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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TD-DEV-0523-00257
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/31/2023 | Site Landscape | APPROVED | |||
09/18/2023 | Traffic Engineering Review | APPROVED | No Comments David Stiffey David.Stiffey@tucsonaz.gov |
09/21/2023 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
08/29/2023 | Design Review | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Property is within the boundaries of the Downtown Infill Incentive District (IID). Applicant has submitted a Design Package currently under review. | ||
09/21/2023 | External Reviewers - COT Environmental Services | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | RE: DUE SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / New 7-story Apartment Building. / TD-DEV-0523-00257 Andy Vera CDRC Pat Tapia Hello, I show that I provided review comments to Maria back on 8/31/23. I repeated them here as it appears the DP is unchanged since my initial comments. ES comments are as follows: Sheet C3.0, Keynote 19, The loading zone/trash collection area (12’x35’), recommend at least 45 ft long to accommodate both the truck and container in order to perform the service operation on the street. Shown on detail sheet C6.0, Trash/Recycle Vehicle Turning Radii. Sheet C6.0, Trash/Recycle Room. Proposed 2yd containers will have estimated dimensions of 7’ (W) X 3.5’(L/D) and 4yd containers at 7’(W) X 4.5’(L/D). The layout of the room in relation to the chutes does not appear to allow for adequate positioning and storage/placement of all 4 containers. Include container placement within the trash room, with all dimensions called out for both the room and containers. Clarify what is “FRP wall protection up to ceiling”. Wall protection is intended to protect the wall from being damaged due to containers being rolled up against wall/s. The overall functionality works. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this review. Thanks, Andy Vera City of Tucson -Environmental Services Accounts Representative Supervisor (520) 837-3798 |
09/14/2023 | Historic | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Property requires Historic review. Currently being scheduled with PRS. | ||
09/11/2023 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Westpoint Apartments II Development Package (2nd Review) TD-DEV-0523-00257 TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 11, 2023 DUE DATE: September 14, 2023 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also, compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, an applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One-year Expiration date is August 28, 2024. 1. COMMENT: 2-06.4.3 – Provide the special districts application case number, SD-0723-00081, adjacent to the title block on all sheets. 2. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.6.a – As this site is located within the Downtown core and Rio Nuevo Area (RNA) and you are proposing to use the Infill Incentive District (IID) the design review must be approved prior to approval of this plan. If approved provide a note on the plan stating date of approval and any modifications to the UDC that were approved. Zoning cannot be approved until the design review has been approved. 3. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.a – Zoning acknowledges that you are proposing to use the IID to eliminate the parking requirement. Until the IID application has been approved Zoning cannot approve. 4. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.L – Zoning acknowledges and accepts the applicant’s request to place a hold on the associated building permit certificate of occupancy until the applicant has provided the recordation information for the new proposed easements. 5. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.O – Zoning acknowledges the IID application requesting to reduce the required minimum setback. Based on amendments to the UDC approved April of 2023 the required street perimeter yard setbacks is 20’, proposed to the north property line is 2.39 to 3.04, and to the south is 0.49 to 1.45. Zoning cannot be approved until the IID application has been approved. 6. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.O – Zoning acknowledges the IID application requesting approval of the proposed encroachment into the COT right-of-way. Based on Keynote 28 you are proposing an encroachment into the COT Right-of-Way. This encroachment must be approved by the design review. Zoning cannot be approved until the IID application has been approved. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Loran Shamis at Loran.Shamis@tucsonaz.gov. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package and detailed response letter. |
08/29/2023 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
08/29/2023 | External Reviewers - Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | REVIEW COMPLETED | [EXTERNAL] Re: DUE JULY 7, 2023 / New 7-story Apartment Building. / TD-DEV-0523-00257 Jay Gomes <jgomes@azdot.gov> CDRC Good Morning, ADOT has no comments on this DEV. Thank you for the opportunity to review this item. |