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Permit Number: TC-COM-1123-02746
Parcel: 132130490


Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3

Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02746
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/10/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building
05/13/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building
04/15/2024 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 4/14/2024 10:12:30 AM
1. Sheet A-1/Codes – Provide applicable codes for City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments. California building codes are applied in this design document. Referencing California codes such as “CBC” instead of IBC’s. Also “California
energy code” is not applicable listed in City of Tucson. Response to plan review comments not provided.

City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments

• Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Existing Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Mechanical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Plumbing Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
• Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Arizona Administrative Code Title 18 Chapter 5 for public and semi-public swimming pools
• ICC A117.1 - 2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (by reference)

Adopting Local Amendments to the Building Code is authorized by Ordinance #11590.
2. Provide clear structural scope of work. What are the demolished/existing and new structural components? Missing resubmission of structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical sheets (only architectural resubmitted). Sheet A-2.3 shows 1 hour shaft enclosure and fire caulked but A-7 does not show these details.

3. Provide existing/demolition and new structural plans to clarify structure scope of work.

4. Missing designer comments response of structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical issues (only architectural responded in letter and resubmitted).

Building(B) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 4/14/2024 10:11:44 AM
1. Sheet A-1/Codes – Provide applicable codes for City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments. California building codes are applied in this design document. Referencing California codes such as “CBC” instead of IBC’s. Also “California energy code” is not applicable listed in City of Tucson.

City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments

• Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Existing Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Mechanical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Plumbing Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
• Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Arizona Administrative Code Title 18 Chapter 5 for public and semi-public swimming pools
• ICC A117.1 - 2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (by reference)
Adopting Local Amendments to the Building Code is authorized by Ordinance #11590.

2. All sheets - Provide construction documents ready to be issued for construction. Registered design professionals signed the documents as “PRELIMINARY PLANS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.” “preliminary plans not for construction” is still indicated in the title block of all sheets.

3. Sheet A-1 lists sheet index, but only architectural plans were resubmitted. Provide complete drawings as listed. Resubmission of structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical plan review comments response and sheets?

4. Sheet A-1 – List detailed scope of work for each building under separate permit numbers and area of them (SF). List their accurate occupancy classifications. Existing occupancy identified as “R2” which can be an apartment houses according to 2018 IBC section 310.3. Proposed occupancy identifies as “R1” which can be a hotel (transient) per 2018 IBC section 310.2; type of construction shown as “Type lll” Is it Type lll-A or lll-B accordance with 2018 IBC Table 601? Type lll construction has
2-hour exterior bearing walls is this true? A-1 also shows “Type lV” construction type at fire resistance rating (heavy timber?); and number of stories per 2018 International Building Code of each building. 2 stories is shown but A-6.1 shows one story building. Provide code analysis for each building under separate permit numbers.

5. Sheet A-1 – Building code analysis: Provide occupancy load calculations for each building. TC-COM-1222-00214, TCCOM-1123-02746, TC-COM-1123-02748, TC-COM-1123-02750, TC-COM-1123-02751. These were not responded.

6. Provide the corresponding building number or names to each permit. What are the deferred submittals for each building?

7. Clearly state the scope of work for each building of each engineering disciplines: architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical. Scope of work does not identify the scopes of each building: East building, 2nd east building, north
building, west building, laundry/office. g

8. Sheet A-1 – Clarify the attached laundry/office room. Is this a separate building or attached to building North or East? Clearly show the limit of each building such as 2nd East building seem to be attached to front desk area. Sheet 2/A-3.10 is labeled as “laundry area floor plan” but does not show washer and/or dryer. No plumbing and/or electrical scope of work.

9. Sheet A-1 - What is the list of separate permits? List is missing.

10. Sheet A-1 - Any deferred submittals list? Deferred submittals not identified. Any modifications to fire sprinkler and/or fire alarm systems for example?

11. Sheet A-1 - Project data doesn’t include scope of fire alarm system (NFPA 72). Is the existing fire alarm going to be modified under separate permit or deferred submittal since changing of occupancy classification?

12. Sheet A-1 - Parking tabulation doesn’t provide required ADA/accessible space. Also show in site plan the location of accessible route of travel to/from the building entry. Accessible parking count still missing per 2018 IBC table 1106.1.

13. Sheet A-1 - Occupancy load calculation missing. Provide complete occupancy calculations. Provide occupancy load calculations for each building under separate permits. How does each building occupant add to 850 occupants? Referencing “CBC” for maximum floor area allowances.

14. Sheet A-1 - Provide plumbing fixture calculation per 2018 IBC section 2902 and 2018 IPC table 403.1 Hotels and apartments are different classification under this table. For example, apartment house requirements show “1 kitchen sink per dwelling unit; 1 automatic clothes washer connection per 20 dwelling units.” Show required and provided fixture counts for buildings including office area such as service sink and drinking fountain requirements.

15. Sheet A-1 – 1/Existing Site Plan shows key notes for new fence and gates. Identify/show the fire apparatus access roads per 2018 International Fire Code section 503. Locate the fire hydrant in site plan (2018 International Fire Code section
507.5). Still missing from site plan.

16. Provide design per applicable codes: California building codes still referenced in design such as Sheet A-1.

17. Sheet A-2 indicates a restaurant. Is the existing restaurant also provided with sprinkler system? 2018 IBC table 508.4 shows 1 or 2 fire separation between A and R occupancies – What is the existing wall fire rating and assembly? Sheet A-2.5 does not clarify existing and new. Show existing/demolition plan and proposed floor plan to clarify scope of work, Typical.

18. Sheet A-2.1 – All the rooms are not labeled in “front desk floor plan.” Provide scope of work for this layout? Is this an existing/demolition or new plan? Is this building part of 2nd East Building?

19. Sheet A-2.2 – Provide complete life safety plan showing means of egress information such as required and provided exit distance, common path of travel, dead end corridor length if any, and fire separations between buildings referring to 2018 International Building Code Chapter 10. California building code is referenced.

20. Sheet A-2.3 – Provide complete existing/demolition floor plans and new floor plans to clarify the scope of work. Existing/demolition and new floor plans still missing to clarify scope of work. What is the finish scope of work? Finish schedule if providing new finish. 2018 IBC table 803.13 Group R-2 identifies interior wall and ceiling finish grades.

21. Sheet A-2.3 and A-2.4 – Overall plans do not indicate location of each unit such as unit A, B, C and D. Second floor balconies missing guard rails compliance with 2018 IBC section 1015.

22. Sheet A-2.6 – Still showing I-2 (institutional) travel distance and common path of egress travel are identified.

23. Provide 2nd floor means of egress plan/life safety plan that’s accordance with applicable code. California building code is referenced.

24. Sheet A-2.7 – Clearly indicate the locations of the ADA rooms. The room labels are too small to read. Show the accessible route of travels on 1st and 2nd floors. Where are the elevators for accessible route of travel between the floors? Provide accessible details complying with

25. Sheet A-2.3 shows 14 ADA rooms provided so identify their locations.

26. Provide reflected ceiling plans that are missing. Do the ceiling heights comply with 2018 International Building Code Chapter 10 Section 1003.2? Are the existing lights to remain? Response missing.

27. Cross reference ADA details shown in A-7 and A-7.1 to clarify scope. For example, are all the doors in ADA units being replaced to achieve the detail 6 and 7 at sheet A-7?

28. Show in sheet A-1 the roof scope of work.

29. Sheet A-7.1 shows stair handrail details where are these applied? Provide cross reference of details.

30. Please clarify the exterior scope. Sheet A-7.1 shows accessible ramps so where are they? Description of detail 13 at A7.1 is missing. Is this an exterior ladder? Exterior elevations depict guard rails at the second story balconies so do they meet
2018 IBC section 1015?

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 4/14/2024 10:04:48 AM
1. Sheet A-1/Codes – Provide applicable codes for City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments. California building codes are applied in this design document. Referencing California codes such as “CBC” instead of IBC’s. Also “California energy code” is not applicable listed in City of Tucson. Response to plan review comments not provided. Are the Cooking ranges new or existing? Laundry room dryer exhaust not shown. How is this room ventilated per 2018 IMC chapter 4?
City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments

• Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Existing Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Mechanical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Plumbing Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
• Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Arizona Administrative Code Title 18 Chapter 5 for public and semi-public swimming pools
• ICC A117.1 - 2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (by reference)
Adopting Local Amendments to the Building Code is authorized by Ordinance #11590.

2. C0.1 – References IECC year 2021 while City of Tucson adopts 2018. Missing resubmission and response letter.

3. Mechanical sheets missing. Provide mechanical scope of work. Provide existing/demolition and new mechanical plans to clarify scope of work. For example, locate the exhaust fans shown in detail 15 of sheet A-8. Where are the mechanical floor plans, equipment schedule, ventilation calculations and energy code calculations? Missing resubmission and response letter.

4. Provide mechanical schedule and locate on plan the HVAC units identified in sheet A-9.

5. Provide gas plan and gas calculation including individual and total developed pipe lengths, pipe sizes and loads per 2018 International Fuel Gas Code. Gas supplied tankless water heater is shown in detail 13 of sheet A-9. Missing resubmission and response letter.

6. Missing designer comments response of structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical issues (only architectural responded in letter and resubmitted). Missing resubmission and response letter.

7. New cooking range is shown in each residence so how are these exhausted in mechanical plan? Missing resubmission and response letter.

8. Energy code calculation (COMcheck) according to 2018 IECC missing.

9. Laundry room ventilation and dryer exhaust plan and details missing.

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 4/14/2024 10:01:31 AM
1. Sheet A-1/Codes – Provide applicable codes for City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments. California building codes are applied in this design document. Referencing California codes such as “CBC” instead of IBC’s. Also “California energy code” is not applicable listed in City of Tucson. Response to plan review comments and revised electrical sheets not provided.

City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments

• Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Existing Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Mechanical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Plumbing Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
• Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Arizona Administrative Code Title 18 Chapter 5 for public and semi-public swimming pools
• ICC A117.1 - 2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (by reference)
Adopting Local Amendments to the Building Code is authorized by Ordinance #11590.

2. Electrical sheets indicated as “progress set not for construction” so please provide release for construction labeling for building permit. Missing resubmission and response letter.

3. What is the outdoor lighting scope? If new exterior lighting, then comply with City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code. Missing resubmission and response letter.

4. Sheet A-1.4 shows required EV spaces what is the EV scope for this project? Any details?

5. Sheet E-0.1 – Identify the underground conductors colors identified in City of Tucson Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code. Missing resubmission and response letter.

6. Sheet E-5.0 – Provide panel schedule that’s missing. Include panel numbers, voltage, phasing, location, bus size, circuit number, breaker sizing, number of poles, A.I.C rating, number of lights and/or receptacles by circuit, total KVA load. Include
fixture and equipment schedule. Missing resubmission and response letter.

7. Missing COMcheck document.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 4/14/2024 10:03:21 AM
1. Sheet A-1/Codes – Provide applicable codes for City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments. California building codes are applied in this design document. Referencing California codes such as “CBC” instead of IBC’s. Also “California energy code” is not applicable listed in City of Tucson. Response to plan review comments and revised plumbing sheets not provided.

City of Tucson IBC Local Amendments

• Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Existing Building Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Mechanical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Plumbing Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
• Amendments to the 2017 National Electrical Code
• Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Arizona Administrative Code Title 18 Chapter 5 for public and semi-public swimming pools
• ICC A117.1 - 2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (by reference)
Adopting Local Amendments to the Building Code is authorized by Ordinance #11590.

2. Plumbing sheets indicated as “progress set not for construction” so please provide release for construction labeling for building permit. Missing resubmission and response letter.

3. Sheet P-2.0 through P-3.0 plumbing plan does not identify the ADA/accessible rooms. Show compliance with ICC A117.1 -2009 chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities. ADA fixture details are also missing. Missing resubmission and
response letter.

4. Sheet P-3.0 – Provide complete vent riser diagram for 2 story structure. Missing resubmission and response letter.

5. Sheet P-3.0 – Fixture unit calculations shows two “West Buildings” while plumbing site plan P-1.1 shows two “East Buildings.” Clarify or match the labeling. Missing resubmission and response letter.

6. Laundry washer and dryer plan/details missing.
04/12/2024 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT -Sheet A-1 project data. Correct the occupancy classification. You currently have the existing occupancy group as an R2 and proposed occupancy as an R1. I believe you have it backwards. If the new occupancy is apartments, then it is an R2.
-Verify the fire alarm meets the requirements of an R2 because you are reclassifying the occupancy. The existing fire alarm may not meet the requirements for an R2 occupancy. Fire alarm shall meet IFC 907.2.9 for R2's. It also shall meet the requirements for low frequency sounders per NFPA 72

MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building
05/13/2024 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building


FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

TC-COM-1222-00214, TC-COM-1123-02746, TC-COM-1123-02748, TC-COM-1123-02750 & TC-COM-1123-02751
1025 N. Benson Hy. – C-2/I-1
Convert Travelers Accommodation, Lodging to Multifamily (2nd Review)

TRANSMITTAL: May 13, 2024

Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. This site is located in the C-2 & I-1 zone, (UDC 4.7.21 & 4.7.29). Multifamily is an allowed use in the C-2 Zone, (UDC Table 4.8-4), But is not an allowed use in the I-1 Zonie, (UDC Table 4.8-5).

2. This comment was not addressed. Per UDC Article 3.3.3.G.2.c A site plan (Development Package) is required for the following types of development: Existing development undergoing a change of use, building structure additions, and/or a reconfiguration of an area outside a building. A development package (DP) meeting the requirements of Administrative Manual (AM) 2-06 must be submitted and approved prior to approval of these building plans. Also, for permit TC-COM-1123-02751 to be approved either a rezoning must be approved or the DP shall clearly demonstrate that the requirements of UDC Article 1.4.2.E are met.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
05/09/2024 Water - PDSD REQUIRES RESUBMIT MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building
INCOMPLETE Drawing Set - no plumbing drawings
04/11/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED MASTER SET LOCATED AT: TC-COM-1222-00214/Laundry/Office (1025 E BENSON HY TUCSON, AZ 85713) WITH REVIEW NOTES TO BE COPIED ON TC-COM-1123-02746/Building: 2nd East Building, TC-COM-1123-02748/Building: East Building, TC-COM-1123-02750/Building: West Building, TC-COM-1123-02751/Building: North Building