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Permit Number: TC-COM-1023-02476
Parcel: 113061530

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-1023-02476
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/06/2023 Site Engineering APPROVED
11/16/2023 Water - PDSD APPROVED
11/16/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review PENDING ASSIGNMENT
11/09/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Madeline Nelson
Date Completed : 11/8/2023 8:53:41 PM
1. GENERAL - ENGINEER REQUIRED: The Arizona State Board of Technical Registration requires that a professional engineer be engaged for certain types of work. The design of a multifamily structure exceeding 3,000 sq ft does not qualify for exemption under Statute 32-144 , and therefore the seal of a registered architect does not satisfy this requirement. Please submit construction documents that have designed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Arizona.

2. GENERAL - CURRENT CODE: The currently adopted building code for the City of Tucson is the 2018 International Building Code. Per the City of Tucson, "Rental units are considered commercial property" and do not qualify for design under the International Residential Code. Before resubmitting, please ensure that construction documents do not have any references to the IRC (Ex: Sheet A1a, Concrete Notes 1, 11 and 16).

3. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report for this project. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All submitted geotechnical reports must be dated no later than five years from the submittal date. Outdated reports must be accompanied by a letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer stating that the report requirements are still valid, or stating what items may have changed. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City.

4. GENERAL - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: Please have the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge of this project complete and return the City of Tucson Special Inspections Certificate with signatures. The form can be downloaded at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/city-services/planning-developmentservices/documents/special_inspection_certificate.pdf

Building(B) Reviewer
Andrew Bevis
Date Completed : 11/8/2023 5:15:30 PM
1. Sheet C1: The code review summary indicates the derating the dwelling unit separation due to a sprinkler system being used. While this is an exception to Section 708.3, however, the exception only applies when a NFPA 13 system is installed. The code summary indicates a NFPA 13D system is being used and thus the exception would not apply.

Provide properly rated dwelling unit separations in accordance with Section 708.3 or provide a NFPA 13 system in accordance with Section 708.3 Exception 2.

2. Sheet A1a: The garage and the dwelling unit is required to be separated appropriately. However, it does not appear that the separation requirements have been met. Provide evidence of compliance to the separation requirements for the garage and dwelling unit in accordance with Section 406.3.

3. Sheet A1b: The garage and the dwelling unit is required to be separated appropriately. However, it does not appear that the separation requirements have been met. Provide evidence of compliance to the separation requirements for the garage and dwelling unit in accordance with Section 406.3.

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Jorge Valido
Date Completed : 10/31/2023 12:30:58 PM
Show on Mechanical Plans, ductwork for all Bathroom, Kitchen and Clothes Dryer exhaust equipment. Show all termination locations. - 2018 IBC – Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Show on plans path of return air to return air duct work to RTU. - 2018 IBC Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Provide roof plans - 2018 IBC – Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Provide Commercial Energy Calculations - Mechanical Compliance Certificate - 2018 IECC Sections C403.3.2 HVAC equipment performance requirements. - C103.2Information on construction documents - 2018 IBC Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Provide Mechanical Equipment Schedule - 2018 IECC C103.2Information on construction documents - 2018 IBC Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Provide Equipment tie down drawing - 2018 IMC Section Section 301.15 Wind resistance and 301.18 Seismic resistance

Provide all Specifications/drawings of all Duct Fire Wall/Shaft penetrations - 2018 IBC Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents.

Provide Ventilation Schedule as per 2018 IMC Table 403.3.1

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Date Completed : 11/7/2023 12:57:54 PM
Electrical Review of Richland Heights Aptmnts
By: Ron Ross PE
E1: Electrical Plan

Electrical Note 17 should be revised to remove “wye-connected” as comment would require a 3 phase panel. Panel is single phase.

Main distribution panel circuits 1 and 3 for the water heater is mislabeled as a 1 pole CB. Wire is undersized for a 40 Amp CB.

Main distribution panel circuits 2, 4 (HVAC unit) and 8, 10 (Range/Oven) are undersized for a 60 Amp CB.

Main distribution panel circuits 31, 33 for the Car Charger wire is undersized for a 40 Amp CB.

200A Main Panel calculation for 4-Ton Heat pump has incorrect units, should be VA or Watts

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 11/8/2023 9:54:37 PM
First Plumbing Review:
1). These are apartments, plumbing code references on plan page P1 need to derive from the IPC 2018

2). Plan page A7 shows Roof parapet, plans need to include roof drainage methods that derive from IPC Chapter 11
11/13/2023 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT Confusing information on cover sheet regarding sprinkler system and fire alarm. -The IBC code referenced for fire alarm does not exist. -The sprinkler system information is confusing. You mention 13D which is not permitted in R2 occupancies. john.vincent@tucsonaz.gov 5203495581

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

TC-COM-1023-02475 & TC-COM-1023-02476
1937 E. Fort Lowell Rd. – O-3
Multifamily (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL: November 3, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in the O-3 zone (UDC 4.7.15), Multifamily is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-3).

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with Development Package (DP) TD-DEV-0723-00323 and it appears there maybe perimeter yard setback issues see comment below. Zoning will not be able to approve this building plan until the comment below is addressed and the DP is approved by all review agencies Zoning cannot approve the building plans.

2. Perimeter yard setbacks are based on a wall height measurement from design grade to the highest point of the exterior wall UDC Article 6.4.5.B & Figure 6.4.5-A. As wall height dimensions were not provided from design grade to the highest point of the wall Zoning was not able to verify perimeter yard setbacks.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
10/25/2023 PDSD Application Completeness REVIEW COMPLETED