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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TC-RES-0124-00419
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/13/2024 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
02/16/2024 | Site Engineering | NOT REQUIRED | |||
02/16/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
02/05/2024 | Residential Building | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | TC-RES-0124-00419 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. For facilitating a shorter back check time, please provide an updated complete plan set with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet Zoning and other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The City of Tucson adopted the 2018 IRC with amendments on 1/1/2019. Show the current code reference on the plans. FLOOR PLANS: 1. Show the (porch roof) structure with one-hour fire-resistive wall construction parallel with the neighboring property line in compliance with IBC Table 721.1(2) or provide a clear 3’ fire separation distance between the property line and the structure. This construction or separation is required from ground to roof and from end to end of the roof which resists fire spread across the property line. 2. Roof projections may extend into the 3-foot fire separation distance to the neighboring property line but may not extend closer than 24”. The 12” of roof close to the property line requires not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction on the underside, R302.1 (City of Tucson Amended). STRUCTURAL PLANS: 1. Provide a complete roof framing plan with beams and rafters sized with appropriate prescriptive load carrying capacity, R301.1 identifying replaced components. ELECTRICAL PLANS: 1. Show locations of each smoke alarm, R314. Show a smoke alarm in each bedroom and outside the doorway in the immediate vicinity. 2. Show receptacle outlets at each kitchen counter space wider than 12” with no point along the wall line more than 24” from a receptacle outlet, E3901.4.1. Show receptacles within 2’ of counter edges or corners and no more than 4’ apart. 3. Show two or more 2O AMP small appliance circuits at the kitchen countertop receptacle outlets; they may also serve the breakfast room and dining room, but not other locations, E3703.2 and E3901.3. 4. Show the Bathroom receptacle with a separate 20 AMP dedicated circuit, E3703.4 and E3901.6. If you have any questions, please contact: Ken Van Karsen PDSD-Residential@tucsonaz.gov City of Tucson Residential Plan Review Submit a corrected plan set at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Planning-Development-Services |
01/25/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |