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Permit Number: TC-COM-0924-01761
Parcel: 11706081G


Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2

Permit Number - TC-COM-0924-01761
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/04/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
11/05/2024 Commercial Mechanical APPROVED
10/31/2024 Commercial Structural APPROVED
11/05/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
11/05/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Indirect waste shall discharge to a waste receptor; a utility sink is not a waste receptor. Reference: Sections 202 (waste receptor) and 802.3, IPC 2018. [Initial comment: The Plumbing Connection Schedule labels the floor sink as P-4 and P-5 as the 3-compartment sink, but on the plumbing plans, the labels are reversed.]
2. Provide pipe insulation along with water circulation and temperature maintenance controls for the hot water circulation system per Sections C404.4 and C404.6, IECC 2018. [Initial comment: Verify that the distance from the hot water source (i.e. the hot water recirculation loop) to the hot water termination for the new public lavatory complies with the requirements of Section C404.5, IECC 2018.]
10/28/2024 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
10/22/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED