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Permit Number: TC-RES-0824-04994
Parcel: 12212327A

4544 E PIMA ST

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-RES-0824-04994
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/30/2024 Site Landscape NOT REQUIRED
09/30/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
08/28/2024 Residential Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-RES-0824-04994

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. Provide a separate Comment Response Letter when submitting updated plans. Facilitate a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval.

PROVIDE A COMPLETE PLAN SET showing all proposed alterations to the building with 2018 IRC code compliance. The plans require sufficient detail for demonstrating an awareness of minimum building code compliance for passing all progress inspections.

Provide a response letter on separate file with the updated construction plan set.

Provide a clear and concise construction plan set. Sample drawings are available for understanding details. Sample plans at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Permits/Residential-Permits


1. Show the location and rating of the proposed electrical panel with conductor lines from TEP pole to building, R106.1.1.


1. Provide a complete floor plan showing the location of proposed building repairs including changed doors and windows, R301.1.


1. Show any changes of piping.


1. Show any changes of heating/cooling systems or ventilation, M1401.3, M1601.1.


1. Show the location of repaired or changed outlet boxes of lights, switches and receptacles with the circuit number at the location, E3404.12.
2. Show circuit numbers of any new wiring to outlet boxes, E3902.16 & 17.

If you have any questions, please contact:
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review

Submit a corrected plan set at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services
09/30/2024 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-RES-0824-04994
4544 E PIMA ST

Site Engineering comments are as follows:
1. See zoning comments regarding requirements of submission materials.

Note: This project is not in a regulated floodplain. No FUP required.

Ryan Insalaco
Engineering Associate
City of Tucson
Planning & Development Services Department
Email: ryan.insalaco@tucsonaz.gov
Phone: (520) 837-5351
09/27/2024 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: TC-RES-0824-04994 - CE-VIO0523-03427
4544 E PIMA ST - R-2
Service Upgrade and Repairs (2nd Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 27, 2024

Resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in the R-2 zone (UDC 4.7.9). A duplex is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2) subject to Use Specific Standards 4.9.7.B.6, .9 & .10.

1. COMMENT: Provide a complete set of plans to include a plot plan that meets the requirements found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Building-Safety/Plan-Examples/Plot-Plan-Example

The Unified Development Code (UDC) can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Codes/Zoning-Code.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
08/28/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED