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Permit Number: TC-COM-1023-02356
Parcel: 103090310

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.4

Permit Number - TC-COM-1023-02356
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/09/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
01/09/2024 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 1/9/2024 11:36:50 AM
Structural plans are approved. Subject to the field inspector's approval.

Building(B) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 1/9/2024 11:33:00 AM
1. Resolved - General: The COMcheck is not for the currently adopted 2018 IECC.

2. Unresolved - Sheets A3 (Means of Egress), E1.0 (Electrical Drawings): Exit sign is not shown in the corridor identifying the means of egress for the storage room and office that is not through the kitchen. (2018 IBC section 1016.2 #5) Exit signs have been added and still direct occupants through the kitchen. All means of egress paths are to be provided/redirected from all areas that do not travel through the kitchen and the exit signs need to be properly placed (sheets E1.0, A3). Please revise the means of egress travel paths from all areas (offices, storage, and
warehouse) on sheet A3 that do not travel through the kitchen and revise the exit sign locations according to the new paths on sheets A3 and E1.0. **The original means of egress path through the main entrance shown on sheet A2 has been changed to direct the occupants through the kitchen (sheet A3) which is prohibited. **

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 1/9/2024 11:35:30 AM
Mechanical plans are approved. Subject to the field inspector's approval.

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 1/9/2024 11:33:35 AM
1) Unresolved - Sheets A3 (Means of Egress), E1.0 (Electrical Drawings): Exit sign is not shown in the corridor identifying the means of egress for the storage room and office that is not through the kitchen. (2018 IBC section 1016.2 #5) Exit signs have been added and still direct occupants through the kitchen. All means of egress paths are to be provided/redirected from all areas that do not travel through the kitchen and the exit signs need to be properly placed (sheets E1.0, A3). Please revise the means of egress travel paths from all areas (offices, storage, and warehouse) on sheet A3 that do not travel through the kitchen and revise the exit sign locations according to the new paths on sheets A3 and E1.0. **The original means of egress path through the main entrance shown on sheet A2 has been changed to direct the occupants through the kitchen (sheet A3) which is prohibited. **

2) Resolved - Sheet E2.0 (Electrical Drawing): Show the transformer does not encroach into the panel's required workspace. (2017 NEC section 110.26(A))

3) Resolved - Sheet E2.1 (Electrical Power Drawing): Specify that all kitchen receptacles are GFCI protected not only receptacles within 6ft of sinks. (2017 NEC section 210.8(B)(2))

4) Resolved - Sheet E3.0 (Electrical One-Line Diagram): The voltage shown for panel LD (120/240V) does not match the voltages shown on other sheets and details (120/208V). (2018 IBC section 107)

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 1/9/2024 11:36:13 AM
Plumbing plans are approved. Subject to the field inspector's approval.
01/05/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED