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Permit Number: TC-COM-1123-02735
Parcel: 12613008C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3

Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02735
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/30/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
05/02/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
05/01/2024 Signs REQUIRES RESUBMIT The following review comments are provided from the Billboard Review Committee (BRC) for TC-COM-1123-02735 / 4680 E Broadway Bl

Below are comments on the required modification second submittal for COT ID# 325 at 4678 East Broadway Boulevard (TC-COM-1123-02735)

Sheet 1 of 4

1. Above Title Block, assure that a delta-2 is added that identifies the date of the comments that the delta 2 revisions on the plan sheet are responding to, if necessary.

2. In Title Block, revise total number of sheets, if necessary.

Sheet 2 of 4

1. In 7th paragraph of Scope of Work, revise 3rd sentence to reflect that existing north end light fixture is to be replaced with a 250W metal halide fixture or, alternatively, that the existing north end light fixture and support arm are to be replaced with a top-mount dual 110W HO fluorescent light fixture and associated support arms, straps, and ballasts (see Comment #1 for Sheet 4).

2. In 2nd boxed note to the right of Scope of Work, add clarifying phrase “, except as noted in the scope of work” (replicating note on Sheet 4).

3. In Existing Side View, revise designation for upper inner catwalk as to south end of catwalk not being removed (consistent with other revisions in the second submittal plan set).

4. In New Side View, revision appears to have placed added lower spacer in wrong location; please relocate spacer to position between wood stringer and upright (as with upper spacer).

5. In New West Face Sign Elevation, revise the designation for the light fixture to reflect replacement light fixture and, if applicable, revise the depiction of the light fixture.

6. Above Title Block, assure that a delta-2 is added that identifies the date of the comments that the delta 2 revisions on the plan sheet are responding to.

7. In Title Block, revise total number of sheets if necessary.

Sheet 3 of 4

1. Above Title Block, assure that a delta-2 is added that identifies the date of the comments that the delta 2 revisions on the plan sheet are responding to, if necessary.

2. In Title Block, revise total number of sheets, if necessary.

Sheet 4 of 4

1. In 1st paragraph of Scope of Work, reinsert the paragraph from the 1st submittal, except, as an alternative, the existing light fixture and associated support arm may instead be replaced with a top-mount dual 110W HO fluorescent light fixture and associated support arms and straps (NOTE: all poster panels (12x24) under the settlement agreement are outfitted with top-mount dual 110W HO fluorescent light fixtures and only rotary bulletins (14x48) are outfitted with 320W metal halide; the 250W metal halide light fixture is accepted as an alternative based on the 21% increase in lumens being offset by the shield providing full cut off of light emissions; this contrasts with the very large 70% increase in lumens that the existing 320W light fixture would provide over the standard HO light fixture, which is not consistent with what is to be remedial work).

2. Reinsert 1st paragraph of 1st boxed note below Scope of Work from first submittal, as second submittal has added repair work in addition to the modification work.

3. If replacement light fixture is 250W metal halide, add boxed note “Special inspection required prior to final inspection for installation of the light fixture, shield, gaskets, and associated parts, per Subparagraphs 8.3 of the Stipulation. Inspector to verify: a) that the three light fixture foam gaskets are properly installed as specified in Subparagraph 8.3.5; b) that the light fixture and attached shield assembly is installed in a horizontal position so that no light is emitted above the horizontal plane; c) that no light is emitted from any of the three light fixture gaskets; and d) the manufacturer model numbers for the light fixture and lamp as installed”.

4. In Panel Schedule, revise Circuit #3 entry and associated v-a totals to reflect the 250W metal halide replacement light fixture or, alternatively, to reflect a dual 110W HO fluorescent replacement light fixture.

5. In One-Line Diagram, revise the designation for the single light fixture circuit to a 250W metal halide replacement light fixture (as in 1st submittal) or, alternatively, a dual 110W HO fluorescent light fixture.

6. In West Sign Face Elevation, revise designation for poster panel (north) light fixture to a 250W metal halide replacement light fixture or, alternatively, revise the designation and depiction to reflect a top-mount dual 110W HO fluorescent replacement light fixture, also showing altered conduit runs and ballast locations.

7. Reinsert three items of manufacturer’s literature shown in first submittal for 250W metal halide light fixture, 250W lamp, and shield or, alternatively, insert standard Description of New Lamp and Description of New Ballasts for 110W HO fluorescent light fixture (add additional sheet if necessary).

8. If replacement light fixture is fluorescent HO, provide detail of straps to attach light fixture support arms to wood stringers.

9. In added Details A & B, identify each of the poles (three in total) as a “customer-owned utility pole to remain” (noting that in Detail A the pole is misidentified as “Existing Overhead Triplex to Remain”).

10. Above Title Block, assure that a delta-1 is added that identifies the date of the comments that the delta 1 revisions on the plan sheet are responding to.

11. In Title Block, revise total number of sheets if necessary.
05/02/2024 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT Zoning cannot approve the repair plans until all BRC comments are addressed.
04/01/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED