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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3
Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02704
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/08/2024 | Commercial Electrical | APPROVED | |||
02/26/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
02/08/2024 | Commercial Mechanical | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Show how the basement (storage) is ventilated. Ventilation is required and must be provided whenever the space is occupied. Reference: Sections 401.2 and 401.3, IMC 2018. | ||
02/08/2024 | Commercial Plumbing | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Sheet A6 shows a water purification system. Is this a new or an existing system? Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018. | ||
02/13/2024 | Commercial Structural | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. 3. Sheet 1: Under the Code Review section, please amend note #4 Occupant Load to show the design occupant load of the building, to include the main floor and the basement. The calculated occupant load is the minimum number of people for which the number of exits and capacity of the means of egress must be provided. [IBC 107.2 & Section 1004] 3MM This comment is partially satisfied; however, the occupancy of this basement is not a part of this permit, and the occupant load and occupancy should remain as last permitted at 29 occupants for a S-1 occupancy. Otherwise, if the occupancy group is to be changed, a code review will have to be conducted. Further, since the occupancy of basement is not a part of this permit the restroom in the basement is not included as a contributing restroom for the main floor occupancy. 4. Sheet 1: Under the Code Review section, please amend note #7 Plumbing Fixture Requirements. Please show the minimum number plumbing facilities provided and the minimum number required in IBC Table 2902.1[IBC Section 29] Based on the design occupant load. Please note the calculation provided on the plan for 499 occupants seems to be incorrect as 250 /75= 3.3 or 4 WC for each sex. With the next submittal and the new design occupant load; please provide accurate plumbing fixture calculations. 4MM This comment is partially satisfied; however, the occupancy of the basement is not a part of this permit, and the occupant load should remain as last permitted at 29 occupants. Further, since the occupancy of the basement is not a part of this permit the restroom in the basement is not included as a contributing restroom for the main floor occupancy. 15F. A photometric plan or other method of showing 1 foot candle of normal power illumination at the walking surface along the path(s) of exit discharge, while the building is occupied. [IBC 1008.2.1, IBC 1008.2.3] 5MM Comment remains and is restated. Please provide A photometric plan or other method of showing 1 foot candle of normal power illumination at the walking surface along the path(s) of exit discharge, while the building is occupied. [IBC 1008.2.1, IBC 1008.2.3] Several light fixtures were shown with LUM values; however, please indicate the lighting value in foot candles at the walking surface. 16. Where an egress court serving a building or portion thereof is less than 10 feet in width, the egress court walls shall have not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction for a distance of 10 feet above the floor of the egress court. Openings within such walls shall be protected by opening protectives having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. [IBC 1028.4.2] For example, should there be fire, the windows from the basement, adjacent to the exit discharge path to the public way, may deem this path dangerous for the occupants fleeing the building. 16MM Comment partially remains and is expanded: Please provide documentation showing the fire resistive rating of the glass block. Additionally, the basement window openings along the South side should receive the same treatment as they will be adjacent to the ramp, which is a component of the exit discharge path and by design less than 10 feet wide. 23. Sheet 4: Please provide outdoor ventilation calculations for both floors of the building area keeping in mind some of the basement windows might not be available after ramp and exterior exit discharge route are in place and code compliant. [2018 IMC Chapter 4] 23MM Comment partially remains; See mechanical comments under separate review. New comments from second review 2/13/2024 25. Please provide South Elevation drawing (as viewed from Toole Ave) Showing the ADA ramp and Permit number, stairs, existing windows or openings (to be infilled with glass block) drains, and Fire Riser relocation. 26. A means to prevent access to the basement was discussed at previous meeting and was not represented on the drawings. Please address this comment. |
02/08/2024 | Design Review | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | The property is within the Rio Nuevo Area (RNA) overlay zone. Design Package (Activity # SD-0124-00007) will need to be approved prior to approval of construction documents. Design Package needs to demonstrate compliace with Rio Nuevo Area (RNA) and historic preservation requirements (UDC Section 5.12.7), and will need to be reviewed by the Tucson Pima Historical Commission's Plans Review Subcommittee (PRS), and the Design Review Board (DRB). The PRS and DRB will issue their recommendations to the PDSD Director for their Decision. Please email me with any questions: maria.gayosso@tucsonaz.gov. Thanks. | ||
02/16/2024 | Historic | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Project requires Historic review. Project has been docketed for review by PRS on 2.22.2024 at 1:00PM. Project plans will need to be resubmitted once the Historic review is completed to address any conditions of the review. |
02/26/2024 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Approval of this CofO will not be granted until TC-COM-0623-01590 is resubmitted and has approvals from Rio Nuevo design review, Historic and the Department of Transportation & Mobility. Joshua Garcia joshua.garcia@tucsonaz.gov |
02/14/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Zoning acknowledges the proposed ADA ramp is being permitted under a separate application. However, approval of this CofO will not be granted until TC-COM-0623-01590 is resubmitted and has approvals from Rio Nuevo design review, Historic and the Department of Transportation & Mobility. If you have any questions about these comments, you can contact me at Nicholas.Ross@tucsonaz.gov or 520-549-8255. | ||
02/08/2024 | Water - PDSD | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Show the location of the water meter and the reduced pressure backflow assembly on the drawings; indicate the size of the meter and the reduced pressure backflow assembly. Reference: Chapter XXVII, Article V, Section 27-72, the Tucson Code, https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/city-services/tucson-water/water-quality/documents/backflow-ordinance.pdf. | ||
02/09/2024 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
01/23/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
02/14/2024 | ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | Per 1/22/24 response letter, owner to purchase right of way. DTM's review of new ADA ramp is subject to closing of real estate transaction. |