, the first approval must come from DTM, then a TRE is requested/ applied for and then must be approved by Real Estate.
c. Fencing and walls are expressly Not allowed to be placed in the ROW under Chapter 25, 25-46. However, if part of the Landscaping Plan, a fence or wall in the ROW is allowable.
d. One of the specific uses of public ROW is for utilities. Therefore, a fence/ wall cannot be on top of or below existing utilities.
e. Sight Visibility Triangles cannot be blocked. There is a “Vertical Clearance” for the SVTs. That vertical clearance is between 30 inches to 80 inches. A fence or wall can be placed within a SVT if it is 30” high or less. (NOTE: Blocking the SVT is a safety issue and cannot be waived.)
f. All of this is upon review and approval by the Department of Transportation and Mobility.
g. A TRE must be applied for and approved by the City of Tucson’s Real Estate Division.

For the resubmittal on the DP plan. Pertinent and exact information is needed.
2. Show Right of Way distance from the centerline of Speedway.
3. Show the location of the existing curb (gutter line) in reference to the ROW.
4. Show the distance of the proposed wrought iron fence in relation to both the gutter line of Speedway Blvd and from the ROW line.
5. Show the SVT of the entrance to the immediate adjacent property to the west.
6. Show the SVT of 5th Ave.
7. Show existing underground and any above ground utilities within this section of ROW.
8. Provide this same information for the property frontage along 5th Ave, all except for the SVTs.

David Stiffey
DTM Project Coordinator
04/29/2024 Traffic Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT TD-DEV-0623-00277
220 E. Speedway Blvd.

1. “Site Plan” Sheet 1 o 4. Concerning Site Plan Note No. 1 “6’ Wrought Iron Fence.”
a. Fencing is allowable in the Right of Way under certain and specific conditions.
b. Since the ROW is DTMs, the first approval must come from DTM, then a TRE is requested/ applied for and then must be approved by Real Estate.
c. Fencing and walls are expressly Not allowed to be placed in the ROW under Chapter 25, 25-46. However, if part of the Landscaping Plan, a fence or wall in the ROW is allowable.
d. One of the specific uses of public ROW is for utilities. Therefore, a fence/ wall cannot be on top of or below existing utilities.
e. Sight Visibility Triangles cannot be blocked. There is a “Vertical Clearance” for the SVTs. That vertical clearance is between 30 inches to 80 inches. A fence or wall can be placed within a SVT if it is 30” high or less. (NOTE: Blocking the SVT is a safety issue and cannot be waived.)
f. All of this is upon review and approval by the Department of Transportation and Mobility.
g. A TRE must be applied for and approved by the City of Tucson’s Real Estate Division.

For the resubmittal on the DP plan. Pertinent and exact information is needed.
2. Show Right of Way distance from the centerline of Speedway.
3. Show the location of the existing curb (gutter line) in reference to the ROW.
4. Show the distance of the proposed wrought iron fence in relation to both the gutter line of Speedway Blvd and from the ROW line.
5. Show the SVT of the entrance to the immediate adjacent property to the west.
6. Show the SVT of 5th Ave.
7. Show existing underground and any above ground utilities within this section of ROW.
8. Provide this same information for the property frontage along 5th Ave, all except for the SVTs.

David Stiffey
DTM Project Coordinator
03/20/2024 CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED Registrant stamp is missing from revised sheets.
04/02/2024 CDRC Review Coordinator Express REVIEW COMPLETED External Reviewers not required. No further action is required from the customer at this time.
04/08/2024 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
04/01/2024 OK to Submit - Engineering Fast REVIEW COMPLETED
03/21/2024 OK to Submit - Landscape Fast REVIEW COMPLETED
03/27/2024 OK to Submit - Zoning Fast REVIEW COMPLETED