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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TC-RES-1124-06820
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/07/2025 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
12/04/2024 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The required fire flow for this residence is 1,750 gpm in accordance with 2024 IFC, B105.1(2). Please provide a letter from Tucson Water stating hydrant adjacent to property is capable of providing the required fire flow, or update plans to include fire sprinklers under separate permit. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov |
12/17/2024 | Residential Building | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | TC-RES-1124-06820 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. For facilitating a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment updates; revisions are processed if changes occur after the permit is issued. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The City of Tucson adopted the 2018 IRC with amendments and building ordinances for all dwellings. Provide a response letter addressing each comment with location of change on the plans. Submit separate letter and plan set files. GENERAL COMMENTS : 1. All plans submitted for a newly constructed one- or two-family dwelling after June 1, 2010, must provide gray water utilization or preparation, Ordinance #10579/11089 revised July 9, 2013. The ordinance revision now requires a gray drain line discharge from one fixture for a one-story dwelling. Additional gray fixture drains are optional. Show a second clothes washer standpipe plumbed to an exterior wall above grade when feasible, or a bathing fixture drain looped 3’ beyond an exterior wall below grade before connection to the building drain. Use the appropriate detail at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Building-Safety/Water-Energy-Conservation Gray Water Illustrations. The connection to bathroom lavatories is not compliant. SITE PLAN: 1. Show the location of sewer HCS or septic coordinated with Pima County Wastewater, R106.1.1. https://www.pima.gov/1766/Wastewater-Reclamation PLUMBING PLANS: 1. Tucson Water Department limits flow rates for each water meter size in compliance with P2903.7. Show an appropriate water meter size. 2. Show gas pipe sizes in compliance with connected demand, G2413.3 & Table G2413.4(1). The 1” gas line is undersized. INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE: 1. Energy Certificate: (Mandatory) place near the indoor furnace or in utility room, N1101.14. Add notation to plans. Please contact the plans reviewer if you have any questions: Ken Van Karsen PDSD-Residential@tucsonaz.gov City of Tucson Residential Plan Review Submit a corrected plan set at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services |
12/31/2024 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | TC-RES-1124-06820 3311 W BIG DIPPER DR Site engineering comments are as follows: 1. Please refer to UDC 5.2.7 and TSM 9 for HDZ calculations and applicable exceptions therein. Hillside development also requires a separate grading permit or Develop Package. Please visit: https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/#/home Ryan Insalaco – ryan.insalaco@tucsonaz.gov |
01/03/2025 | Site Landscape | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | CDRC TRANSMITTAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEWER: CHAD KELLER, RLA SITE LANDSCAPE/NATIVE PLANT PRESERVATION SECTION PROJECT: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ACTIVITY NO: TC-RES-1124-06820 ADDRESS: 3311 W BIG DIPPER DR ZONING: R-1 RESIDENCE ZONE; HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ZONE This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants, and water harvesting. Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all of the Site Landscape/NPPO Section review comments have been addressed. SITE LANDSCAPE/NPPO SECTION COMMENTS: 1. This site is within the HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ZONE (HDZ). See UDC 5.2. and add the following notes to the site plan sheet: VEGETATION RETENTION AND REVEGETATION a. Vegetation Retention (1) Existing viable and transplantable trees with four inch or greater trunk diameter and cacti shall be preserved in their original locations, except for building sites and access and utilities serving building sites. (2) When retention of the above trees and cacti in their original locations is not possible due to building site location, the trees and cacti shall be salvaged and replanted in areas requiring revegetation, whenever possible. b. Revegetation All cut or fill slopes that are no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical and all utility trenches or septic leaching fields that are not located in parking or driveway areas shall be revegetated in compliance with the following standards: (1) All plants used in revegetation shall be the same as the native vegetation on the site prior to grading or clearing or any adjacent site; and, (2) Revegetation shall be accomplished with the following minimum standards for plants: (a) Desert trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size with a minimum trunk diameter of two inches measured at the soil level, or large specimen cactus shall be placed at the same vegetation density found on the site prior to any clearing, grubbing, or grading; and, (b) Seeds for trees, desert shrubs, and grasses shall be planted with a density adequate to control erosion and may use one of the following methods of planting: Raked into the soil with appropriate mulch materials; hydroseeding; anchored mulches; or established on jute, rolled straw, or similar material. Another method may be approved by PDSD. (3) A temporary watering system shall be installed until the revegetation materials are established. 3. Slope Stabilization All slopes steeper than a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical, with the exception of retaining walls, shall be stabilized with properly engineered stone riprapping or sculptured rock as follows: a. Stone riprapping shall be hand-placed on the slope; b. The stabilizing material used shall blend with the natural appearance of the site or lot and the surrounding terrain; and, c. Vegetation retention and revegetation should be used in conjunction with riprapping. 2. Saguaro and possibly other protected native plants appear to be within the grading limits. On the current site plan, provide a graphic inventory of Saguaro that may be affected and indicate on the plan whether they will be preserved in place, or transplanted on site. Any removal of Saguaro will result in mitigation measures. See UDC 7.7.5 for plant preservation standards and UDC Table 7.7.5-1 protected native plants, preservation credits and mitigation standards. If it is found that no Saguaro or other protected natives will be disturbed by this development, then a NPPO Waiver can be submitted for exception. This will involve photo inventory by one of the professionals listed within UDC 7.7.5. 3. If using the Natural Undisturbed Open Space Set Aside Method for the NPPO, an Environmental Resource Report will need to be submitted for the 30% of the site area that will be set aside. See UDC 7.7.5.A.3 Set Aside Methodology. If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at chad.keller@tucsonaz.gov or at 520.837.4923 |
01/07/2025 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | FROM: PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: TC-RES-1124-06820 3311 W BIG DIPPER DR. – R-1 (RCP) New SFR (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 7, 2025 COMMENTS: Resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This subdivision was approved as a R-1 zoned Residential Cluster Project (RCP), Land Use Code (LUC) Section 3.6.1 which converts to a Flexible Lot Development (FLD) UDC Article 8.7.3. 1. The perimeter yard setbacks shown on sheet A-1 & A-2 are not correct. The street perimeter yard setback should be listed as 21’ or the height of the exterior wall, greater of the two, as measured for the nearest edge of travel lane. The side perimeter yard should be the 3’ and the rear should be the greater of 6’-0” or 2/3 the height of the building exterior wall. 2. The Max Building Height listed on sheet A-1, 25’-0” is not correct and should be 24’-0” per UDC Article 5.2.7.A. 3. As this site is located within the Hillside Development Zone (HDZ) UDC Article 5.2, per UDC Article 5.2.7.B.1 a grading plan is require and will require a separate submittal from this building plan. The Unified Development Code (UDC) can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Codes/Zoning-Code. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov. |
12/03/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |