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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: RESIDENTIAL SOLAR v.2
Permit Number - TC-RES-0323-03751
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/02/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
05/02/2023 | Light Residential Building Review (OIP) | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. Provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. General Notes: • Provide ¼” = 1’ scaled drawings with legible notation (Minimum 3/32” lettering). • Provide consecutive sheet numbers on each construction drawing, R106.1.1. • Provide a system layout plan showing the location of system components in relation to structures and utilities. • Provide a line diagram identifying each component and circuit notating sizes and installation details. • Provide manufacturer specification sheets for all collector panels, inverters, mounting hardware, power optimizers etc. R324.3 Structural Plans and Pathways: • Provide complete roof layout plan that shows placement of each panel, existing obstructions and all fire access and pathways as provided by R324.6 • All New equipment, including Panels, Racking systems, Inverters etc.. Shall be UL listed. R324.3 • All penetrations shall be flashed and sealed R324.4.3 • Provide complete roof framing information for determining load carrying capacity of each structure supporting a collector group. Show size, spacing and span of all framing members including trusses, joists, rafters and beams, R301.1, R324.4. • The rafter length is needed for determining load carrying capacity for supporting the additional dead load, R301.1 & Table R802.5.1. Provide a design for supporting the required additional dead load and wind load of the PV system. • Provide complete roof framing information for determining load carrying capacity for the roof structure. Show all load bearing locations. Demonstrate the ability for supporting the existing and additional dead load, or provide an engineer’s calculation, design and seal for verifying the truss load carrying capacity. R324.4 • Provide a lag-bolt connection up-lift calculation demonstrating the wind load supporting capability, or provide an engineer’s calculation, and sealed design, R301.1, R324.4. An IRC PV roof uplift calculator (XLS) is available on Pima County’s website. https://www.pima.gov/1069/Solar-Wind-Systems • When applying for a permit to place new equipment on existing code-compliant roofs constructed in the past fifty years, an allowance shall be provided for equipment weighing a maximum of 4 psf and load per attachment point of 40lbs or less, R324.4. Provide plans showing compliance with these prescriptive design requirements, or provide an engineer’s calculation, and sealed design. https://webcms.pima.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6/File/Government/Development%20Services/Building/Equipment%20on%20roofs%20.pdf • Equipment shall not cover more than 50% of the roof area, R324. • Provide two pathways, on separate roof planes from lowest roof edge and not less than 36” wide. R324.6.1 • For each roof plane with a photovoltaic array, a pathway not less than 36” wide shall be provided from the roof access point to the horizontal ridge. R324.6.1 • For photovoltaic arrays occupying not more than 33% of the plan view total roof area, not less than an 18” clear setback is required on both sides of a horizontal ridge. R324.6.2. • For photovoltaic arrays occupying more than 33% of the plan view total roof area, not less than a 36” clear setback is required on both sides of a horizontal ridge. R324.6.2. • Equipment shall be positively attached to the roof structure with a minimum of one connection per 10 sf of equipment (minimum of two connections per piece of equipment). • Point loads exceeding 40 lbs shall require a structural load analysis by licensed Arizona engineer. Diagrams/Calculations: • Provide a 3-line diagram identifying each component and circuit notating sizes and installation details. • Provide electrical load calculations for determining the service panel size, E3602.2. • Maximum Photovoltaic System Voltage (Voc x 1.13) NEC 690.7 and Table 690.7(16 degrees F) Show an inverter with appropriate specifications for this calculation. • DC Overcurrent Protective Device and Conductor Sizing for PV Source Circuits and Module Interconnection Conductors (Isc x 1.25 x 1.25) Reference NEC 690.8(A)(1) and (B)(1). Show complete calculation for determining OCPD and conductor requirements. • AC Overcurrent Protective Device and Conductor Sizing for PV source Circuits and Module Interconnection Conductors (Imax x 1.25) Reference NEC 690.8(A)(3) and (B)(1). Show a complete calculation for determining OCPD and conductor requirements. • Inverter Input Current (Isc x 1.25) Reference NEC 690.8(A)(4). Show an inverter with DC max input rating consistent with total PV output capacity. • Maximum conductor ampacity is determined by applying correction and adjustment factors for temperature of insulation rating of 90C and CCC (Current Carrying Conductor) proximity. Reference NEC 310.15, Table 310.15(B)(2)(a), 310.15(B)(2)(b) and 310.15(B)(3)(a). The adjusted conductor rating may not be less than the calculated Conductor Sizing. (30*.87 * .7) • OCPD for copper conductor may not exceed 15A for #14, 20A for #12 or 30A for #10 rating required by NEC 240.4(D)(small conductors), For larger than #10AWG, see NEC Table 310.15(B)(16) (For Reviewer’s use https://www.encorewire.com/products/tools-and-resources/calculators/wire-size-table.html ). • Show a DC grounding electrode conductor size equal to the DC supply conductors and not smaller than #8(copper), NEC 250.166(B) & NEC 690 Part V (690.41-50). Show this conductor size between the solar panels and the service ground. • Show the equipment grounding conductor size as required by table 250.122 (#14 for 15A, #12 for 20A & #10 for 30 – 60 A). • Specify and show a continuous Grounding Electrode Conductor ( NEC 250.64(C ), 250.160). • Provide Main Service Panel (MSP) taps in compliance with NEC 705* (NEC 705.12) 705.12(B)(2)(3) b Busbars.) 120% bus bar rule. • Provide the exact wording and location for the Photovoltaic system Warning signs and labels as required in NEC 690 and 705.12(B)(2)(3) b. o “Photovoltaic System Disconnect” NEC 690.13(B) o NEC 690 Part VI Markings – NEC 690.51-58 o NEC 690.33(E). |
04/27/2023 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |