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Permit Number: TC-RES-0823-07633
Parcel: 127130710

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-RES-0823-07633
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/12/2023 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
12/12/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
11/28/2023 Residential Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-RES-0823-07633

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. For facilitating a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval.


Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. For facilitating a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval.

PROVIDE A COMPLETE PLAN SET showing all proposed alterations to the building with 2018 IRC code compliance with component sizes. The plans require sufficient detail for demonstrating an awareness of minimum building code compliance for passing all progress inspections.


1. Show the location of both the service panel and sub panel along with the path of the feeder, R106.1.1.


1. Provide complete structural (roof framing) plans showing compliance with the IRC or provide an Arizona structural engineer plan set showing performance compliance, R301.1. Show all proposed repairs and alterations with 2018 IRC compliance, R301.1.
2. Provide a header schedule and show opening sizes supporting the roof consistent with Table 502.5(1) & R602.7(1).
3. Show garage opening narrow panels with fastening details using a prescriptive method at Figure R602.10.6.2, R602.10.6.3 or R602.10.6.4 or an engineered plan set.


1. Provide a structure section showing existing and proposed features including a foundation, sills, anchoring, framing, sheathing and insulation, R106.1.
2. Show anchor-bolt spacing with a minimum ½” diameter with (anchor bolt length for assuring) 7” embedment into concrete or masonry, R403.1.6.
3. Specify veneer anchoring with ties spaced 24” O.C. horizontally & vertically, R703.2 & R703.7.
4. Show 1” air space between sheathing and veneer R703.8.


1. Provide a Riser Diagram showing a sub panel and feeder size, NEC 225.30, E3403, Table E3704.2(1).
2. Show all receptacle outlets in the garage with GFCI protection, E3901.9 & E3902.2.


Show the proposed fixture as full cut-off FCO style or provide an Outdoor Lighting Calculation including all exterior fixtures on the property for determining exterior lighting limits. Adjustable security light fixtures are unshielded, not FCO.

Show full cutoff fixtures were located within 25 feet from the property line OLC 401.3.3.

If you have any questions, please contact:
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review
11/30/2023 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT FROM: Paul Camarena
PDSD Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: TC-RES-0823-07633
Detached Garage
TRANSMITTAL DATE:‎November 30, 2023

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1.COMMENT: Provide a Residential Plot Plan that meets the requirements found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/permits/residential-permits/residential_plot_plan_requirements.pdf
This shall in include:
a. Lot coverage calculation that meets the requirements of UDC Article 6.4.3 & the example shown on the residential plot requirements. (Lot coverage must include vehicular use area whether improved or unimproved) . Lot coverage does not include porches, UDC Article 6.4.3.C.1.a but does include vehicle use area measured within the outside edges of any area allocated to vehicle use, whether improved or unimproved.

b. Zoning of adjacent parcels
c. All Utility lines
d. Property line distances
e. Setback dimensions

2.COMMENT: Draw dimension and label the height of the new structure measured from design grade to top of wall. Per UDC section 6.6.3.D “Accessory structures , except for accessory dwelling units , shall not exceed 12 feet in height, unless attached to a principal structure “
6.4.4.A. Building height is the vertical distance measured from the design grade elevation to the highest point of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; or to the middle (between the eave and ridge ) of the highest gable of a pitched or hipped roof, except as follows: (See Figure 6.4.4-A, Measurement of Building Height .)

If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Paul Camarena at (520)837-4986 or by email Paul.Camarena@tucsonaz.gov
11/15/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED