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Permit Number: TC-COM-1122-00061
Parcel: 128010040

Review Status: Approved

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2

Permit Number - TC-COM-1122-00061
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/21/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt APPROVED Activity Number: TC-COM-1122-00061

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Earlier review comments responded satisfactorily per below:
Comment #1: Provide Lateral Evaluation of exterior walls and floor diaphragm for them to be structurally adequate under the proposed conditions after demolition of exterior walls and openings in the exterior walls and floor diaphragm are made as shown on the demolition plan.
Response: No new openings are occurring in the exterior walls. The only increase to the floor diaphragm loading is the 25% of seismic weight from the new storage live load. This diaphragm is contained by soil on all four sides, except for approximately 40FT where the existing loading dock occurs in the southwest corner. The slab reinforcing, top and bottom, is doweled into the concrete basement walls per the original structural drawings at not more than 12" O.C. Calculations verifying the capacity of the existing concrete diaphragm along the 390FT west wall which terminates at this loading dock are now available in the updated calculations packet on page 8.01. Seismic dynamic soil pressures are not required in Seismic Category B. Therefore, the movement of this grade level diaphragm is assumed to match any seismic ground motion that occurs, and this diaphragm is considered restrained by the soil in all other locations. All new openings in the existing concrete diaphragm are interior, near the center of the diaphragm, where diaphragm shear and chord forces are minimal. Calculations verifying the loading at the new opening vs. the worst-case loading are available on page 8.02 of the updated calculations packet.
Comment #2: Please confirm that if forklifts and other movable equipment are to be used in the proposed facility, appropriate design loads including Impact Loads are to be considered in the structural design (from the submitted calcs it does not seem to be considered). This would also include the design for the new Elevator framing and its pit floor/ footings.
Response: The space is intended to be a self-storage space where forklifts will not be used.
Comment #3: In the evaluation of roof framing for new RTU's installation shown on sheet 6.02, design engineer recommendation is to locate the new RTU's to within 8 ft. off Girder Lines. I could not locate a detail on the structural roof framing plans depicting this recommendation. Please provide this detail and also provide the connection details for the new RTU's to the roof framing members and curbs.
Response: This requirement is noted on the roof framing plan sheet on several of the units. It has also been added to detail 215 on the updated plan set. Please reference the provided detail 216 for the requested unit attachments. This detail is now referenced in the updated detail 215.

Conditionally Approved
1. General: The special inspection is not signed and stamped by registered design professional. Ensure this paperwork is signed and sealed.

Conditionally Approved
1. Duct smoke detector shall be installed in the return duct not the supply duct of HP unit's sheet M3.11 (IMC2018,606.2.1) Complied
2. Provide fire damper at the 1 hour fire rated horizontal floor assembly for the 12" outside air duct penetration between the 2nd and 1st floor sheet M3.11 (IMC2018,607.6.1) Complied
3. Provide 70 cfm of bathroom exhaust to each of the 3 bathroom not 50 (IMC2018,403.3.1.1) sheet M4.11 Complied
Approved/subject to field approval



If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov
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03/30/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
03/07/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED