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Permit Number: TC-RES-0724-04002
Parcel: 136054620

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-RES-0724-04002
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/13/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
08/13/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
07/18/2024 Residential Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-RES-0724-04002

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. Provide a separate Comment Response Letter when submitting updated plans. Facilitate a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval.

PROVIDE A COMPLETE PLAN SET showing all proposed alterations to the building with 2018 IRC code compliance.

Provide a response letter on separate file with the updated construction plan set.


1. Provide a site plan showing utilities for the dwelling, R106.1.1. Show the location of all utility lines from property line to building(s) along with required alterations.


1. Provide a wall section showing existing and proposed features including a foundation, framing, anchoring, sheathing, insulation, pressure treated sill anchored with ½” x 10” bolts. Show the wall assembly with a 6” clearance above the ground or 2” clearance above an exterior concrete surface, R317.1 item 5.
2. An unvented roof assembly requires an air-impermeable rigid insulation material with a minimum R-5 value applied correctly to either side of the roof sheathing, R806.5. Show a roof design with insulation types and minimum thickness for meeting the condensation control requirement and the minimum total insulation value of R-38.


1. Clarify the new circuits noted on the breaker schedule. The note states “no new circuits” although circuits descriptions for circuits #8, 10, 12 & 21 are labeled new.

If you have any questions, please contact:
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review

Submit a corrected plan set at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services

FROM: Ramiro Olivarez
Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: TC-RES-0724-04002
1611 S BURNING TREE AV TUCSON, AZ 85710 – R-1 Zoning
SFR Renovation and Bathroom & Porch Addition (1st Review)


This site is located in the R-1 zone (UDC 4.7.8). A single-family residence is permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2) subject to Use Specific Standards 4.9.7.B.5 - .9

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

The site plan should be designed to include the information as noted on the sample plot plan. See the link below for the information that is required on the plot plan. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/permits/residential-permits/residential_plot_plan_requirements.pdf .

1. Comment: Setbacks shall be identified from property lines to the proposed project.
2. Comment: The property dimensions provided do not match the recorded dimensions, found in the Subdivision Plan Map (https://gis.pima.gov/maps/subdiv/select.cfm?bkpg=28098&seqnum=).
3. Comment: Provide the total lot coverage calculations. Per UDC article 6.4.3, lot coverage shall need to include the area of a lot covered by buildings, storage areas, including dimensioned Vehicular use areas. See the sample plot plan above for an example.
4. Comment: Draw, label, and dimension the center line of S Burning Tree AV to the property line as depicted on the sample plot plan. See the link above for the information that is required on the plot plan.
5. Comment: Aerial Views Per Map Tucson the 2022 aerial show a shed structure under the existing porch along the south property line. Please refer to Map Tucson that shows the shed structure (https://maps2.tucsonaz.gov/Html5Viewer/?viewer=maptucson). If the shed structure is no longer there, please indicate if the shed structure has been removed from the site. If it is to remain there, include it in the site plan.
6. Aerial views show a Shed structure along the southern property line. The perimeter yard setback for the shed structure appears to not comply with the R-1 perimeter yard of 6 feet or 2/3 (H) height. At a minimum a neighbors setback waiver will be required, UDC Article 6.6.2.D. To secure this neighbor setback waiver the following statement must be provided on the plot plan and be signed and dated by the adjacent property (1619 S BURNING TREE AVE) owner(s) (MARTINEZ JUAN V & MAGDALENO LUCIA HORTENCIA CP/RS):

My Name is____________________ and I am the owner of the property located at_______________________. I have reviewed the site plan and I have no objection to structure being located or constructed________ feet from the property line as depicted on the site plan.

Signature: _____________________________

Date: _________________________________

If you are unable to secure the waiver a Design Development Option (DDO) application must be submitted for review and approval.

The proposed structure encroaches into the required perimeter yard and will require the approval of a Design Development Option (DDO) before zoning can approve this permit.
The below paperwork can be filled out and submitted with the next submission.
DDO application and requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/planning-amp-zoning/ddo_for_setback_and_height_udc.pdf

For more information about the DDO process contact Wyatt Berger at wyatt.berger@tucsonaz.gov or Georgia Pennington at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov

7. Comment: Additional comments may be forthcoming on the next review based on the proposed use for the addition and applicable use specific standards.

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Provide updated complete site plan in the next submittal.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Ramiro Olivarez Ramiro.olivarez@tucsonaz.gov
07/12/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED