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Permit Number: TC-RES-0223-02614
Parcel: 123111900

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-RES-0223-02614
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/22/2023 Design Review NOT REQUIRED Property is located in Jefferson Park which is not an HPZ. No HPZ review required, however NPZ review may be required.
03/08/2023 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
03/08/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
03/07/2023 Residential Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-RES-0223-02614


Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. For facilitating a shorter back check time, please provide an updated complete plan set with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet Zoning and other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval.


1. Show the location and size of electric service and lines from property line to buildings, R106.1.1. Identify the utility lines requiring upgrade or replacement.
2. Indicate the location and size of the water line from property line (meter) to buildings, R106.1.1. Show an existing or upgraded 1” line to the primary dwelling, P2903.7.


1. Provide manufacturer’s calculations and data for pre-engineered trusses dated and wet-sealed by an engineer who is registered in Arizona, or notate the requirement for deferred submittal, R106.1.
2. Show the door from a garage to dwelling with self-closing and self-latching provision, R302.5.1.
3. Show the garage floor direction of slope, R309.1.
4. Show the location of a minimum 22” x 30” attic access. Attic access is required for areas exceeding 30 SQ FT with a minimum of 30” of headroom and located in a hallway or readily accessible space, R807.1.


1. Show garage opening narrow panels with fastening details using a prescriptive method at Figure R602.10.6.2, R602.10.6.3 or R602.10.6.4.


1. Attic space requires a ventilation calculation for showing the attic vent opening size using 1 to 150 of attic area in compliance with R806.2. Provide appropriate upper and lower space vents when applying the reduced area calculation.


1. Show an individual accessible water supply shut off for each dwelling building, P2903.9.1.


1. Show dryer vent size and location for venting to exterior, M1501.
2. Show bathroom (without a window) exhaust fan locations with minimum 50 CFM rating and duct to the exterior, R303.3 and M1505.


1. TEP may require the service panel for the property at the closest building to the service transformer. A service line change or a new meter location must be coordinated with TEP for approval. Show an underground feeder from a metered service panel to the more distant dwelling.
2. Provide a Riser Diagram showing each dwelling buildings with the feeder size to the detached dwelling panel per TEP coordination, NEC 225.30 and E3403.
3. Provide electrical load calculations for determining the sub panel size, Table E3704.2(1).

If you have any questions, please contact:
Ken Van Karsen
(520) 837-4912
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review

Submit a corrected plan set at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd

FROM: Wyatt Berger
Lead Planner

PROJECT: TC-RES-0223-02614
1048 E Waverly St – NR-1
Detached casita and garage (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 22, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

The site is in the NR-1 zone (UDC 4.7.8). A single-family residence is a permitted use in the NR-1 zone, subject to use-specific standards 4.9.7.B.5-.9.

Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ) approval for this project was previously acquired through NPZ-20-07 (T20SA00192).

1. Demonstrate compliance with use-specific standard 4.9.7.B.7. Based on the plans associated with activity number T20CM02682, five total bedrooms are proposed on this lot. For any new single-family dwelling in the R-1 zone with five bedrooms, three parking spaces are required. For all single-family dwellings in the R-1 zone with five or more bedrooms, all parking spaces must be located on-site, either in a side or rear perimeter yard. Parking spaces may not be located in a vehicular use area in any front street perimeter yard. A parking area is not required to be developed to a commercial standard. A dustproof parking surface is required to at least a minimum of two inches of compacted pea gravel. An existing covered residential parking area may be used.

2. Show the location of the vehicular use area on the site plan and include the vehicular use area within the lot coverage calculation (UDC 6.4.3.B.3). Ensure the elevation views also correspond with the correct cardinal direction.

3. Per UDC Table 6.3-2.A, when a residential use is adjacent to a residential zone, the required side and rear perimeter yard setbacks are six feet or 2/3 the height of the proposed wall, whichever is greater, measured from the interior property lines. Based on a wall height of approximately 13’-0”, the required setback as measured from the west property line is 8’-8”; proposed setback is 4’-0.”

4. Per UDC 6.4.5.C.1.b, where a lot abuts more than one street, from other than the front lot line, the street perimeter yard is ten feet. Based on a wall height of approximately 13’-0”, the required setback as measured from the east property line is 10’-0”; proposed is 9’-0”. A Design Development Option (DDO) may be utilized to reduce these setback requirements.

5. Per UDC 6.6.3.E, the total gross floor area (gfa) of all accessory structures shall not exceed 50% of the gfa of the principal structure. The proposed accessory structure exceeds 50% of the gfa of the existing residence. A Board of Adjustment variance is required to allow the gfa of the proposed accessory structure to exceed the requirements of UDC 6.6.3.E.

6. Show the existing detached accessory structure along the east property line on the site plan and clarify whether this structure will remain.

The Board of Adjustment variance application and its requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Zoning_Administration_Application_BA_fillable.pdf. The proposed setback reductions can be included within the variance process. Contact Mark Castro at Mark.Castro@tucsonaz.gov should you have questions regarding the variance process.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, contact Wyatt Berger at Wyatt.Berger@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4951.

FROM: Georgia Pennington, Planner

PROJECT: TC-RES-0223-02614 1048 E Waverly St – NR-1 Detached casita and garage (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 24, 2023

1. Address all Zoning Review Comments

2. Per UDC Table 6.3-2.A, when a residential use is adjacent to a residential zone, the required side and rear perimeter yard setbacks are six feet or 2/3 the height of the proposed wall, whichever is greater, measured from the interior property lines. Based on a wall height of approximately 13’-0”, the required setback as measured from the west property line is 8’-8”; proposed setback is 4’-0.” 4. Per UDC 6.4.5.C.1.b, where a lot abuts more than one street, from other than the front lot line, the street perimeter yard is ten feet. Based on a wall height of approximately 13’-0”, the required setback as measured from the east property line is 10’-0”; proposed is 9’-0”. A Design Development Option (DDO) may be utilized to reduce these setback requirements. 5. Per UDC 6.6.3.E, the total gross floor area (gfa) of all accessory structures shall not exceed 50% of the gfa of the principal structure. The proposed accessory structure exceeds 50% of the gfa of the existing residence. A Board of Adjustment variance is required to allow the gfa of the proposed accessory structure to exceed the requirements of UDC 6.6.3.E. 6. Show the existing detached accessory structure along the east property line on the site plan and clarify whether this structure will remain. The Board of Adjustment variance application and its requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Zoning_Administration_Application_BA_fillable.pdf. The proposed setback reductions can be included within the variance process.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, contact Georgia Pennington at Georgia.Pennington@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4951.
02/10/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
02/13/2023 Site Landscape REVIEW COMPLETED