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Permit Number: TC-COM-1123-02704
Parcel: 117160100


Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02704
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/11/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
11/30/2023 Commercial Electrical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Commercial Electrical Review Section comments were addressed.
1. Please provide complete Electrical ,Plumbing, and Mechanical plans to satisfy the Commercial Submittal requirements for the City of Tucson https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/checklists/commercial_submittal_requirements_july2023.pdf
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner
11/30/2023 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how Water/Mechanical/Plumbing/Energy/Reports Review Section comments were addressed. 1. Please provide complete Electrical ,Plumbing, and Mechanical plans to satisfy the Commercial Submittal requirements for the City of Tucson https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/checklists/commercial_submittal_requirements_july2023.pdf
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner
11/30/2023 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how Water/Mechanical/Plumbing/Energy/Reports Review Section comments were addressed. 1. Please provide complete Electrical ,Plumbing, and Mechanical plans to satisfy the Commercial Submittal requirements for the City of Tucson https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/checklists/commercial_submittal_requirements_july2023.pdf
11/30/2023 Commercial Structural REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed.

1. The submitted documents were incomplete and a thorough plan review could not be performed. Please be aware, new comments may arise with the next review. However, several of the most obvious items have been included in the list below.

2. Sheet 1: Under the Code Review section, please amend note #2A to clarify #1 is an Exterior wall and indicate Exterior walls to have a minimum fire resistance rating of 2-hours as required for Exterior walls in Table 601 [ IBC Section 601]

3. Sheet 1: Under the Code Review section, please amend note #4 Occupant Load to show the design occupant load of the building, to include the main floor and the basement. The calculated occupant load is the minimum number of people for which the number of exits and capacity of the means of egress must be provided. [IBC 107.2 & Section 1004]

4. Sheet 1: Under the Code Review section, please amend note #7 Plumbing Fixture Requirements. Please show the minimum number plumbing facilities provided and the minimum number required in IBC Table 2902.1[IBC Section 29] Based on the design occupant load. Please note the calculation provided on the plan for 499 occupants seems to be incorrect as 250 /75= 3.3 or 4 WC for each sex. With the next submittal and the new design occupant load; please provide accurate plumbing fixture calculations.

5. Sheet1: Amend plans to indicate the required fire resistive rating of the separation from the adjacent occupancy and show fire resistive wall assembly on the plans. Please include the basement as well. [IBC Table 508.4] For example, 1-hour separation is required between an A and a B occupancy

6. Sheet 1: Please the type of the installed fire sprinkler. [IBC 107.2] For example, NFPA 13

7. Sheet 2: Please indicate the type of fire extinguisher to be used and locate fire extinguishers on the plan within the specified travel distance. [IBC Section 906]

8. Sheet 2: Existing raised landing and stairs being used as a part of the means of egress system, at the northeast corner of the building appear to have been constructed without a permit and will require to be permitted and meet current code requirements [IBC 107.2]

9. Sheet 2: Please show on the Means of Egress floor plan the area and occupant load factor improvements (OLF) used for each area and dimension all areas. Since the furniture is not fixed an OLF of 15 would be used for unconcentrated tables and chairs and an OLF of 7 would be used for the areas of the floor that are used for assembly standing and dancing for example. Please provide a detailed floor plan with OLF, square footage and the number of occupants for each area. Light hatching, shading or other means of describing the different areas could be used for clarity. [IBC 107.2]

10. Sheet 2: Amend plans to upgrade Means of Egress plan to provide a complete code and exiting analysis. Identify the path of exit travel on the plans and indicate the common path of travel distance and maximum travel distance. No point in the building shall exceed the distances from an exterior exit, exterior exit stair or ramp measured along the path of travel. The travel distance shall include travel within unenclosed stairways. Note: Travel distance and common path of egress travel share the same starting point. [IBC 107.2.3 & 1017]

11. Amend plans to note assembly occupancy spaces require occupant load signage. [IBC 1004.9]

12. Amend plans to show the number of occupants being served by each egress door and stairway is indicated. [IBC 107.2.3]

13. Amend plans to demonstrate the loss of one means of egress does not reduce required capacity by more than 50%. [IBC 1005.5]

14. Sheet 2: Amend plans to provide panic hardware for doors serving a space with A occupancies. [IBC 1010.1.10]

15. Sheet 2: The exit discharge path to the public way must also be shown and dimensioned on the construction documents. The exit discharge path to the public way is an important component of the means of egress system for all buildings or structures. The exit discharge path must be delineated on the submitted and approved plans to ensure the path is reviewed for code compliance. [IBC 107.2 & IBC Section 1028] Please show compliance with the following:

A. The path(s) of exit discharge is shown to a public way or a safe dispersal area. [IBC 107.2.3, 1028.5]

B. The path(s) of exit discharge has a slip-resistance surface. [IBC 1003.4]

C. The path(s) of exit discharge gates (if applicable) have only egress door equivalent hardware. [IBC 1010.2]

D. The path(s) of exit discharge are sufficiently sized. Egress courts are rated. [IBC 1028.2, 1028.4]

E. Changes in elevation < 12 inches use sloped surfaces along the path of exit discharge. [IBC 1003.5]

F. A photometric plan or other method of showing 1 footcandle of normal power illumination at the walking surface along the path(s) of exit discharge, while the building is occupied. [IBC 1008.2.1, IBC 1008.2.3]

16. Where an egress court serving a building or portion thereof is less than 10 feet in width, the egress court walls shall have not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction for a distance of 10 feet above the floor of the egress court. Openings within such walls shall be protected by opening protectives having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. [IBC 1028.4.2] For example, should there be fire, the windows from the basement, adjacent to the exit discharge path to the public way, may deem this path dangerous for the occupants fleeing the building.

16. Sheet 2: Amend plans to Provide illumination for the means of egress, including the exit discharge per IBC 1008. Show compliance with the following:

A. The means of egress shall be illuminated at all times the building space is occupied. [IBC 1008.2]

B. The means of egress illumination level shall not be less than 1 foot-candle at the walking surface. [IBC 1008.2.1]

C. The means of egress illumination shall be supplied by backup power (consisting of storage batteries, unit equipment, or an on-site generator) for a duration of not less than 90 minutes. [IBC 1008.3]

D. Illumination shall be provided along the path of travel for the exit discharge from each exit to the public way. [1008.2.3]

18. Sheet 2: Character and Braille signs as described in [IBC 1013.4] This signage is needed to indicate which doors are serving as exits for those persons with visual impairments. Signs are needed on the required exit doors in the building. Additionally, provide elevation drawing detail to show sign mounting height.

19. Sheet 2: Please amend plans to locate Exit signs are shown at doors, as required to direct egress, and every 100 feet conforming with IBC Section 1013 on plans. [IBC 1013.1]

20. Amend plans to provide a detailed interior finish schedule with finishes identified and a reflected ceiling plan with ceiling heights called out for all spaces. [IBC 107.2 & Section 800]

21. Amend plans to show how accessibility requirements are being met. Where a portion of the building is changed to a new occupancy classification, [IEBC 305.4.1] requires that accessibility be provided to the altered spaces. the accessible route, as well as bathrooms serving this space, must be made. If these elements are not accessible, improvements must be made. any alterations shall comply with [IEBC Sections 305.6, 305.7 and 305.8.] There is a limit, however, to the cost of the additional improvements to a maximum of 20 percent of the cost of the alteration (see Section 305.7)

A. If the cost of providing or upgrading the items above to be accessible is disproportionate to the cost of construction (exceeds 20% of the cost of construction not including accessibility upgrades), please provide information to verify construction costs. If this exemption is taken, accessibility upgrades equaling 20% of the cost of the project shall be made. [IEBC Section 305]

22. The required design live load for the main floor assembly area with movable seats is 100 pounds per square foot main per IBC Table 1607.1. Please provide an analysis and evaluation by an Arizona licensed Structural Engineer to indicate the existing live load capacity of the main floor. If the main floor has less than 100 PSF. live load capacity, provide the design, calculations and construction drawings prepared by an Arizona licensed Structural Engineer. [IBC Section 1607]

23. Sheet 4: Please provide outdoor ventilation calculations for both floors of the building area keeping in mind some of the basement windows might not be available after ramp and exterior exit discharge route are in place and code compliant. [2018 IMC Chapter 4]

24. Please provide complete Electrical ,Plumbing, and Mechanical plans to satisfy the Commercial Submittal requirements for the City of Tucson https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/checklists/commercial_submittal_requirements_july2023.pdf
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner
11/28/2023 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT -Provide all information on adjacent suites. Occupancy type, fire sprinklers, fire alarm etc...
It's my understanding these do not have fire sprinklers. You may have to install fire spinklers and fire alarm in adjacent suites. Need all occupancy type and separation information. If creating separate fire areas, provide all information/details on separation per IBC 707.3.10

12/11/2023 Historic REQUIRES RESUBMIT Property is listed as a contributor to the Warehouse National Register Historic District and is located within the Rio Nuevo Area (RNA). The proposed work is visible from the public ROW and requires Historic and RNA review. Provide the required documents noted in the Historic and Special District information handout (https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/3/pdsd/documents/submission-documents/special_districts_application_instructions_7.18.23.pdf).
The proposed plans are not clear. Provide clarification, on the extant concrete stairs-will they remain in place; which portion of the railing will be removed; will the proposed ramp attach to the building/bay landing? Additionally, note the finish and material of the proposed ramp.
Once a complete submittal is provided, staff will docket the project for review with the Plans Review Subcommittee (PRS).
Questions? Contact Jodie Brown at jodie.brown@tucsonaz.gov
11/29/2023 ROW Engineering Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT The existing ramp was built within City of Tucson right-of-way (ROW) without a permit from the Department of Transportation and Mobility (DTM), does not meet standard specifications for an ADA compliant ramp, and will need to be removed; everything south of the "loading dock" is public ROW.

If the applicant wants to construct a ramp or any other improvement within this ROW, they will need to purchase the ROW or obtain a Temporary Revocable Easement (TRE) working through DTM’s Real Estate Division (520-791-4181). The Real Estate Division will be able to provide applications for the TRE or the purchase option. Please reference RES 2024-128, Phil Paige is the point of contact.

If the applicant decides to use a TRE, and if it is approved and then executed, the applicant will need to submit an application for a ROW permit to construct the ramp, which includes submitting detailed drawings for an ADA compliant structure. If the sidewalk or travel lane along Toole will be impacted by the construction, a traffic control plan will need to be submitted as part of the application.
12/11/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT All outstanding permits for this site must be completed prior to engineering approval of this Certificate of Occupancy request. See DTM Right of Way comments for additional information related to ROW correction.
Joshua Garcia
11/28/2023 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT Zoning acknowledges the proposed ADA ramp is being permitted under a separate application. However, approval of this CofO will not be granted until TC-COM-0623-01590 is resubmitted and has approvals from Rio Nuevo design review, Historic and the Department of Transportation & Mobility.

If you have any questions about these comments, you can contact me at Nicholas.Ross@tucsonaz.gov or 520-549-8255.
11/30/2023 Water - PDSD REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how Water/Mechanical/Plumbing/Energy/Reports Review Section comments were addressed.
1. Please provide complete Electrical ,Plumbing, and Mechanical plans to satisfy the Commercial Submittal requirements for the City of Tucson https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/checklists/commercial_submittal_requirements_july2023.pdf
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner
11/22/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED