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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TC-RES-1123-09542
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/11/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
06/10/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | FROM: PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: TC-RES-1123-09542 - CE-VIO0224-00787 2785 N CALLE DE ROMY – R-2 Addition (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: June 10, 2024 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This site is located in the R-2 zone (UDC 4.7.9). A single family residence with an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2). See Use-Specific Standards 4.9.7.B.6, 8, & 9 and 6.6.3. 1. Clarify what is proposed. The permit description states “CE-VIO0224-00787- DDO Submittal Only Residential, 2 setback modifications requested. Attached and Detached Additions”. Based on the plans submitted it does not appear that there are no detached additions. Also, there is a Kitchenette called out on the Upper Floor Plan, is this going to be a 2nd dwelling unit or a sleeping quarter. If this is a 2nd dwelling unit a separate permit is required, and impact fees will apply. If this is a sleeping quarters clearly show that what appears to be a refrigerator is an under-counter refrigerator and the sink is a single bowl bar type sink. 2. The lot coverage calculation is not correct. Per UDC Article 6.4.3.C.1.a Roofed areas, porches, open on at least one side are not included in the calculation. 3. As Glenn St. is designated as a Collector on the COT MS&R map and is not at future width show the future street property line and curb for Glenn on the plan. 4. Provide a dimension from the face of curb along Calle De Romy to the east property line. COMMENTS: the following comments are relative to an application for a Design Development Option (DDO) (UDC 3.11.1). Perimeter yard setbacks are based on a wall height measurement from design grade to the highest point of the exterior wall UDC Article 6.4.5.B & Figure 6.4.5-A. Where the wall meets the eave of the roof. The minimum setback is the greater of six (6) feet, or two-thirds (2/3) the height of the structure’s wall facing each interior property line (Table 6.3-2.A). 1. Based on a wall height of 22’-0” the required perimeter yard setback from the proposed two-story addition to the west property line is 14’-8”. As the proposed addition is not parallel to the west property line the setback should be measured from the midpoint of the wall, UDC Article 6.4.5.B.5, but that dimension was not provided Zoning estimates the setback to be 11’-11” to the midpoint of the wall. 2. The minimum setback to a side street property line is ten (10) feet (UDC Section 6.4.5.C.1.b). Proposed side street perimeter yard setback is 1’-0”. A Design Development Option (DDO) must be submitted and approved to reduce the required setback. DDO application and requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Planning-Zoning-Applications/Zoning-Administration. If you have questions about the DDO application or process please contact Wyatt Berger at Wyatt.Berger@tucsonaz.gov or Georgia Pennington at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov. |
06/11/2024 | Zoning Modifications - DDO | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The DDO application submitted November 16, 2023, indicates a proposed side perimeter yard of 12'-3". Per UDC 6.45.B.5, where an unbroken section of a wall is not parallel with the lot line, the required perimeter yard may be applied to the average width. Indicate the average perimeter yard width as measured from the west lot line within the revised DDO application. Please also update the "Project Description and Applicant's DDO Request" page by providing the correct scope of work as a detached addition is no longer proposed. Additionally, provide a dimension from the face of curb along Calle De Romy to the east lot line on the site plan to ensure the proposed perimeter yard is accurately depicted. Contact me at Wyatt.Berger@tucsonaz.gov should you have questions about my comments. |
05/16/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |