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Permit Number: TC-COM-1124-02254
Parcel: 12517039A

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-COM-1124-02254
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/09/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
12/19/2024 Site Zoning APPROVED
12/11/2024 Water - PDSD APPROVED
12/19/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
12/19/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
12/10/2024 Commercial Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised documents and provide a letter with a written response letter addressing each of the comments indicating how the Review comments were resolved. Please note: the subsequent review could generate more comments after original comments have been addressed.
1. Please amend the Scope of the Project to provide a detailed description of the work involved in this permit’s scope. IBC 105.3 For example add the following to the description, convert existing restroom into utility space, expand 3855 xx sq. ft into adjacent suite, and use existing restroom in adjacent suite, etc.
2. Please amend the plans to provide the occupancy of adjacent suite and indicate the separation of occupancies as separated or non-separated. IBC 508.1
3. Please indicate if there is an occupant in 3853 E Broadway BL, if so, a new C of O and code analysis will need to be obtained prior to the C of O being issued for the modification of 3855 E Broadway BL
4. Please amend the plans to provide this tenant space with access to the exit without passing through the adjacent tenant space IBC 1016.2.1 For example, The door from corridor 104 of this project appears to open into the adjacent tenant space, and the occupants could pass through 3853 E Broadway BL when exiting.
5. Please amend plans to provide dimensions for all the elements of the new exit access/accessible route; door ways to bathroom, the existing opening between tenant spaces, for the ramp landings and ensure the landings comply with 2009 ICC A117.1 405.7.3 For example, 60 inches in length, and where there is a change of direction, landings shall be sized to provide a turning space complying with Section 304.3.
6. Please amend plans to show the elevation change for the ramp run as it appears this ramp run exceeds 6 inches in rise. Ramp runs with a rise greater than 6 inches shall have handrails on both sides complying with 2009 ICC A117.1 Section 505. Provide dimensions on the plan to demonstrate the handrails along the ramp do not reduce the clear width of the ramp to less than 36 inches between the handrails (see2009 ICC A117.1 Section 405.5).
7. Please amend plans to show turning space, clear floor space, maneuvering clearances and accessible service counter, height, length and approach. IBC 107.2.1& 2009 ICC A117.1
Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments.
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner – Building Safety
Planning and Development Services | City of Tucson
main 520.837.4994
email mark.masek@tucsonaz.gov
12/11/2024 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide heating and cooling load calculations to justify the heating/cooling capacities of the specified HVAC units. Reference: Sections C403.1.1 and C502.2.3, IECC 2018.
12/11/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide a site drawing showing the building footprint, the property lines, the location of the grease interceptor, and the connection of the building sewer to the public sewer. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
12/13/2024 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
12/04/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED