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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-1122-00169
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
12/12/2022 | Commercial Electrical | APPROVED | |||
02/09/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
02/09/2023 | Commercial Building | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1) Provide length of replacement I Beam, indicating whether it is of sufficient length without modification (welding, bolting, etc.) 2) Provide additional detail as to I-Beam foundation including depth below grade, and any associated material (concrete?). 3) Provide written responses to all review comments. Juan Garcia Juan.Garcia@tucsonaz.gov |
01/04/2023 | Signs | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Below are comments on the first authorized repair submittal for COT ID# 439 at 2601 East Grant Road (TC-COM-1122-00169) )SHEET 1 of 3 1. In title block, revise total number of sheets to account for added Sheet 4. SHEET 2 of 3 Boxed Notes Below Scope of Work for East Face 1. Above 1st boxed note, insert boxed note referencing the emergency repair provision of the Stipulation (Exhibit 9, Section 6), describing the justification for the temporary removal of the upper structure under this provision, and indicating the respective dates on which: a) the south I-beam was damaged, b) the City was informed of the damage and emergency measures to be taken, and c) the upper structure was temporarily removed. 2 Above the 1st boxed note, insert another boxed note indicating that no disassembly or repair of the temporarily removed upper structure shall occur until after being remounted on the supporting I-beam/ offset structure after replacement of the south I-beam and reinstallation of the south offset/ledger assembly is completed. 3. In 1st boxed note, add “(F)” to account for Z-clip replacement 4. In 1st boxed note, add “(X)” to account for replacement of any wiring, conduit, or other electrical parts. 5. In 1st boxed note, if applicable. add “(Q)” for any replacement of pigeon pan framework parts. 6. In 6th boxed note, clarify that flowable fill is not to be used. 7. Delete the 8th boxed note and revise the 2nd boxed note to read: “Existing I-beams, upright tapers, and offset beams shall remain on the site, except that the replaced south I-beam may be removed from the site upon completion of final inspection.” 8. Add boxed note indicting that a special Inspection certificate shall be filled out and submitted to PDSD that indicates code compliant installation of the twelve (12) A325 bolts. The special inspector (or other designated third party observer, as may be necessary) shall further confirm having been continuously present on site during: a) the removals of the south offset beam and the south supporting I-beam, b) the installation of the replacement south I-beam, c) the attachment of the south offset beam to the replacement supporting I-beam, and d) the remounting of the upper structure to the offset beams; confirm that the south offset beam remained on site throughout this process, and confirm that the below grade depth measurement of the replacement I-beam is the same as that for the removed south I-beam. 9. Add boxed note: “Per Exhibit 9, Subsection 2(a) of the Stipulation no further replacement of the supporting I-beams shall be permitted after completion of the south I-beam replacement under this permit ”. 10. Provide copy of the cited police report with second submittal. Scope of Work to Replace Damaged I-Beam 11. In 1st paragraph, after “existing”, insert “upper” and after “structure”, insert “attached to the top surfaces of the horizontal offset beams with [number and type of fasteners per connection]” 12. In 2nd paragraph, after “removed”, insert “from the top of the upper structure” and clarify which structure the light fixtures are temporarily attached to for storage and relative location. 13. In 3rd paragraph, address removal of the end catwalk(s). 14. In 5th paragraph, after “earth”, insert “and record the depth of the I-beam below grade”. 15. In 6th paragraph, after “I-beam”, Insert “of similar age and condition”, specify the diameter of the I-beam hole, and clarify that the replacement I-beam is to be cut to length as is necessary. 16. In 8th paragraph, address any reinstallation of the end catwalk, including fasteners, and clarify that the west (main) catwalk is to be attached to the top surfaces of the offset beams and the east (main) catwalk is to be attached to the ledgers extending from the offset beams. 17. In 9th paragraph, clarify that the tapered upright bottom plates of the upper structure are to be reattached to the top surfaces of the 5’0” offset beams. 18. In 10th paragraph, add reference to more detail for electrical system being provided on added Sheet 4. 19. Add two paragraphs in appropriate locations to address any necessary removal and reinstallation of pigeon pan framework, clarifying whether or not any pigeon pan framework parts are to be replaced or not. 20. Add two paragraphs at appropriate locations addressing the removal, current storage location, and any reinstallation of the horizontal brace that had been attached to the west faces of the two offset beams. Scope of Work for East Face 21. Revise from “East Face” to “West Face” in title to match location of metal panel face prior to upper structure removal. Scope of Work for West Face 22. Revise from “West Face” to “East Face” in title to match location of non-standard wood section face prior to upper structure removal. 23. In 5th paragraph, add language clarifying that screws attaching Z-clips to wood stringers are not existing and none are to be installed or otherwise as may be the case in this regard. 24. Add 6th paragraph describing in standard form the installation of replacement trim. Other Locations on Sheet 2 25. In Poster Panel Side View, while leaving “West Face” and “East Face” in place, rotate the depiction and all associated dimensions and indicators180 degrees in the horizontal plane so as to show the offset as being cantilevered to the right as in existing (before temporary removal of upper structure). 26. In Poster Panel Side View, depict entire offset beam, attached ledger, and second catwalk. 27. In West Face Sign Elevation, depict pigeon pan framework and catwalk, including extension beyond t8e south edge of the face panel. 28. In title block, revise total number of sheets to account for added Sheet 4. SHEET 3 of 3 1. In new Panel Face Section Detail, revise “west face” to “east face”. 2. In Stringer Between Uprights, revise “west face” to “east face”. 3. In Catwalk Mounting Detail, revise to show offset being cantilevered to right to match existing installation, to show entire offset with attached catwalk-supporting ledger, and to depict second catwalk. 4. Add plan view for catwalks that illustrates all catwalk sections, including the end catwalk, and provides the outer (overall) dimensions for each. 5. In title block, revise total number of sheets to account for added Sheet 4. ADDED SHEET 4 1. Add Sheet 4 under the seal of an electrical engineer to address the removal, reinstallation, and, if applicable, replacement of electrical parts, including the following below at a minimum. [Note: Given how the structural work and electrical work are intertwined in this case, a separate electrical permit application under a different activity number will not be required] 2. Add Scope of Work with paragraph(s) addressing the removal and storage of existing light fixtures, light fixture support arms, light fixture support arm straps and fasteners, conduit, junction boxes, and wiring (twelve (12) #18 wires running from the ballasts to the light fixtures). 3. Add Scope of work paragraph(s) addressing the reinstallation or replacement of removed light fixture support arms. light fixture support arm straps and fasteners, conduit, junction boxes, and wiring 4. Add Scope of Work paragraph addressing the reinstallation of the existing light fixtures. 5. Add standard plan view that illustrates the light fixtures, light fixture support arms, and attaching straps and fasteners (Top View from approved Sheet 3 of T10EL00530 may be used, if unclouded). 6. Add standard light fixture support arm mounting detail (see approved Sheet 3 of T10EL00530). 7. Add elevation that illustrates and identifies conduit, wiring and junction boxes running from the ballasts to the light fixtures and indicates which currently remain and which were removed at the time the upper structure was temporarily removed and are to be reinstalled or replaced. 8. Add panel schedule correcting the volt-amp entries on the approved plans for T10EL00530, where the lamp loads were understated by about half (apparently based on an assumption that each fixture contained only one lamp rather than two) and the timer load was excessive. 9. Add standard description boxes for existing ballasts and lamps |
12/08/2022 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |